Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turpin Turkey Trot- 4th annual coming up!

Damie and Rebekah- original creators of the annual Turpin Turkey Trot.

This year marks the 4th Annual Turpin Turkey Trot. Turpin, as in my family.

When I lived in New Orleans, I was a recreational runner. I had done a marathon and loved to run, but I never did any 5ks or anything like that. I just ran for fun and to stay in shape for soccer and really had no concept of time. I think I decided to do the New Orleans Turkey Trot 4 miler in 2003 with my friend Carol, and I had a whole lot of fun. If I remember correctly, I ran over 8 min miles. The next year I coerced Dave to go do it with me. I figured this could be my annual running event. I really wanted to break 32 minutes, but I was 32 on the dot- flat 8 min miles (I guess that was the start of me wanting to get faster!). The funniest thing about that day was Dave. We started off together, but at about mile 2 I must have been going way too slow for him because he took off. This was back when he was at his soccer prime and ran so effortlessly. We both enjoyed the morning so much, and then probably got an daquiri on the way home...haha!!!

In 2005, Dave and I were in Memphis living with my parents. And, I still had the cracked-up femur problems from earlier that year. I couldn't run a single mile. When Thanksgiving rolled around, I was a little bummed because I couldn't go do the Memphis Turkey Trot. I really wanted to make that my annual event, but since I couldn't run, well...

So, my sister and I decided to hold our own Thanksgiving run. We made it a 5k course and called it the Turpin Turkey Trot. We even gave t-shirts to the finishers. The first year finishers were: Damie, Bekah, Dave, Linda, and Jim. Since I couldn't run, we just walked the course. It ended up being so much fun we decided to do it again the following year.

Linda Turpin, finishing the 1st annual Turpin Turkey Trot.

Jim Turpin, finishing the 1st annual Turpin Turkey Trot. Maybe this year he will wear running shoes- look at his boots! ha ha!

Yea for me! I got to do a turkey day run/walk!

The first year my sister made the t-shirts. Basically they looked like a little kid had splattered paint in the middle of a turkey.

The second year I made the shirts. Everything was neat, orderly, and in the lines. No one liked them- Bekah said the "lacked creativity." I don't have a picture of them, but I thought they looked very official.

My mom made the shirts for the 3rd year. Although she forgot to write 3rd annual Turpin Turkey Trot on them, she actually sewed old scraps of material to make turkeys. Pretty creative!

This is me in a 3rd annual shirt.

This year it is Jon's turn to make the 4th annual shirt. I can't wait to see what he comes up with! Everyone is welcome to our Turpin Turkey Trot. If you eat with us, it is a requirement that you go on the 5k walk/jog. And, you have to wear your t-shirt. It looks hilarious, and it is! It is a great healthy family tradition we have started in our home. And, no time clock required, just a sense of humor!


Bookie-Roo said...

A few things to add to your post: first, your shirts kinda sucked ass, that is why there are no pictures. But i did find mine the other night and Jon totally agreed about the creativity. second, i was using puff paint and i thought they looked cool for a first annual shirt, at least you could see my turkey. third, at least i am not retarded enough to WASH MY SHIRT then DRY IT IN HEAT...hit hand on head. lastly, Jon is only making enough shirts for the first 6 registance: mom, papa, damie, dave, bekah, jon. so, if anyone wants to participate, the shirts are on back order and they will have to wait to get there shirt. (did you like the word i made up? registrances!)

Alili said...

What a fantastic plan. The hubby and I are holding our own Turkey Trot this year...want to send us a couple of shirts? ;)

Laura said...

That's such a neat idea Damie! I'll miss the Turkey Trot here, and the one they do where my parents live is actually on TurkeyStravaganza, not true Thanksgiving, which I wouldn't have been able to do anyway, since I'm flying Thursday morning. Maybe I'll make the fam do our own too. Of course the Eagles play on Thursday so it might be hard to get them out of the house after dinner...

kerrie said...

that is such a great family tradition - i'm so impressed. i need to do something like that!

Jan said...

this is the best family tradition i've ever read about. how awesome! i think your tday tshirts are way better than our little hand turkeys. hum...you've got me thinking.

Joy said...

FUN! I'd totally crash your party if I could. :)

Anonymous said...

What an awesome tradition...LOVE IT! Cool shirts too. You can't have a turkey trot without a shirt! ENJOY!

Mel said...

OH how fun....can I be part of your family..you seem to be tons of fun:) I love the shirts!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!