Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm Back :)

I hope I haven't lost my blogger friends in my huge absence. Dave and I spent a good full week in New Orleans, and when I finally came back home out internet was out. So, here I am!

This is a picture of Dave and I with our crowns from the crackers we open at Christmas- the crackers are always a big hit. :)

Our trip was wonderful- I don't know where to start really. I am scared if I tell you the full story you will think I am an alcoholic. The proof of the good holidays is not-so-proudly displayed in my enlarged hips and stomach. Yes, clothes don't lie, and those pants that were so big on my I could pull them off of my hips without unbuttoning them just a month ago- well, they fit perfectly now. Shoot!!!!! Dern, dern!!! Okay, so I am officially done with all of the rest and partying and back on the training wagon. I started off my week with master's swim on Mon and today, and I am getting my upsized butt back on the bike and the track.

I got some great gadgets for Christmas down in Nola- Camelbak, new bike pedals, Mignon Faget and other New Orleans goodies, fun gift cards, etc....Oh, and I also got to go on a friendly fun run with my friend Cindy, and a not-so-friendly, partly hungover and mostly exhausted run with Keith. (Keith was friendly, the run was not! ha!) When we were close to 9 miles, I kept asking him every minute- how much longer? I litterally counted down the end of the run to the tenth of a mile and stop immediately when the 9 mile beep came. Whooooo.... Of course Keith is in good shape and I was just holding him back.

Now back in Memphis, I am excited that a new year is right around the corner. I am nervous too-I am already worried about passing my PT boards. I am also nervous about my clinical rotations- what if I suck? Oh well- I guess you get through all of the little tests in life regardless of how much you worry, so worrying doesn't really help.

Racing-wise, I plan to throw myself into some more 5ks this month and force my body to adapt and get some speed back. I better not see a 22 on the clock when spring time comes like I did in this picture in beginning of December-ughhhh! Hopefully the times will start to come down as I get used to racing and pushing myself again. It feels like it has been so long since I have really raced- you know, get out there and completely push it! I am ready to have another racing season- I am not fit enough to race, but I am ready to get started!

Okay, I am back in blogger world. More posts to come- hopefully with great updates and slimmer thighs. :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Party Time

Good news...I am feeling better. I am going to take one more day off from running just to make sure I don't extend this thing into another week. I still felt pretty awful last night with just being sick and neck pain. Today, the neck pain is a lot better and I have more range of motion (I give credit to the wine). I feel better overall too. (Jan, don't worry, I didn't start feeling sick until Tues...I just looked at my log, so I wasn't sick running with you). My week has been shot as far as getting the miles in- I got in a whopping 16 miles- Boooooo). So, my week in New Orleans will consists of running with a vengence. I will go to all of my favorite running spots: Audubon Park, the levee, the track off of river road, and City Park. I think I have convinced my friend Keith to come meet up with me, although I didn't specify for a workout or a beer. I guess I better offer both.

It is time to go to New Orleans, but here are a few pictures first.

My sweetheart Dave on crutches. My good spirited hubby always attends my triathlon parties with a smile, even though a soccer party would suit him better.

A few of my teammies: Maggi (aka Margaret), Joy, me, Laura, and Alyson. I know Maggi is excited to make the blog.

I also celebrated Christmas with my family yesterday. I left the party with a Wii Fit. At first I balked over the idea of spending time in front of the TV. I explained to my family, as the voice of reason, that video game workouts aren't for me. I am not sure how I will ever fit in more excercise than I already do- I mean, shoot- I can't even find time for my top 3! But, I am taking it down to New Orleans with me to see if I can be won over by the balance and yoga activities. I may come back bragging about how much fun the Wii is. And if so, the voice of reason will eat her words, publically.

Time to make the 5.5 hour drive to my favorite drive-through daquiri shop to get my first Cajun Egg Nog Daquiri of the holiday season! :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

What's Going On

Just in time for the holidays...

Dave is on crutches, non-weight bearing, for 6 weeks. That groin pull he thought he had is really a stress reaction to his pelvis- basically meaning he is one step away from a pelvis fracture. His dad wants him to help redo floors over our Christmas vacation in New Orleans. I am not sure what part of crutches, non-weight bearing, and fracture was misunderstood in that conversation.

