Tuesday, October 7, 2008


On tap for today- 3 hour ride with 4x20 min intervals + 30 min brick.

Problem: Thunderstorms in a.m., rain + storms predicted for rest of day and evening.

My Problem Solving (Lack-of) Abilities

Normal Me: I guess I will have to do this on the trainer- I hate riding in the rain. It is not safe. I won't get in a good workout.

Guilt-Ridden IM Me: You are so lazy- get out there and ride. You are just trying to avoid it. Riding outside is a better workout and you know it. You are letting IM training get the best of you- this is your tired self talking.

Normal Me: Listen to your instincts. Pre- IM Damie would stay in. Don't go.

Guilt-Ridden IM Me: Lazy, lazy, lazy. You'll never get as good of a workout on your trainer. You are taking the easy way out.

20 Minutes Later

So, I give in and get on my bike. .5 miles from my house, I have someone honk at me. .75 miles from my house I almost flat on a big pot hole because no one will let me over. Someone, somewhere was trying to tell me something.

Then it starts to rain. The thunder rumbles. I swear up and down for not listening to my instincts and book it home- completely soaked by the time I reach my house. Poor Roo is outside, waiting on his mommy to rescue him. (And, to illustrate what a great dog I have, yet again, Roo didn't even care he was wet, but he was really concerned that I was and proceeded to lick me dry).

Roo-poo in his rain gear :)
And The Kicker...

I still had 2 hours and 15 minutes left to ride (including those 4x20 minute intervals- very hard for me to do on the trainer and get my HR up there). I couldn't get the DVD player to work and Dave was too busy at work to help. I was getting frustrated and grumpy.

But, I got on my bike and sweat up a storm. I nailed my intervals. Believe me when I say that this workout stinks on the trainer, but I always feel a little tougher mentally after I do it.

It is still raining outside.

PS: Dave says I need a better background. He doesn't like the pink "boring" one. I guess I will have to update soon.
PPS: I think the shiny blue dance outfit deserves its own post. I will deliver that soon. :)


Anonymous said...

Stay inside today was very dangerous due to the lightening. I don't mind riding in the rain but any chance of lightening you don't want to be out on a bike. Our building out at forrest hill irene was struck twice this afternoon as well as a pole a few hundred yards. If you must ride the trainer but if any chance of lightening stay inside.
This close to race doing nothing for one day has no affect on your race other than mental. I did nothing today.
thought about it when I got home sun was out a little but checked the radar knew I'd get caught in another set moving through and sure
enough lightening and tons of rain.
This last 3 weeks there should be no desparation for each workout.
While there is some maintaining to do and maybe a little bit of edge to be gained it's not worth getting hurt or sick.

Looks like good weather rest of week though.

Anonymous said...

Okay now I've lectured on the dangers of riding in thunderstorms I have to say way to go on doing that trainer ride.

Now I'm feeling guilty for not doing anything today.
Those intervals and time on the trainer will strengthen you mental
fortitude come race day for sure.

Now if I'd done that on a trainer I'd be eating a quart of double chocolate ice cream right now...
Oh heck think I'll go get a pint and eat it anyway.

3 weeks 4 days until ironman day...
and this year we check our bikes in on halloween....

Jan said...

2:15 on a trainer?!? damie, you are so dedicated. i once had to do a 14 mile run and it was really storming outside so i ran on the treadmill. i bbet 14 miles on the treadmill was almost as bad as being on the trainer, but really i think the trainer would be worse!

and never ride in the rain...especially in memphis!

Anonymous said...

Cheryl wants to know if she could borrow your dance outfit for the girls trip in florida :)


Marit C-L said...

Way to rock the workout - trainer intervals are tough! AND no DVD player. Yep, you got a great physical AND mental workout. Excellent. And yes - we got hit really hard this morning and ALL day in Pensacola as well. It started with the lightning and thunder at 3 am, and continued all day. Nice - I was able to squeak out my swim later in the afternoon. But a ride outside? Yikes! Way to HTFU and do it on the trainer! You rock!

CBD said...

What happens if it rains in FL?

Anonymous said...

You were smart to High tail it back home. I never ride out in the rain. If i even think that its gonna storm...i don't go. So don't feel guilty. You are NOT LAZY! You are one of the toughest chicks i know! Way to go on the trainer! I know just how you feel!!!!

Laura said...

Slacker! I did my 7x800's in the rain last night! Just kidding - (and you know it!)

Damie said...

My shout-out back to everyone

Gary, do not feel guilty. I think you have done quadruple my mileage for this event. :) Thanks for always writing and keeping me motivated.

Jan, I would never, ever attempt 14 miles on the treadmill. I hate doing 3 on the thing. I am impressed.

Jarred, you tell Cheryl that I have so many fun outfits like this- she can have her pick! ha ha!!!

Marit, I read about your swim! I am glad I didn't have that monster workout on my schedule! 800s ouch!

Charlie- just because it rained in LP....I know, I know. If it rains, I will melt.

Angie, I am with you- I never ride in the rain, either. Well, that is until I lost brain cells training for this thing. Wanna ride some with us on Sat? I think I may be joining Suzy and Leslie?

Laura- I think your comment is one of the funniest things I have read in a while. I died laughing when I saw it! At least you can still run an 800! Hopefully I will come join you soon (like in 8 weeks...)

Anonymous said...

No Damie I'm just lazy sometimes..
Planning on 2 hour run on the trails this afternoon but going to be messy for sure.

Well in the 9 races at ironman florida only one year we had rain that I recall I believe 2002
which was when I set my pr.
It started raining for me at 95 miles into bike before the bridge coming back and quit before I started the run but all our run gear bags were outside on the ground and they got flooded and everything was wet and sandy as did the change tent and they had to reroute short portion of run through a parking lot first loop due to flooding we had to step over landscape timbers and man did that hurt the hamstrings..I almost cramped up second loop we were on the regular route.

Not to say it can't happen but what I noticed folks slowed downin the rain which which I thought strange I just kept hammering there are no sharp turns or fast decents in florida.
Back then 79 was 2 lanes and there was traffic which made it even tougher in the rain.

Now if it started lightening welll
I'd look for a low place(its all low) ditch the bike and setdown in fetal position....

OF course the good part if it rains then you can pee without stopping...

Eileen Swanson said...

Wow, great work Damie! Love the pic of ROO!! Too cute!

Nah, wont be going to FL, not feeling good yet. Need some more time to recover.


Samantha said...

Oh let me tell you about that rain and thunderstorm. I was 2 miles out in the middle of the woods all by myself. I wrote about it in my blog so the longer version of almost peeing in my pants is on there. It's impossible to keep the HR at base pace when you're scared.

I feel ya on those long rides on the trainer. I'm good for about 1hr 15 minutes with some short RPM work. I've done 3 1/2 hours before and I almost threw the trainer out the window afterwords. Congrats on getting through those 20 minute intervals. It's like running on a treadmill and watching the seconds tick away.