Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oh Swimming....


I don't understand why swimming is so mean to me. Seriously, if I had put as much effort into cycling as I have swimming, I would be so much better cyclist. Actually, that is a great idea. I will can swimming and replace it with cycling. I would probably have the same swim results with a better overall time in my races.

If you look closely, you can see an F formed on my mouth. Only one word was about to come out as I glanced at my watch and saw my time at my last sprint triathlon!

This morning I trudged through the mud, I mean water. My times are the same as they were last year- maybe only slightly better than the year before when I first started swimming. So, what is it going to take? If my consistent 3 x a week is not enough, then what is? 5 x a week?

I love swimming. I tell it every morning at 5:30 am too. I say...I love you. We are friends. And, I am not lying. I do like to swim. I think it is fun! What is not fun is seeing that same ol' time on the clock. My "fast" is the same speed as my "medium." Actually, I don't have any speed. Forget I said fast.

Okay, so at least I can swim- and more than two laps now. I have not panicked in a single race this year. I have not flipped over on my back and wondered if I might drown. And, I guess I can keep that same medium speed and hold it longer, so that is improvement, right? But what about fast? When does that happen? Or strong- when will I feel strong in the water?

(not everyone needs to answer those questions...especially those with the response that looks something like NEVER). Ha ha ha!!!!


Anonymous said...

Damie....Just be patient. It will come i promise!!! I think it would help swimming more that 3 times per week. When you get done with all your ironman training...bump up your swimming during the off season. Also, try swimming for longer periods of time. I promise you will get stronger! Swimming takes a long time do develop. You are being too hard on yourself. Don't give up girl!!!

Jan said...

kert swam 10x a week...maybe that's what it takes. but then you'd just be a swimmer and not a nifty triathlete. you're a perfectly wonderful swimmer. hang in there!

Jerome Harrison said...

Oh damie, damie....of course it will come, but you have to remember, the focus on the swim for the IM is well...not absolutely critical...the swims will bump up after the IM in prep for short course and the difference between 3, 4 and 5x per week is a biggie. :) DAMIE LOVES TO SWIM, LOVE to swim, Love to swim! ;) Jen H.

Laura said...

Damie, I'm with you girl, and you are SO much faster than me! Don't let your frustration do you in like I have and keep going after IM training. I think I've become afraid of master's swim because I haven't been in so long...

Keep up the awesome work girl! You're amazing, seriously.

Marit C-L said...

Like Jen said - and she knows her stuff. :) Also, one thing that I've learned is that with swimming I'm the most inconsistent. If I'm tired and biking or running, I can feel it - but its so much less technical that the swim. In the pool when I'm tired, my form AND speed is affected, thus making me go slower. Hang in there - when you go away from IM training you'll have an awesome endurance base and then the focus will be on "short" course!

Lee said...

Are you kicking??? :-O

Joy said...

Hey, you may be saying not-so-nice words in the picture, but your arms look good. :)

I think you just haven't been swimming with slow ME lately, that'll help your perspective!