Saturday, August 2, 2008

Weekend Thoughts

Great training partners can be tough to find- it requires you to blend personality, talent, work ethic, and goals into some mutual type of partnership. Luckily for me, I have several training partners that are great for me. Today, I had the good fortune to ride with Nancy and Joy, two fellow IMFL training buds. They convinced me to join in on a ride that was a little more aggressive than I am used to. They forced me out of my comfort zone. They convinced me to ride with the boys and set good examples for me along the way with their positive outlooks and kick ass riding.

It is fun to see personalities set themselves apart during training. Nancy rode at the very front of the group for the whole ride. If she moved back even a couple of spaces, she tried to get right back up front. At one point I got a huge kick out of her going aero and pulling this huge pack of roadies. She has the personality to push it to the max- the kind of girl that doesn't have easy days- what a waste of her time! Boy is she tough!

Joy is mid-to back pack, just depending on with whom she would like to talk. She chats the whole way. I decided today that she is a very efficient aerobic rider, even at fast speeds. She must stay aerobic the whole time, because she is talking the whole time. It brings a smile to my face. But, don't be fooled- she is ready to take off at a moment's notice and doesn't deviate from the pack. She can ride with any group, any speed. Confident and fast-she may hurt, but you can't see it through her smile.

Me, I may be in the middle some, but I drift to the back. It all depends on comfort level. With friends, I like to be near the front. But, on a day like today with strangers, I slowly made my way to the back. I am the cautious rider- wondering if I have enough gas in the tank to make it the whole way. I am the rider that makes sure I have something in reserve at all times. I don't truly enjoy the ride until we have gone well past the halfway point, when I know I will be not be dropped. (I can be so illogical too- I have done so many races at the fast pace of these boys, so of course I can hold on- I have confirmation of my abilities on paper! But, I still get worried every time). I am the mother-hen of the rides- the voice of caution. I am diligently practicing my nutrition and ask the girls if they have been eating like they are supposed to. They both reply no- they could care less- they are focused on riding hard!

But, the three personalities somehow mesh just right. You will be happy to know that I made the whole ride without getting dropped. And, I think the boys will be happy to have us back again. Hopefully they weren't sandbagging on us!


BreeWee said...

Talk about finding a good training partner- no joke!
Way to hang on in the ride!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi ya Dame,
Its 0600. Drinking my first cup of Jo. My cycling clothes upon me ready to ride. Your words have been my inspiration. I think I have your mentality when it comes to riding. I am quite capable of being at the front, but guess sometimes I'm apprehensive about it. Ok, scared I can't quite make it up there all the time. I also want to enjoy the ride. After all, that is why I ride my! Admire your attitude.

Jan said...

how many miles did you go? kert and i were proud of ourselves b/c we went 45 on saturday. i had no idea there were so many bikers out there in the morning! we usually ride in hte afternoon and die in the heat, but we decided to get our butts up this time since it's been so dreadful outside.