I am more or less completely sick. I feel better one day- think I am over the hump, then I go run or do something fun and I feel sick all over again. Top that off with another spasm in my neck today and I am completely immobile. I am now in bed- in pain- feeling terrible. No, I did not run today- I completely kept my promise to Dave. Looks like any form of exercise is out for tomorrow, too, since I can't even turn my head enough to drive. I can, however, hold my head up long enough to eat ice cream. That may take the place of master's swim class.

But, the kiddos are doing well. I bought them their favorite toy called "mean kitty" and they have been going to town all day. Cayenne is a complete handful- she is like a little rocket just always waiting to explode. Why can't Dave and I find normal, low key dogs? Why do we end up with the crazy, must go 90mph all day long dogs?

Tomorrow we get to celebrate Christmas with my family and then head to our triathlon team party. From there it is on to New Orleans to celebrate Christmas with the in-laws. I will post some holiday pics as I think of it! Cheers!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Race Face

It is that time- the time to make fun of myself. What is life without a little self-humor? I know I have lots of pictures waving, but trust me, that is not my race face. Actually, I think the fact that I have waved so much this year shows a decline in race performance. But let's look at the historical Damie race face in all of its glory. I think my face may trump Laura's, but doesn't quite come close to Sam's.

Drumroll please....

Behold, my very first half marathon- 2004. Like the soccer shorts? That 9 min/mile pace must've been really tough on me!

2006-This is my second triathlon ever- behold the blistering two mile run! If I close my eyes, maybe this will end really quickly. (Although it doesn't really get shorter than a 2 mile run in a tri.)

2008, things haven't changed much. This is the one race this year where I did feel that I pushed hard and was pleased with my effort, although my run pace wasn't blistering, the effort was there. I guess I reverted to the eye closing tactic, too.

I don't ever notice that I close my eyes in races. What I have started doing, ever since the pictures of my in that second triathlon came out, is wear sunglasses on the run! That way I disguise my weird race face. For the 2008 race above in picture 3, though, the run went to the trails, so I didn't wear sunglasses. I think I will always wear my sunglasses from now on and then flip them on my head if it goes to the trails.

So, enjoy the fun race face. Lot's of smiles to everyone. :)

Saturday, December 13, 2008


I was working on my paper this past Thursday night when I felt the need to just get out of the house for a minute. I went to the local thrift shops and just spent some time browsing. I have always loved thrift shops. I have found expensive items in good condition for a very small price. I have also found fun, wacky clothes to wear that I could individualize- something different than the newest thing from the Limited.

Well, it has been forever since I have been in a thrift store. What I realized noticed was all of the stuff. I mean, just stuff! Clothes, household goods, decorative items, you name it. Someone paid full price for this stuff, and then gave it away. I found some stuff in there for a buck or two that I have in my own home, but it cost me more than a buck or two. I just continued to look around, amazed at all of the treasures.

But, it is really all just stuff. I felt kind of sad when I realized that we accumulate so many things we give them away, and them replace them with more things. As humans, we have a need to personalize, so I think it is okay that we decorate and make our homes kind places for us to live. But, at some point we really might just be stacking up more stuff.

You guys know I am a little bah humbug about Christmas. Finding the right gifts...the pressure... If we would only just surprise and do for our family members throughout the year, you know? Help them get the things that they need when they actually need it. And even surprise them- let them know you were thinking of them. Instead, a lot of times we end of giving stuff and trinkets. It may be great stuff for a while, but then it ends up in the thrift store as discarded stuff to make room for more stuff.

So, I am trying to halt the stuff. I am trying to not buy things. I am trying to pay more attention to my wants and think long term about purchases. And, maybe if I need to buy a little stuff for the moment, I can go shop at the thrift store and add a thing or two to my collection for a fraction of the cost.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Hello!!! :)

I have had so much to write about this week, but I have been beyond busy so the blog has fallen along the wayside. For example, this is the house I have come home to for two days in a row:

I couldn't quite get a picture showing the large amount of torn stuffing and mail on the floor when I came home Wednesday- the camera angle is not wide enough. Can we say bored?

