Thursday, December 11, 2008


Hello!!! :)

I have had so much to write about this week, but I have been beyond busy so the blog has fallen along the wayside. For example, this is the house I have come home to for two days in a row:

I couldn't quite get a picture showing the large amount of torn stuffing and mail on the floor when I came home Wednesday- the camera angle is not wide enough. Can we say bored?

Today, day #3 of nasty weather, and the pups were still pretty bored with staying in the house. They can make toys and chew thingies out of anything. They must know they have a patient mommy.

These pictures really do reflect my week. Luckily I don't ever really worry about a torn up shoe or shredded electricity bill. I have other shoes and the bills will still get paid. A round of kisses for everyone and a couple of thrown balls in the backyard and everything is back in balance.

Today was my last day at my clinical rotation for December. I learned a lot, and I am so happy to have one more clinical rotation finished. My instructor gave me wonderful marks and said I was ready to be a PT. She also thinks I am one of the most driven, goal-oriented people she has ever met. I laughed, because I know I am burned out and not always putting forth my best, strongest attitude towards school. I shared this with her, and I get the response that I think I have heard a million times in my life- I am way too hard on myself.

I have also listened to a lot of Dave Ramsey lately. Some people do not agree with his debt-free philosophy or approach, but for me it is right on. I already laid out a plan for cut backs in racing travel next year. I am determined to stay motivated in keeping things in check. The unfortunate thing for me right now is that I feel a ton of pressure to be working and bring in a salary to attack the massive amounts of student loans I have. Since I can't work until June, I guess I will just have to keep my money worries in check and try to enjoy school. I do think free school might have been more enjoyable. :)

Last thought of today's post actually occurred at the gym last night with Joy and Laura. Laura and I have the question: Why do some people achieve their goals immediately, while others with plenty of drive and talent take forever? (there are examples like the first time runner that BQs on their first marathon while the long time, gifted and fast runner can't seem to get there. Or, the Hawaii qualification, etc...I am sure we all know stories). We toyed over some reasons such as: we will appreciate our goals when met so much more because we had to work harder, God gives us what we need, when we need it, etc... Laura even found a post on runners world that says the average person takes 6 marathons to qualify for Boston. Maybe we just don't hang around enough average people. We don't see the people that work for 10 years to get to Hawaii, or the person that runs for 15 years before going sub-3 in the marathon.

Today I had another thought to attach to this. Maybe if I have a goal that I have been trying to reach but I have not reached it, then there is a lesson that I need to learn that I have not learned. Whether it be a lesson in training, a lesson in racing, a lesson in knowing myself, or even a lesson in humility. I do think life keeps giving us the same lesson if we refuse to learn it. To get a new lesson, you have to master the first one before you can move on. What lesson do I need to learn so I can break through and reach my goal?

I hope everyone has a great week. I have a full weekend of classes (I know, sadistic, huh, and not in the Christmas spirit at all), but I will be home free next week. Hugs and kisses.


Jan said...

oh damie, what a mess! i'm glad the sun is shining for your puppies today. hang in there! Christmas break is SO close! oh, and dave ramsey...great stuff!

Laura said...

I L-O-V-E the new thought on needing to learn the lesson. Now we just have to figure out what lesson it is that we haven't learned. Patience? Persistence? Focus? Consistency? Hmmmm...

Let me know if you need a doggy break while you're in class this weekend. The 'kids' can always come over to my house for the afternoon to play with Latte.

Eileen Swanson said...

Wow, pups can do ALOT when we're gone!! Especially 2 of them ;-) We have been lucky lately, but when Belle was a little younger we would come home to some "stuff!" NICE! HA! But they're sooooo cute, so it's hard to do anything about it ;-) Plus the correction time zone s 5 seconds, did you hear about that?

kerrie said...

i can't even begin to imagine what my dogs would do to my place if left in all day!
i keep hearing about dave ramsey - i'm going to have to check his stuff out.

Anonymous said...

Well most of those folks who get there goals right off the bat well they have the genes plain and simple rest of us who take longer just have to work harder to get there plain and simple.
Sometimes its the right attitude too much self doubt can hold you back. Fear of pain or failing as well. Sometimes you just got to go for it but you got to be smart about how to accomplish your goals as well just like you did for florida. Of course getting to hawaii well my first 3 ironman and first 3 times were all lottery so sometimes you just got to be lucky and not be snobby and only go to hawaii if you qualify... put in for the lottery..ya might get lucky.

Used to listen to dave ramsey on the radio driving home from work or to can't remember.
Hes got good ideas..
I pretty much like his ideas only one I don't go by is I have credit cards but I pay them off everymonth and its automated and I get the freq flyer miles and double warranties etc..
Daves thought is if your using a card its not like your pulling cash that you can see out of your wallet when you purchase things and you tend to not think of it as spending money at the time you buy.
Well I'm a tightwad anyway and I'm pretty tight with my money so I can deal with credit cards but pretty much hes the right idea and he should know hes been rock bottom before money wise and made all the mistakes so really someone to listen to in my opinion.
I pretty much adhere to the no debt.. I have no debt with exception of my house and even that is low short term loan and will be gone in 5 years or so.
It's smart plan. I had a friend who got really really bad in debt family wise(you don't want to know how much) and she got on plan to pay credit cards off with a plan and budget and it worked faster than you'd think.
Myself when I was younger I had it all a corvette,a nice expensive ski boat and a truck and a bit of debt had savings too mainly because I'm a penny pincher and heck I was my income was a fourth of what it is toay that was back in the 80's and early 90's
Better to save now because trust me when you older might be too late.
Yea I have a nice job and everything but I also have been thrifty stayed out of debt pretty much for the last 12 years other than my house dumped as much as I can in my 401k and iras and savings.
Being cheap is one reason I can spend more money on what I like doing best training camp vacations and racing.. Thats why I can do 2 ironman and 2 training camps a year.