Thursday, October 9, 2008


A happy Damie- look at that true smile!
My research group and our presentation on spinocerebellar ataxia and balance. This was a great day!

the last day of official class has come and gone.

There are no tears around here! Nope, like I have said before, I am way too old to stay up past midnight studying the motor pathways, learning the parameters of nerve conduction velocity testing, and making sure I know which facets slide horizontally. School is for the young. The only other initials I want behind my name are IMF (ironman finisher) and BQ (boston qualifier). So, one day it may look something like this:
Mrs. Damie Roberts, PT, DPT, MS, IMF, BQ.
From now on, all additional letters have to be non-school related (that is, after I earn my DPT in May of 2009).

So, to celebrate my survival of school, I went on my last long run today. Just kidding, that was not a celebration, but I did go on a 3 hour run. I still never get the point that running at noon when it is still in the 80s in Memphis is never a good idea, but I made it. Today, I was solving all of my running problems in my head. I came to peace with the fact that running does not feel easy for me now that I am not running 40-50 miles a week and going long every weekend. My legs are tired and long runs hurt. I finally understood- my body is doing the best it can for me at this time. As I came to peace with all of this, I bent down to dig a stone out of my shoe- at mile 17 of my run (17 is my lucky number, BTW). I looked over and guess what I found?

Yup, my very own four leaf clover. I have a great gift for finding these- it is my super power and hidden talent. But, I realized the other day that I did not have one for myself- how could I go into my first IM with no four leaf clover? There are only 6 people in this world with a 4 leaf clover from me- I try hard to deliver them in times of need. (If you want one or need one, just let me know and I will get right on top of that for you!)

So, coincidence that I found my four leaf clover as I was coming to peace with where I am with my running? I think not. That baby is going with me to Florida for sure!

And, to top off my entry into the world of no homework, class rankings, and terribly written tests: a night out with my girls. I said I wouldn't put some of these pictures up, but ha ha! Here we are- looking our best! (All of us are so ragged out from training, etc...)

Joy, Laura, Damie..Fun :)

Everyone with a goofy face (Joy only gets half of a face in this one).

Yes, I feel as tired as I look. But, a good night with friends makes it all go away:)


Jan said...

three hours! wow. that's a long time to have time to think. if you need a running buddy during the day, let me know! i'd love to do part of the run with you!

Laura said...

Thanks, thanks Damie....

Anonymous said...

YEAHHH!! I am so happy for you!! :) Congrats! IM FL here you come! :) JEN H.

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Wish you 3 were a bit closer so I could come have fun with you! Fun fun, not training fun :-)

Mary Eggers said...

WONDERFUL!!!! Time to celebrate!

Lee said...

Wow, there are my three guppies! All right there together! I am so happy for you Damie!! You so deserve your frame of mind at this time. You have accomplished so much. AIN'T nothin stoppin ya now!!~!!

Love ya chick...miss ya too!

Joy said...

Oh lordy. Yours is coming for that! :) Hope your last long ride went well!