Today, day #3 of nasty weather, and the pups were still pretty bored with staying in the house. They can make toys and chew thingies out of anything. They must know they have a patient mommy.

These pictures really do reflect my week. Luckily I don't ever really worry about a torn up shoe or shredded electricity bill. I have other shoes and the bills will still get paid. A round of kisses for everyone and a couple of thrown balls in the backyard and everything is back in balance.

Today was my last day at my clinical rotation for December. I learned a lot, and I am so happy to have one more clinical rotation finished. My instructor gave me wonderful marks and said I was ready to be a PT. She also thinks I am one of the most driven, goal-oriented people she has ever met. I laughed, because I know I am burned out and not always putting forth my best, strongest attitude towards school. I shared this with her, and I get the response that I think I have heard a million times in my life- I am way too hard on myself.

I have also listened to a lot of Dave Ramsey lately. Some people do not agree with his debt-free philosophy or approach, but for me it is right on. I already laid out a plan for cut backs in racing travel next year. I am determined to stay motivated in keeping things in check. The unfortunate thing for me right now is that I feel a ton of pressure to be working and bring in a salary to attack the massive amounts of student loans I have. Since I can't work until June, I guess I will just have to keep my money worries in check and try to enjoy school. I do think free school might have been more enjoyable. :)

Last thought of today's post actually occurred at the gym last night with Joy and Laura. Laura and I have the question: Why do some people achieve their goals immediately, while others with plenty of drive and talent take forever? (there are examples like the first time runner that BQs on their first marathon while the long time, gifted and fast runner can't seem to get there. Or, the Hawaii qualification, etc...I am sure we all know stories). We toyed over some reasons such as: we will appreciate our goals when met so much more because we had to work harder, God gives us what we need, when we need it, etc... Laura even found a post on runners world that says the average person takes 6 marathons to qualify for Boston. Maybe we just don't hang around enough average people. We don't see the people that work for 10 years to get to Hawaii, or the person that runs for 15 years before going sub-3 in the marathon.

Today I had another thought to attach to this. Maybe if I have a goal that I have been trying to reach but I have not reached it, then there is a lesson that I need to learn that I have not learned. Whether it be a lesson in training, a lesson in racing, a lesson in knowing myself, or even a lesson in humility. I do think life keeps giving us the same lesson if we refuse to learn it. To get a new lesson, you have to master the first one before you can move on. What lesson do I need to learn so I can break through and reach my goal?

I hope everyone has a great week. I have a full weekend of classes (I know, sadistic, huh, and not in the Christmas spirit at all), but I will be home free next week. Hugs and kisses.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The St Jude Review

Friday Night: Spaghetti Warehouse
We maybe had the worst service possible at this restaurant, but luckily the company was good so we didn't mind the long dinner, too much. :) It was the girls + families for a good pre-race pasta dinner.

MEL, this is for you. This is Mira hugging a pretend Mel. :)

Damie, Mira, Joy, Laura, Sammy, and a napkin that says Angie. (Angie had already left before we remembered to take a tri-bloggers girl picture).

Damie and Sam practice Sam's "race face". I am so sad she is moving so far away (Sam is moving way North next week and I will never see her anymore). Boooooo!!!!!

Saturday: St Jude Marathon.

Charlie, Angie, and Joy watching the marathon in the freezing cold. It is really hard to be a spectator sometimes.

Sammy in the half marathon. She did not do a Sam face for me, she did a big Damie wave- although it looks like she is about to cry in this picture, she really looked awesome in the race. I think she was crying because I wasn't running with her:) ha ha! She had a good race, and I think she finished 3rd OA, even in the windy, cold conditions.

Laura is just running and chilling- going to get her medal.

Gina runs by in the half marathon and says something like..."this is easy"! She makes it look easy, too.

Angie's hubby Duane at mile 25. He did so well and kept a great attitude the whole race. It was really fun to watch him run, and he is now a marathoner!

