Monday, September 29, 2008

Big DAM Bridge 100

I just like saying that. I am so immature.

The best thing about training for IMFL is that I have had so many "firsts" this year.
  • I completed my first Half Ironman.
  • I peed on myself for the first time (on purpose, being drunk doesn't count).
  • I rode my first ride EVER over 70 miles.
  • I was stung by a bee on the inside of my mouth while riding my bike. (that is a weird one)
  • I had my first bike crash
And now, for the first time ever-
  • I rode my first organized century!
It was fun! I was a little nervous riding with hundreds of people for the first 15 or so miles- it was just so crowded it felt dangerous. But, I enjoyed the company during the day that I did have, and when I didn't have company, I reminded myself that I will be alone at IMFL and I have to learn to keep myself company!

I pulled some guys along for the first time ever. Anyone who has ridden with me knows that I get a little freaked out by that. "I am not fast enough to pull. I am just slowing everyone down. etc..." I get a little self-conscious up there. But, I learned that if 4 guys are sucking the back of my wheel, it is because they need to. I started to have fun pulling other people along!

I also started to worry during the ride that maybe I was in over my head. Maybe I really shouldn't be out there riding a century. Perhaps I am not in shape for this. Look at all of these really strong, fast guys. ---- then it hit me. I am the one training for an Ironman out here! If anyone can do this century it is me! All of a sudden I felt comfortable and confident. The rest was a breeze.

And, as to be expected, I was totally ready to be off of my bike at mile 90. I didn't know 10 miles could take sooooooo long!

Finished and on to the good stuff. Mexican food!

Isn't it so much fun when you get to hang out with blogger friends? Mira (along with her daughter Nada who is the most beautiful, sweet child) came along for lunch. I love that we have such a fun community of friends on here!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the first list...
I had a different bodily function first at lake placid on bike and run but did use a porta potty...

Paula Newby-Fraser likes to tell people before an ironman to "think of it as just another training day
with 2400 of your friends and it's catered" I upgraded the 2400..

You won't be by yourself at imf..
the first
5 to 10 miles of the bike you will see more bikes than you saw at that century. You will constantly around bikes through 50 miles. It starts thinning out on the eastbound 20 but not by much.
About 80 miles on 388 going west then you may be at a point where you see a bike way up in front and a few behind but you will pass a few and a few pass you ever so often but you won't be alone....
Trust me ask Joy..

Joy said...

Very true Gary. I think I was actually surprised the first time in Kona b/c at Florida there had been so many people around constantly. Then in HI I was almost alone, b/c I was soooo slow. I guess there was the stray 70+ year old passing me on the bike... Good times, good times.

Jan said...

i like your firsts list. congrats on joining the peeing on yourself list. only a select few get to join that club! and a bee sting in your mouth? i need to hear that story!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first Group Century!!! Tell Mira i said hi!!!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

So glad we got to meet up while you were in town! Wish I could have rode with you, but maybe next year. You won't be totally alone on the bike course at IM.I found myself riding within the same vicinity of a few women (passing/repassing). It'll be fun!

Laura said...

You won't have this problem because you will swim MUCH faster than me - but I was never alone and I was passing a lot of people on the bike. And the times I was alone at LP it was welcome(in the rain, ya know, I didn't want to crash!) I can't wait to hear about your experience in FL and exchange more 'first' stories! So excited for you - it's going to be awesome!

Eileen Swanson said...

Super congrats on all of your firsts! So excited for you to race IM FL, I am bummed that I wont be there. You will have so much fun!

Love the pic of you with sweet Mira and her cute daughter Nada ;-)