Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wedding Weekend

After watching the slideshow at Gina's rehearsal dinner, I realized that Gina and I don't have any good pictures together. I mean, we have tons of sweaty, nasty race pictures together, but no dress up pictures. So, here you go!

Friday Lunch:  lunch honoring Gina and Matt.  Now, I will confess, I did just do a two hour run before this.  I did shower, but didn't have time to wash and dry my hair- so back in a pony tail it went! 

Friday Night Rehearsal Dinner:  hair washed this time around.... couple of outfit changes....

Saturday morning:  Wedding!  Look at the beautiful bride!  I was so honored to be her bridesmaid.  I loved every minute of it.  

And, for kicks I threw in a picture of me with Frances- another sweaty friend that never gets a picture in a dress.  

Happy weekend!  The only way to describe the past week for me is - FULL.  I plan on getting my workout in tonight and s-t-u-d-y-i-n-g.  Thank you for the nice comments on my Thursday, stressful school post.  Of course with just a little time I felt better about everything, and I am back to working hard.  Thanks for reading :)


Lee said...

well Damie, got your workout done!! I'm a witness...quite a long one I recall. Enjoyed the company. Take care nice lady. Lee- guard

Ashley said...

You look beautiful!!! Great pictures.

Mary Eggers said...

I love that in your dresses you have the "triathlon tan!!!"

:-) Mary!

Damie said...

I know! The tans lines are soooo funny- Frances and I both have the nice sports bra tan. I tried to cover mine up with make-up...and I think I did an okay job. Ha!

Lee said...

Thx Damie! I appreciate you! : )

Eileen Swanson said...

Awww, you look so pretty ;-) Love the non-sweaty pics ;-)