Friday, August 8, 2008

Race Tomorrow- Yippee!!!

I am actually excited to race tomorrow, and that is good news. The past few races have been a little ho hum for me, and I finally okay with that. It is all part of my process as an athlete- the good, the bad, and the ho hum. Recently it seems I have been going through the motions. I have had one or two pretty good races this year, but the rest have left me with a twinge of disappointment. Why? Because I was not happy with my effort. I have won my age group but felt unhappy with my race. On the other hand, I have been far back in the standings but felt that I had kicked ass. It is all in the effort I have given. I am not sure if others think this way or not. I could score 3 goals in a soccer game and then come home and pout. Dave would ask me why?- we won the game- I had some great goals. But, I was upset because I didn't think I was aggressive enough- or didn't dominate the midfield, etc... On the other hand, I have lost games but felt that I rocked. So, results to me are only as good as the effort it took me to obtain them. That is the way I tick.

Some of my best races have moments where I remember kicking ass- or being extremely proud of my effort.
  • The time I passed a rider that I regarded as a stronger rider than myself-
  • Mile 5 of 6 where a faster runner passed me, but I forced myself to hang on to her shoulder and beat her in the sprint to the line- I held on the whole time and refused to let go.
  • The race where a very strong rider passed me early on, but at the end of my ride she was right there in my vision because I never quit chasing her-
  • The race where I ended up 6th overall and I really wanted 5th. I never gave up. I passed a female in the last half mile to get that 6th place spot. If I had quit working, I would've been 7th. But, I didn't give up even though I wasn't top 5.
  • The race where I knew there was some regional competition and I never felt inferior or sub par. I had completely confidence that I was up to the challenge and ready to show them what I could do.

I also recall specific moments where I gave up
  • The time that girl passed me at mile 2 of the run. Instead of getting on her shoulder I slowed down. Wouldn't you know I let 2 girls in my age group pass me at the end of the race too. Even though I still won my age group (TT start), I was really bummed about my race effort. I should've never given up when the first girl passed.
  • The recent race where I saw a girl in my age group in T2- and realized she had started way behind me in the TT start and was 3 minutes up on me. I was deflated and ran my worst triathlon 10k to date. Instead I should've gotten mad!
  • Any race where I looked over at the women around and didn't feel confident that I could hold my own.
So here is something funny from Jen Harrison that she wrote a while back in July. Some of you may have already read it, but it cracked me up when she pointed me out.

I was talking to Damie today and I was talking to her about her Triathlon tomorrow and I told her, “get mean!!!” “get aggressive” and put on your big girl underwear! I was serious. Stop playing nice. If you wanted nice you would have taken up synchronized swimming. And, wait a second…..before you all freak out….I do not mean BE MEAN…no no no….All I mean is to get that fire burning to just lay it out on the line…get after IT.

Jen, I would never take up synchronized swimming- I know you haven't seen me swim, but there is nothing pretty about it! I don't even think I could float if you asked me to. Ha! But, tomorrow I am going to get after it. I have been training my butt off and my body is strong. I am going to race hard till the end- focus on the process. I plan on making sure I exhaust the swim- no playing in the water-no swimming like a beginner. I am going to really push it on the bike and test my legs and the additional bike miles they have on them this year. Finally, I am going to make the run hurt and NOT back off. I know the pain will come around the mile 1 marker when the race becomes an uphill trail battle for 2 miles. I will not ease up and I will not give up if I look down and see some slower mile splits. There is a good chance that everyone else is hurting too. So, I am going to hold the pace and pick up the pace. No backing off.

Okay, so I hope to get back with you this weekend with a great race report- one that is full of that good kind of hurt where you know you have pushed it! Oh, and NO NO NO pictures of me smiling.


Anonymous said...

THIS is the Damie I was awaiting to emerge! GO GET EM tomorrow! Grrrrrr! :) Jen H.

Lee said...

Just can't keep a good woman down!No chain ring today MEANIE!!!

Jan said...

glad i'm not in the race going against you!!! way to get the fire in ya!

Laura said...

I can totally relate to this and want to race one more time this season to test my limits. I can go so much faster than my fearful little mind thinks I can, and SO CAN YOU! (and it's dangerous to the rest of us, let me tell you! ;)