Friday, September 26, 2008

The Basics

In ancient times, Gary Holmes and Lucia Colbert of Memphis completed the 1991 Hawaii Ironman. A couple of months ago, I was running with Lucia and we were talking about my upcoming event an my training plan for the day. I told her I was running at such and such zone for 30 minutes and then such and such zone for this...blah blah. She looked at me incredulously and said something like "wow, training for an Ironman has really changed. Back in the day you ran 50+ miles a week and rode a couple of hundred and went as hard and long as you could all of the time." I felt like the hugest weenie in Zone 2 right about then.

So, back in the day- the secret was training really hard. Wow. What a secret!

Well today I had to get some cleats put on my new cycling shoes. My old shoes (from ebay- 3 years ago- $ them) were taking off a few toenails on the long rides, so I had to give in and buy a new pair in a bigger size (and I still think my used ebay nothing shoes are better but Dave said it would look really ghetto if I cut the toes out!). It may freak you out to know that I ride with SPDs, yes the mountain bike kind. Yes, I know they are not cool, but that is what came on my bike and I have never changed it.

No surprise that the bike shop today tried to get me to consider getting a new pedal system. Looks, speedplay, anything but my SPDs, which are apparently not good for long riding. And, I don't disagree, but so far we have been fine so why change?

I mean, what does it really take to finish an Ironman? A bike, some comfortable clothes, shoes, goggles, and running shoes? The basics, right? Because I don't have the $$$ or even the heart for more than that right now. Please don't misunderstand me if you have a decked out bike with the best race wheels and carbon water holders to match. That is awesome! I love it and would hope to have some of that one day too. And, if you plan on being competitive, I think it is important to have good, fast equipment. There is nothing wrong with that.

But, back to SPDs. Can I finish and Ironman on them? I never thought I couldn't. Would other cleats and pedals be more comfortable? I don't know, but I never really expected to be comfortable during the Ironman anyways.

Now, what does it take (besides heart, desire, hard work, and stupidity) to finish and Ironman?

Well, in 1991 it took an aluminum bike (if that is even aluminum?), tube socks, a mismatched outfit?, just a regular helmet (no sperm/aero helmet), and the latest version of aerobars! No race wheels needed (that one is for Lisa).

Oh, and a smile at the finish. That is part of the necessary package too.

Now 17 years later I get to do Ironman Florida with Gary. He has updated his bike somewhat. I can't say his outfit (no offense, Terrapins) is any better with the mismatched green, but he is still a complete bad ass.

My wish: May I get to the starting line of IMFL and may I cross the finish line of IMFL.


Gbob said...

Ahhh memories triathlon was much more fun those days and CHEAPER.
I think ironman entry was like $140 bucks back then of couse there was just hawaii ,canada and few intl races back then.

yep training is a little different no more 3 hour runs unless total on a double run day(2 in morn,1 in afternoon on last long run)
Put in lots more miles on the bike now than then.

Then the diet those were days of carbs,carbs,carbs
I'd eat following a long day a baked potatoe covered in butter and rice all on top a big heaping plate of spaghetti.. Talking about starching out but back then was all about carbs. no gels,energy bars or special mixes back then.
If you think that outfit is bad later years I wore race ready running shorts on the bike with a bike jersey(ran in them too)
One year actually wore speedos the whole race(with a bike jersey) only did that once(bad sunburn and chafing ouch).
As far as the green you probably won't see me wear green at imf because I wear desoto one piece and they don't come in green(I like the 5 pockets) If its chilly race morning I might put on a jersey or race top though. The mismatch is just because we've switched vendors
and have new stuff with old stuff.
Note the frame pump and fanny pack ,the mirror(well the mirror I still use one just mounted on my $7.95 aos safety glasses bought at lowes. I have about 10 pair for spares.)
Now those aero bars
Well I got my first clip ons(actually the first invented) in 1989 2 years before when I did kauai loves you, toured ironman bike course and did bermuda triathlon couple weeks later which Lance Armstrong in his teens beat me in over an hour.
Then that year I bought the new profile one piece and the rage was put a mountain bike stem on with the bars and shifters mounted on the end.
That bike is a Dave Scott Centurion with biopace chainrings(the tech of the day) the shorts and top are dave scott clothing line as well.
Note no gels no bento box(don't use one today either) in my fanny pack I think I had some sunscreen and a powerbar and 4 tubes just in case with a patch kit, thats it.. I drank gatorade and water and coke ate the power bar ate a roll,cookies,banana and orange slices on the run and had chicken broth.. Wasn't even close to 300 calories per hour I consume today go figure...

