Tuesday, November 18, 2008

17 Things

***A request to my blogger friends:  I am in need of some new wheels for my bike for training purposes.  I am looking for something very reasonable and/or even used that will let me get in a lot of riding miles.  If anyone has any suggestions or some for sale, I would love to hear about it.  If any of you have any pro friends that are getting new equipment and maybe trying to get rid of some of their old equipment, please shoot me a note.  I am definitely interested.  

* For some reason I decided to spend more time in the kitchen this week- yesterday it was cooking the pumpkins.  This was fun for the first 30 minutes, but 3 hours later I was really annoyed.  It is messy and takes forever to steam those suckers!  I am so over being Miss Damie Homemaker- this is exactly why I don't cook.  It doesn't leave me time for working out!  But, if anyone local wants some 1-2 cup bags of pumpkin for cooking, let me know because I have extra.  

17 Things I learned from Ironman:
  1. Cooking still sucks.  More to the point, it takes up too much of my time.  I will not pick up cooking as a post Ironman hobby. *
  2. I am ready to be off of my bike at mile 108.
  3. Chicken broth and flat coke are not near as good as everyone says they are.  Who are these friends of mine that kept bragging about this stuff?
  4. I have a terribly weak bladder.  
  5. I can keep my cool even when someone calls me a bitch- I never thought I could do this.  (Some crazy girl tried to drown me at IMFL, I wished her a happy IM after she cussed me out. )
  6. I have very hot girlfriends- they live at mile 1.5.  
  7. I train with some superstars.  That does not make me a superstar, but it makes me the friend of some superstars, which is pretty cool too.  
  8. I need to stop bragging about how fast I am at transitions.  My grandma could transition faster in an IM than I did. 
  9. While it may not be appropriate for me to smile at my Oly races since I should be hurting, smiling at an IM is completely okay.  
  10. No one cares about your race the way you do.  No one has looked at your results and analyzed them- no one cares.  Half of your friends may not even know you did an Ironman.  
  11. Dave really does honor, respect, and support my dreams.  
  12. Taping pictures of your dogs on your aero bottle and handle bars is a good conversation starter around mile 70.
  13. An Ironman is addictive- like exercise crack.  
  14. You will forget to do something that day.  For me, it was a change of socks and body glide in my special needs run bag.  
  15. It really is a long day- that is over very quickly.  
  16. Training will become a distant memory.
  17. RAMS:  the right attitude means success.  Oh wait, I learned that in grade school.  


Jennifer Harrison said...

I can get you cheaper race wheels (high end) through my sponsor, let me know if you are interested. I would have to verify availabitity, etc (I can not spell anymore). Jen H.

Damie said...

Hey Jen, thanks! I will definitely keep that in mind for the race wheel purchase. For this little venture, though, I just need some regular old riding wheels. Got any leads on that?

Anonymous said...

I love that post! Hey my coach's hubby is getting rid of some stuff. Read his blog and see what he's got!!! www.michaellovato.blogspot.com

Jan said...

we need to get together soon, and i can give you simple, easy to cook, healthy recipes that take no time. the problem with cooking dinner is that you need to cook when it's time to work out in the evening. cooking is really in the way!

Laura said...

Damie you are hilarious! You and I have about the same attention span in the kitchen. Maybe you can use some of that pumpkin to make something yummy for T-stravaganza this weekend?

Lenore said...

Damie I am so proud of you! You are an ironman and nobody can take that expereince away from you! Damned good perfromence for yur first one, too.
Give me a call the next time you think about cooking. It's more fun when you have someone to cook with/for. And a good bottle of wine (for you anyway) is also a must. :)
I miss you! Let's get coffee soon!