Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pass It On

Mira made me...;)

10 Years Ago I Was...
In between my 3rd and 4th year of college. That year I came home to live with my parents for the summer (and I swore to never, ever live at home again after that! ha!). I had just started dating Dave, and I remember being sooooo into him. I was so gaga it was disgusting- my daughters better never act like that. I also took summer classes at the University of Memphis and worked as a lifeguard.

5 Years Ago I Was...
Living in New Orleans. Dave and I were still dating. I had received my Master's Degree in counseling and was working my first post grad job helping families that had children with disabilities. Even with my new degree, though, I still felt that I was supposed to be a physical therapist. I would talk about it with my co-workers all of the time. They still remember me trying to decide what to do.
I was also playing lots and lots of soccer. I would run for fitness, but I never even entered a 5k in New Orleans, much less a triathlon.

1 Year Ago I Was...
Having a really hard time in PT school. I did not enjoy going back to school full-time (and I still don't enjoy it). I was finding outlets like running the road race series and entering triathlons to help bring some happiness and fun into my life. Oh, and Gina and I were embarking on our Chicago marathon training plan. That was fun!

5 Things On My To Do List Today
1. Go to the grocery store
2. Email Laura and Lisa
3. Order my wedding pictures from 3 years ago (I still don't have a wedding album)
4. Send out thank you cards and get well cards that I have been meaning to put in the mail
5. Call Sister Trudy, my grade school principal to say hi after 16 years

5 Snacks I Enjoy
Do I really have to answer this? Let's just say I snack all day long. Seriously. I don't count how many snacks I have in a day- it could easily be 10. And no, they are not all healthy. Everyone knows that I eat like crap.

If I Were A Billionaire I Would...
Follow the Dave Ramsey plan and be debt free- along with making my family members debt free too. Then I would buy all of the wedding presents that I have been meaning to buy friends. I would follow this up with buying a lot of beautiful land somewhere so I could have my farm. I would travel everywhere around the world- but it doesn't need to be first class. I would save, and save, and save while thinking of something very special and helpful to do with my money.

6 People I Want To Have Lunch With Tomorrow
1. My granny, if she were still alive
2. Fernando Torres (see the below post)- and I would ask him to bring Zidane (not that the Spaniard is friends with the Frenchman, but I could ask).
3. Christy Bohannon- I sure do miss her. We haven't had lunch in forever.
4. Any of my friends from New Orleans that I had to leave behind after Katrina.
5. Deena Kastor, Paula Radcliffe, and Kara Goucher
6. ??? Is there anyone that wants to have lunch with me???

5 Places I Have Lived
1. Memphis
2. New Orleans
3. Mobile, Alabama
4. Little Rock, Arkansas (as a baby)
5. Blacksburg, Virginia (as a little girl)

5 Jobs I Have Had
I have had over a dozen jobs, so here is just a taste of them...
1. Bartender
2. Special Education Teacher
3. Pottery Barn associate
4. Individual, couples, family, child counselor
5. Short order cook


Laura said...

I wanna have lunch with you! ;)

Jan said...

me first for lunch!

Anonymous said...

I'll have lunch with you!

I just caught the part about you were actually AT the World Cup in 2006. WOW! My husband was so impressed with me for knowing that Spain won and FT scored the only goal. I confessed I owed it all to you. FT is a hottie, that's for sure, and so young! -mira

Alili said...

I thought I was the only one that didn't have a wedding album! We've been married 4.5 years and our photographer was a total failure.

Anonymous said...

Who let you be a short order cook? Patty

Damie said...

Patty, seriously. Is that the truth or what? Whitney and Steve fell out on the floor when they heard I cooked Dave dinner this week.