Thursday, February 19, 2009

The End of the Week- Whew!

Thank goodness. I am about to lose it here in Memphis.

I think my house is a symbol of my life right now. It is in shambles. It is messy and it smells. The sink is full of dishes, the bathroom smells like mildew, and nothing is where it should be. My checkbook is not balanced and my desk is a mess. I have not picked up dog poo all week in the back yard and I have two baskets of clothes that have not been put away. I am living the life I never wanted to live-

And I ate fritos for dinner- with a couple of handfuls of granola out of the box. That will be good for my self esteem tomorrow.

Dave was playing soccer on the Wii- and for some reason (eye roll) I was feeling really irritated as I looked around the house in all of its disorder. Not that he doesn't help around here, but I am a do a little something every night kind of girl while he is a 1x a week I will clean really hard kind of guy.

Messy house + exhaustion + frustration + bad nutrition = grumpy me

It is beyond time for me to go to bed.
The week has not been a total waste, though, as we had fun at book club last night talking about Twilight. I came to the conclusion that I am the only one in love with Edward. Since he doesn't sleep, I bet my house would be clean when I woke up in the morning if I were his better half.

Hugs and kisses to all. Hope your week ends well, your weekend is full of good training, your house stays clean, and your mind stays sane.


Anonymous said...

Hey Damie, I know just how you feel about a messy house and the frustration that comes with it. You are thinking about everything else you have to do, or need to do and the house just adds to the frustration. I usually try to relax with a glass of wine, and tackle the house when i'm feeling better.

We will have fun tomorrow and you will feel so much better!

Joy said...

You are definitely not the only one in love with Edward! It did occur to me how much a person could do if only you didn't have to sleep all the time. :)

Laura said...

Wow, that's a perk in dating Edward I never thought of - he has at least 6-8 hours on his hands to do stuff while I'm sleeping. Sweet! Oh, but wait, you already called him on your blog weeks ago so I guess I can only be in love with him from afar and ask that after he cleans your house he do mine. I'll sleep somewhere else that night just in case! ;)

I'm still trying to figure out what he looks like for me. In my wine induced state on Wednesday night I had it right before I went to bed, but had forgotten by the time I woke up.

Jan said...

the cookie cake cracks me up! you're hilarious! i think my next door neighbor is in love with jacob...he's so hot in her opinion

Anonymous said...

I think he probably looks alot like Chuk Bible!!