Friday, December 19, 2008

What's Going On

Just in time for the holidays...

Dave is on crutches, non-weight bearing, for 6 weeks. That groin pull he thought he had is really a stress reaction to his pelvis- basically meaning he is one step away from a pelvis fracture. His dad wants him to help redo floors over our Christmas vacation in New Orleans. I am not sure what part of crutches, non-weight bearing, and fracture was misunderstood in that conversation.

I am more or less completely sick. I feel better one day- think I am over the hump, then I go run or do something fun and I feel sick all over again. Top that off with another spasm in my neck today and I am completely immobile. I am now in bed- in pain- feeling terrible. No, I did not run today- I completely kept my promise to Dave. Looks like any form of exercise is out for tomorrow, too, since I can't even turn my head enough to drive. I can, however, hold my head up long enough to eat ice cream. That may take the place of master's swim class.

But, the kiddos are doing well. I bought them their favorite toy called "mean kitty" and they have been going to town all day. Cayenne is a complete handful- she is like a little rocket just always waiting to explode. Why can't Dave and I find normal, low key dogs? Why do we end up with the crazy, must go 90mph all day long dogs?

Tomorrow we get to celebrate Christmas with my family and then head to our triathlon team party. From there it is on to New Orleans to celebrate Christmas with the in-laws. I will post some holiday pics as I think of it! Cheers!


Mary Eggers said...

Oh my GOD! I can't believe he's on cructhes! Speedy recovery to him and to you! HEy if you are going to get sick.... get sick NOW!

moremittenz said...

Suck! On the bright side, you can be worthless together ;)

Jan said...

were you sick the day we went running? sorry to hear that y'all are both down and out. no fun at all. at least you can be pitiful together. hopefully a yummy holiday feast can heal you up!

Samantha said...

I hope you feel better soon Damie! sometimes and easy 30 min jog makes me feel better when I'm sick, but it sounds like you might need to rest this one off...and what is this "mean kitty"? It sounds funny. I gave my aunt's dog some old stuffed animal that the xc girls gave me for my 19th birthday back when they were nice to me. haha. I though that was funny that the dog is chewing it now. hehe.

I hope you have good family visiting time!!! post lots of pics!