Joy, Angie, Charlie, and I spent the day riding our bikes all over the course. The highlights of the day include:
  • Chasing our friend Olaf to a fantastic 2:50 PR. I almost cried I was so proud.
  • Biking the last mile of the course with Duane in his first marathon.
  • Hot coffee from Quetzel.
  • Seeing a red head girl running by and yelling out- "GARRISON!!!!" It was Jenny Garrison! I have never met her or talked to her, but I know she is friends with Coach Jen Harrison and I have seen pictures of her. It was so funny to recognize someone from a blog. She looked at me like, who in the heck is saying my name? It was so much fun! I saw her again at mile 20 and she was rolling along at a great pace.
Unfortunately, there were lowlights for me today to.
  • I did not eat breakfast.
  • By 11:30 I was well aware that I did not eat breakfast.
  • It was freezing- and I was hungry.
  • I decided to bunny hop a curb at an angle (I don't even know how to bunny hop).
  • I crashed my bike in front of hundreds of runners.
  • I was pissed for 20 minutes.
  • I was still hungry.
  • I came home exhausted and, well, exhausted. A few tears later like a 5-year-old and everything is okay.
I love marathons. I love running. I love seeing the little victories- the people finishing for the first time, friends setting PRs, and runners that never give up despite the cards that come their way for the day.

And, I had so many deep thoughts while watching the race. I can't wait to work on some of my running goals. My motivation is further deepened. My goals are mine to reach- they are up to me. Watching a marathon gives me that hope. It also reminds me that there is no excuse. If achieving a certain goal is harder for me than for the next person, than so be it. No excuse- I just have to work harder. For the goals that I have not reached yet, and that I have not reached easily...well, I will appreciate them oh so much more. Those are the ones that are worth it.

Also, marathons remind me that running goals are very personal and individual. We all run for many different reasons. Running is fun! I love to run and I love my friends.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

St Jude Marathon Weekend

Everything seems really slow in blogland these days. I am excited to say that blog chicks are hanging out this weekend in Memphis, though. We have Laura and Sammy running in the 1/2 marathon. Mira and Angie have husbands that are also running. Joy and I will be using our "we just did IMFL" card and just spectating on our bikes.

We are planning on dinner with the girls (husbands and kids too) on Friday night, and maybe some celebratory drinks post race. If you are in town, come meet up with us!

I promise to post lots of pictures of Samantha's race face this weekend, so everyone stay tuned.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Soccer and Unrelated Injuries

How else to title this post?

I am finally ready to return to soccer. I took the fall season completely off from the sport because I didn't want any injuries before Ironman. Truthfully, though, I hadn't been playing much before that in the past two years. I am generally a perfect attendee in soccer. I will skip just about anything to make the games, and I even get upset when it storms and I can't play. However, I found myself missing more and more games the past 2 years. I was always exhausted...always fighting the knee or foot injury. I may have been on the field, but I wasn't always enjoying it. So, I slowly came to the conclusion that I needed time off to heal, rest, and rethink my role on the field.

But, now I am ready to come back. I wasn't sure if there would even be a spot for me on my team anymore, but I have been assured that I am wanted and needed out there- that they would love it if I would play again. It is good to know my teammates have missed me and want me back. And really, I just love women's soccer. I love my teams- I love my girls.

This is one of my old teams in New Orleans, Calypso. Funny, but I hardly have any soccer pictures because I didn't have a digital camera in college or New Orleans. I will do better this year with getting soccer pics. I am second from the left on bottom. One of my great friends and fellow triathlete, Cindy, is 4th from left bottom. We must've just played a game because we are looking a little rough in this pic.

On and unrelated note, I had to drag my butt out of bed this morning to swim. I am finally ready to get in the pool when I reach up to put my swim cap on and BAM! The worst pain ever- well, at least a 9/10. I was frozen. I couldn't move my head or neck, and I honestly thought I may have a thrown a clot. (I know I am young, but I think all kinds of things). I tried to work it out- got in the pool with tears in my eyes and then got out since I couldn't even bend my neck forward or rotate it. Nothing helped- not the hot tub, not any self applied manual techniques, no slide or glides of my vertebrae, nothing. My morning was a complete wash. So, I am okay now, but I still can hardly move and have maybe 4/10 pain. My best guess is a pinched cervical nerve. I think in all honesty my neck will never be the same after that car wreck. Who hurts themselves by flexing their shoulders 90 degrees to put on a swim cap?