Saturday, December 6, 2008

The St Jude Review

Friday Night: Spaghetti Warehouse
We maybe had the worst service possible at this restaurant, but luckily the company was good so we didn't mind the long dinner, too much. :) It was the girls + families for a good pre-race pasta dinner.

MEL, this is for you. This is Mira hugging a pretend Mel. :)

Damie, Mira, Joy, Laura, Sammy, and a napkin that says Angie. (Angie had already left before we remembered to take a tri-bloggers girl picture).

Damie and Sam practice Sam's "race face". I am so sad she is moving so far away (Sam is moving way North next week and I will never see her anymore). Boooooo!!!!!

Saturday: St Jude Marathon.

Charlie, Angie, and Joy watching the marathon in the freezing cold. It is really hard to be a spectator sometimes.

Sammy in the half marathon. She did not do a Sam face for me, she did a big Damie wave- although it looks like she is about to cry in this picture, she really looked awesome in the race. I think she was crying because I wasn't running with her:) ha ha! She had a good race, and I think she finished 3rd OA, even in the windy, cold conditions.

Laura is just running and chilling- going to get her medal.

Gina runs by in the half marathon and says something like..."this is easy"! She makes it look easy, too.

Angie's hubby Duane at mile 25. He did so well and kept a great attitude the whole race. It was really fun to watch him run, and he is now a marathoner!

Joy, Angie, Charlie, and I spent the day riding our bikes all over the course. The highlights of the day include:
  • Chasing our friend Olaf to a fantastic 2:50 PR. I almost cried I was so proud.
  • Biking the last mile of the course with Duane in his first marathon.
  • Hot coffee from Quetzel.
  • Seeing a red head girl running by and yelling out- "GARRISON!!!!" It was Jenny Garrison! I have never met her or talked to her, but I know she is friends with Coach Jen Harrison and I have seen pictures of her. It was so funny to recognize someone from a blog. She looked at me like, who in the heck is saying my name? It was so much fun! I saw her again at mile 20 and she was rolling along at a great pace.
Unfortunately, there were lowlights for me today to.
  • I did not eat breakfast.
  • By 11:30 I was well aware that I did not eat breakfast.
  • It was freezing- and I was hungry.
  • I decided to bunny hop a curb at an angle (I don't even know how to bunny hop).
  • I crashed my bike in front of hundreds of runners.
  • I was pissed for 20 minutes.
  • I was still hungry.
  • I came home exhausted and, well, exhausted. A few tears later like a 5-year-old and everything is okay.
I love marathons. I love running. I love seeing the little victories- the people finishing for the first time, friends setting PRs, and runners that never give up despite the cards that come their way for the day.

And, I had so many deep thoughts while watching the race. I can't wait to work on some of my running goals. My motivation is further deepened. My goals are mine to reach- they are up to me. Watching a marathon gives me that hope. It also reminds me that there is no excuse. If achieving a certain goal is harder for me than for the next person, than so be it. No excuse- I just have to work harder. For the goals that I have not reached yet, and that I have not reached easily...well, I will appreciate them oh so much more. Those are the ones that are worth it.

Also, marathons remind me that running goals are very personal and individual. We all run for many different reasons. Running is fun! I love to run and I love my friends.


Anonymous said...

Great post Damie! I love the pictures! Yeah, it was cold and windy....but i am so glad we went! Thank you and Joy for staying and waiting with me!

moremittenz said...

I made the Spaghetti Warehouse pre-race dinner mistake as well one year - the bad service wasn't just a fluke! Thanks so much for being out there and cheering us on!

Eileen Swanson said...

Oh I soooo wish I was there to see all of you! CONGRATS to everyone that raced and cheered and had loads of FUN!! Great, cute pics ;-)

Laura said...

Thanks for being out there Damie! And don't worry about the bike. I know it sucks but it adds character to her and plus there are only two kinds of cyclists - ones who have crashed and ones who are about to. Love ya!

Samantha said...

thanks Damie! you guys were awesome out there. I'm pretty sure you would've laughed at my face on that long stretch going down Poplar. Two guys passed me and told me to hang on and they'd carry me in at their pace for a fast response was a grunt. And there was the guy at the finish who didn't know what to say to me when I answered "NO" when he asked if I was okay. haha.

CBD said...

And you're still mad at me for patronizing you, aren't you? There I go again!