Sunday, September 21, 2008


Roo says hi:) and kisses. xxxxxxxx

This weekend has been wonderful. I had a great triple brick workout yesterday, and it was a great break from the normal ride x amount of hours.

Today I had an hour run and a little over an hour swim planned. Lately I have just headed out on my own for the run- kept it easy and uneventful. Last night, though, I decided I would wake up and head to a local 10k to do my run. I miss my friend Gina, and I miss some of the social aspects of my running. Actually, I just miss running period.

For me, the transition to ironman training has been hardest on me in the running aspect of my life. My mileage is much lower than I am used to running, and the speedwork has been replaced by bricks and recovery runs. And, since I am not racing every weekend any more, my speed has been compromised. For those of you that like to run and race, you know that running fast or racing is really something you have to train. It is not necessarily a fitness issue- but sometimes more of a practice issue.

But, since this is my first ironman, and my goal is to finish on two legs rather than a stretcher, the run (especially speedwork) has to make room for the bike. Yes, although my running mileage has been cut in half, I now bike 3-4 times a week instead of 1-2 like I used to. And, I can't imagine any "fast" miles sneaking their way into my ironman marathon, so it will probably be more valuable to me if I am specific and realistic with my training and keep it aerobic and endurance focused.

But, today- just this once ;)- I snuck in a couple of faster miles and also had some time to run with Gina.  By the way, let me just tell you that I have the best friends.  I get way more from Gina than I am sure she gets from me.  She has the best attitude- a real wisdom about life.  She has been struggling with a knee injury that has taken away her ability to really run as fast as she is capable of running.  The great thing about Gina, though, is she realizes that she has to start somewhere, and she refuses to be embarrassed about the slowing of her times.  She would rather race and have some times that do not reflect her true capabilities so she can work towards getting her speed back rather than sit on the sidelines because she doesn't like what the clock says.  

And, isn't that what this is all about anyways?  Being proud of ourselves, rather than beating ourselves up?   I am glad I have such good friends to remind me of this. 


Jan said...

hang in there! you'll be back to running before you know it and faster than ever! plus, you'll have an ironman under your belt...something very few people have tried. i'm so proud of you for sticking with your training and being smart about it. it's hard not to sneak in those speed workouts. there's something about going fast and feeling fast! but you have a different goal in mind...only for now. can't wait for you to smoke the 5k's, 10k's, and marathons in 2009! oh, and do p90x with me!

Anonymous said...

The Pic of you and your dog is soooo cute!! I can't wait to get a dog!

BreeWee said...

Oh this post sounds like the story-of-my-season! WAY more Ironmanning than I EVER planned and WAY less speedy racing than usual. I'm with you, LOVE the run...

This IM training is just a HUGE base for you, then you can finish the thing (on 2 legs) and start adding speedy to that base of yours! In the long run it will make you faster and less injury because you have such a foundation to build on!

Nice going and Gina sounds awesome, I need a chick friend like that! Kisses to Roo...I have his 4leaf clover in my truck and always think of you guys when I look at it!

Marit C-L said...

Love the picture! And friends like Gina are great...her message is awesome! Keepup the great training!

Gbob said...

Hey Damie Hang in there..
When I did my first ironman (back in ancient times(1991)).
in the months following I set pr's for 10k,half marathon and marathon.
All that base will work..
Just don't let it all go to waste and hybernate all winter.
PRetty much anything over 200meters for us mortals is aerobic anyway.
You can actualy get faster by running slower trust me.. I personally hate 5k's they hurt too much.
Now eventually you have to throw a little speed in there for fun but I find I run at a much lower heart rate for than I used to at the same speeds...

Hang in there only 6 weeks to go..
I find this time difficult because of the wait and taper well you think your grumpie now just wait that last week or so of taper.
And if your a caffeine junky and plan on backing off caffeine month before so race day you get that extra kick out on the course then
you might notice folks around you keeping their can make you really really grumpy.

6 weeks... HTFU....


Samantha said...

yes yes...I'm coming in town for the du. Obama and McCain are going to make it a hectic week down here (they're basically shutting down everything. roads, campus, etc.) so I'm really forward to getting away. And riding...yes yes, we need to do that too. This week is fairly light for me and next week I have a "get out and do whatever" week so let me know when your rides are since I can do whatever. wow. this is long. how bout we just talk about it on sunday at the Du.

Anonymous said...

You are such a kind friend. I have always admired your dedication. I could not have finished without you on Sunday.

Damie said...

Thanks for all of the comments, guys. :) And, Gary, if you would send me some of those IM pictures from 1991- I would gladly post them :)I can't believe you have been doing this IM thing for 17 years. You are amazing!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Your friend Gina does have a great attitude about racing. We really are too hard on ourselves and if we put things in perspective we should realize we have no reason to be.

Laura said...

G-Holmes! I didn't know you followed us! Yes, send Damie pictures from IMing in '91 - I'd love to see them!

Damie - Hang in there, you've got this IM girl, seriously! Thanks for posting this. I'm also learning from Gina's words of wisdom - you have to start somewhere, right?

Mel said...

Yay you miss running...but if you are JUST running then you would miss the other two right!!! So just do what you can do and you KNOW you will finish that IM with your smiley self and then you can RUN you little heart out...That is all I am doing right now is running and at times it is NICE...but then I get burned out:)You've got it girlfriend:)

Me in Memphis said...

Randomly found your blog - very cool! Always good to see a fellow Memphis blogger (who uses the same layout as myself) :)

Bookie-Roo said...

I did misspell it....

Eileen Swanson said...

I LOVE THAT PIC of you and Rooney! Too cute!