Saturday, August 16, 2008

Top That

No, this is not a post on Teen Witch. Who remembers that one?

Nope, I topped my last post on Olympic Inspiration. Here is the newest, best Olympic inspiration for the week.

Special Olympics!!!!

One thing that is really great about my tri team, Memphis Thunder Racing, is our commitment to the community. Today we hosted the Memphis area Special Olympics with a field day! It was our own Olympic weekend with the most fabulous participants. We played so many different sports with the participants (I would say kids, but not all of them are kids- there are a lot of adults in Special Olympics!).

I love it!

And, I recruited a relay team for the kids triathlon in September. Our triathlon hosts a great kids triathlon, and we wanted to make sure that all of the kids knew they could participate, even if they couldn't do all of the sports-or even one sport! Shoot, we could teach them!

So, here is my relay team. I am going to do the swim leg (Lord help my poor team), Steve is going to bike, and Michael is going to run.

Talk about pressure. I have to start training for the kid's tri, and I am not kidding. I have a 100 meter swim to do- and I am going to get blown away by all of the kids. I may even get lapped- so I have to start training now. Won't that be a site for my team- laughing as all of the kids pass me. You see, in races, everyone can see my time at the end, but they don't actually get to witness my pathetic swims. But- this time I will be out there for everyone to see. So, I need to get on a speed program!

Happy Olympics to all!


Lee said...

Hey Damie, Now those are the real olympic heroes to me...thanks for the time that you take to show them that they can do it too! Peace!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

That's great that your tri team is so supportive! My PT class volunteered at Special Olympics the past two years and had a blast.