Saturday, December 13, 2008


I was working on my paper this past Thursday night when I felt the need to just get out of the house for a minute. I went to the local thrift shops and just spent some time browsing. I have always loved thrift shops. I have found expensive items in good condition for a very small price. I have also found fun, wacky clothes to wear that I could individualize- something different than the newest thing from the Limited.

Well, it has been forever since I have been in a thrift store. What I realized noticed was all of the stuff. I mean, just stuff! Clothes, household goods, decorative items, you name it. Someone paid full price for this stuff, and then gave it away. I found some stuff in there for a buck or two that I have in my own home, but it cost me more than a buck or two. I just continued to look around, amazed at all of the treasures.

But, it is really all just stuff. I felt kind of sad when I realized that we accumulate so many things we give them away, and them replace them with more things. As humans, we have a need to personalize, so I think it is okay that we decorate and make our homes kind places for us to live. But, at some point we really might just be stacking up more stuff.

You guys know I am a little bah humbug about Christmas. Finding the right gifts...the pressure... If we would only just surprise and do for our family members throughout the year, you know? Help them get the things that they need when they actually need it. And even surprise them- let them know you were thinking of them. Instead, a lot of times we end of giving stuff and trinkets. It may be great stuff for a while, but then it ends up in the thrift store as discarded stuff to make room for more stuff.

So, I am trying to halt the stuff. I am trying to not buy things. I am trying to pay more attention to my wants and think long term about purchases. And, maybe if I need to buy a little stuff for the moment, I can go shop at the thrift store and add a thing or two to my collection for a fraction of the cost.


Anonymous said...

Hi Damie! Just discovered blogland, and I have to say, am now quite addicted! I love your blog! I also loved this post, it is something I have thought about and pondered before, and completely agree with you. There is something to be said for halting the stuff and realizing you don't need much to get by or by happy :) Hope to see you soon! love alyson

Jan said...

preach on! stuff has always bothered me. how on earth did we fill nearly an 18 wheeler to move last time? crazy! and i'm one to not buy the extra little things all because stuff tends to overwhelm me. i don't have many things in my attic, but even the few boxes make me feel overwhelmed. ug to stuff.

Lee said...

Hi ya Dame!!
You are speaking my language. Material stuff means so little to me. In the past I tried so hard to make "stuff" an important part of my life! I guess to impress people I don't even know. Its not me.. But the home made chicken stew, and blueberry pie I have made for my significant other, in our small but loving and warm "home". Is EVERYTHING to me! Thanks so much for your words. You are a great lady Damie. I'm so glad to know you. Merry Christmas!!

Laura said...

It's good to see Lee back in blogland again, and Alyson newly addicted! LOL.

Damie, I totally hear you too. I'm all about experiences really. Maybe that's why we spend our money on races and trips instead of the latest fashions? That's one of the reasons I got my Dad and brother tickets to the Eagles as a joint present for birthday and Christmas. I knew they would love that more than stuff just to have individual presents for their birthdays and Christmas.

I have heard that making a donation in someone's name is the top Christmas gift this year. Maybe you're on to something!

kerrie said...

i couldn't agree more! a lot of it seems so wasteful when you look at the big picture, and so excessive, especially at this time of year... good for you for thinking about a different way to do things!

CBD said...

George Carlin had a great bit about stuff. Basically it was that you got to someone's house, they show you their stuff. You think...ya know, their stuff is sh*t. Then, though, you take them to see your sh*t...and your sh*t, your sh*t is stuff!

It's all a bit silly, no? I just got a fantastic present from a friend. Fudge. I'm a happy boy.