Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Weekend Routine

First, a huge congratulations to Bree Wee on her race today. I should've been studying, but I was glued to the computer. Although her ultimate goal was not reached today, she did every single thing possible to get there- never giving up. Between the bee sting, flat tire, and a forced medical DQ, I am not sure if the ironman could've thrown anything more at her.

One weekend down, and how many more to go? I can't remember...I guess I need to look at my ticker. I am now in the 100 mile range for my rides. Last week was my first 100 miler (my previous long ride was a whopping 74), and it was great! As this weekend approached, though, I started to realize the difficulty of ironman training. You see, it is not if you can ride 100 miles, it is if you can do it week in and week out- the consistency of training. So, this weekend I was back out there again- another 100 miles. The kicker was the 1 hour brick run that followed.

One point about nutrition- when my attitude changes about a ride, it is time for me to eat. I am learning that and using it. About 65 miles into the ride this weekend, Joy directed Gary, Deb, and I to what seemed to me to be an enourmous hill. I felt myself get so frustrated. First of all, I had a brick to do and no one else did. Secondly, why did we have to make the 100 miler harder, and who was making up this route? Thirdly, I told Deb if I had a rock I would throw it at Joy.

Then the aha moment hit. When I think I should throw a rock at my friend for making me go up a hill, it is time to eat. Ha ha!!! And, after eating the hill wasn't that big after all. The rest of the ride was fine. The brick was fine. Joy is safe. :)

And yes, after a large portion of Taco Bell (don't judge), I cleaned up and went to the zoo party with Dave. I put on some cute shoes with heels and even wore a skirt. I remembered to shave my legs too! I tried to put the total WAG package together. Unfortunately, my stylist was out of town, and that is really the truth. My sister does my hair and makeup for all of my important events- she is truly my stylist. So, I was left all alone on that one.

Dave and I actually helped close the party down. I was so proud of myself for my staying power! It has been a long time since I have actually closed a bar down. I drank way too much wine- but had lots of fun in the meantime. I came home and passed out on the couch-determined to watch the men's marathon that I had taped. The end of a great date- Damie passed out on the couch. Ha! Needless to say I had to wait till tonight to do my run because it was not going to happen in the a.m.!

This week I will be focusing on keeping up with school- and getting through another week of IM training. I am not sure which one is worse overall, but I would rather run 2 hours than study for 30 minutes. This week I am going to tell myself every day that I love school and I love to study. I do, I do!!!


Mary Eggers said...

Way to go keeping it all together sister!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Yeah, I love to study too! At least your other 100 milers should be cooler and not as humid as it was this weekend. Seriously, we had 91% humidity yesterday morning when I went out to run! I looked like I went swimming when I got home, not running.

Laura said...

Way to go Damie! You're going to rock this IM, I just know it. And sorry I didn't get my lazy butt out there to meet you guys. I did some much needed house cleaning instead. You know you're a slacker when you'd rather clean than ride....

Samantha said...

the effing pool is still effing broken...its only been that way since March. Looks like I may be making a surprise appearance at masters this week. I think I'll go insane if I can't swim.

Eileen Swanson said...

Hey Damie! Great job with all the training and studying ;-) You are going to be so ready.....

Does your pup run or swim with you?


Joy said...

Wow, I didn't know you were THAT mad at me on the ride. :) I'm only trying to make you stronger. he he You're looking pretty sassy in that skirt, btw.

Damie said...

Yes Joy, the evil low blood-sugar Damie made an appearance. Luckily we were able to lock her back up before she had the first meltdown of our IM training. :) Be happy you were so fast that I couldn't have hit you with a rock if I tried!
PS, Dave said no had to be a sassy skirt.

Lee said...

"Ya'll make me laugh! Everyone of you!! Hee! Joy tried to run over me in her truck this morning Damie. I was bent over with my best side up. Great target!! ; O