Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Midweek Hello

Quick update- nothing exciting here. I am in tons and tons of pain right now. Clarification, tooth pain. I have been hurting since Saturday, and I see the dentist tomorrow. I think it will involve a lot of drilling because something is definitely wrong- well, we are pretty sure a root canal, which I have never had. I have cried tonight. Poor Rooney keeps bringing me socks and I just don't want to play. I am pretty good at categorizing pain and dealing with it later- I even got my bike ride in with Joy today. (Nancy, I did big gears in salute to you). But, now I am beyond the point of being tough and I really hurt. I just want this pain to go away. So, I am going to watch the rest of the Olympics and try to sleep. I finally gave in and took some medicine, but I don't know what else to do. I just hope the dentist can make this better for me tomorrow.

School is fine- the countdown to finish classes are over. I am surviving my last 2 handfuls of weeks in classes. Despite the senioritis I feel, I am making good grades and bringing everything to a close nicely. Let's hope I can keep it up! And, for the days that I feel that I just can't do it anymore- I drink from my happy cup. Check it out!

This is the cup I made a couple of weeks ago to help me get through the rest of school. It has happy thoughts all over, including "think +++" on the handle. I tote it to school on the days when I feel a bad attitude coming on, and it reminds me that it is a beautiful day!


moremittenz said...

Don't you know that socks make EVERYONE feel better?

Laura said...

I'm so sorry about your pain Damie! Get better soon and keep us updated.

The Positive Cup is an AWESOME idea. Where did you make it? I totally need to get one of those! :)

Jan said...

i didn't realize your teeth were hurting so badly! hang in there, and i hope you're appointment goes well today. just remember to bite the dentist when he/she starts to inflict too much pain...neat little trick.

Lee said...

oh, I have been there not too long ago! I hate dentist's! would rather have my gall bladder removed!! Had a root canal...piece of cake baby girl! But God it hurt until I went..so sorry!! So proud of how your studies are coming Damie. You have it made sweets, just hang n there a little bit longer. Good job! So proud of my guppie!!! PS Such a great swimmer you are!!! Bye! :-)

Anonymous said...

oh i'm sorry you are hurting. The dentist will make it all better.

Love the cup!!!