Hey if you want to race do the duathlon this weekend(los locos)
and just stay active bike swim walk and run a little in the 4 weeks following ironman florida and do the memphis marathon you'd be suprised on how well you might do.

Anonymous said...

Well Heck I was playing around with the blog page other day and just checking it out so I made up the name redneck ironman but I didn't think it would tie that to my google login
so if your wondering how that got there for my name thats how..
Anyway to change that crap..

Anonymous said...

You are gonna be awesome in IMFL no matter what kind of gear you have! You are so freaking strong!!! Can't wait to track you on Ironman live!!!

Jan said...

my clip ins look the same as yours. i guess mine are spd's but i didn't even know that they had a name! i'm really behind! as long as you're clipped in, you're fine!

Mel said...

Is that a sighting mirror on her helmet???? You are going to have so much fun at IM FL...and don't even question crossing that finish are made to be a have the smile while running and you know how to pee while running...You can sport a SPLISH....I BELIEVE you are all set...You WILLLLLLL DO IT!!!

Lee said...

I agree with the Angie!! You will be freakin awesome!! I love your attitude Damie...I love it!! You just want to compete! That is a real athlete! Can't wait to track you either!! : )

Anonymous said...

Mel yes thats a mirror on the helmet and it's HIS helmet thats me gary
not a HER but I guess the pink bike and clothes fooled you.
I still today race and train with a mirror but find a sunglass mounted to be the best with less vibration.
It's a safety issue I never leave home without it although I do get tired of yelling "CAR BACK" because I seem to be the only one who can see the cars...
I'm so used to it I get a bit OCD when I loose it and wear it in races as well..

DAMIE.. you made right decision DO NOT change anything equipment wise this late in the game.. If you've ridden long rides and had no major problems with the spd then keep using them you will be fine..
If it ain't broke don't fix it..

CBD said...

This is a beautiful post. That's the spirit of the event!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Good for you for not getting suckered into spending money you didn't need to at the bike store. Now, if I only I were so strong?
You're an awesome rider with the equipment you have, and you're right, Ironman won't be comfortable even if you're on the most expensive equipment. See, that's why running is still my favorite sport. No one is looking around to see what kind of shoes other people are wearing! Now we're just looking to see who's dorky and brave enough to run in compression socks.

Marit C-L said...

This is a fantastic post! Bringing things back to the basics, and doing the sport because we love it. NOT to have the best, all carbon, fastest gear around. Because let's face it - its not about the gear or even "the look" that you have. Its about your heart, passion, desire - the stuff that really makes you YOU. Everything else is just external... but deep down you wonder if people who feel the need to purchase the latest fashion and gizzmos do it because it defines them... and you wonder how they would cope with NOT having their decked out bikes and everything. Keep it real - that's what will get you to the finish line!

If we're still in Florida, I'll be cheering you on (hopefully I'll be spectating with Mary Eggers all day!)

Samantha said...

ahh...I was in the middle of updating when you left that comment. My 2008 multi-sport season is officially over (just doing a few road races (running) for the rest of the fall) so this week is an active recovery week...aka. do whatever but do something. training will pick back up next week, but as for this week I'm flexible around classes and up for whatever. The weekend might not work out so well though. The parentals are coming down from Nashvegas on Saturday, but I could always come up for a long ride or something on sunday! let me know what you've got planned.

Steve Stenzel said...

Those are some sweet photos!!

Good luck!!

p.s. I have Speedplays, and they clog up real easily when I have to hop into a corn field and pee. I don't care for them that much. Just my 2 cents...

Joy said...

All that gear doesn't make that much difference anyway if you're comfortable. And you can even be comfortable at IMFL on an aluminum fork, remember. :) Nobody told me there was something better...