Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mile 6

I know Jan is anticipating this post, so I won't delay any longer.

I am not sure how to write about this. It is funny and sad at the same time? I guess I will just come out and say it and then try to justify it. Hopefully everyone will not think I am totally gross. My parents are probably reading this too. Great.

I peed on myself. (I did look this up in the dictionary to see if peed is a real word).

I didn't mean to. I didn't plan it. I have three friends (that I know of) that have peed on themselves by accident in a race. I know people that have peed on themselves in the middle of races on purpose (usually professionals trying to win the race). I never quite understood how that could happen, planned or unplanned.

I run up to the mile 6 water stop and grab some water, heed, and maybe something else too. Next thing I know, I have peed on myself. The honest truth is I was incredulous and then relieved. It was just a little pee, so the water I had just poured on my head covered everything up.

What was that about? It was not an overdoing it issue on my part. I was keeping a simple pace with lots of hydration. I wasn't pushing my body to the maximum limits through my efforts. The only thing I can think of is that my body was working so hard just to maintain itself in that heat that my bladder just decided it was tired of holding on and it would be easier if it just relieved itself. I hate to think that my bladder just gave up on the race, but it just checked out.

The scary thing is that I realized how easy it is to do that in the middle of a race. I started to wonder if anyone else around me was peeing on themselves too- maybe even on purpose. Think about that the next time you race!

So, now I am the gross girl blogger that has peed on herself in a race. I have no excuses since I have not had children. Now I am going to go into the next race worrying if my bladder can hang on...or if I turn this into a tool for saving time.

Oh me...


Mel said...

Ha too funny pee girl :) I am sure it happens to so MANY people..if I had to pee I would just pee...really not a big deal :) good thinking on pouring the water on the rest of you to even the wetness out ha!!! GREAT job on your race and way to wear the Splish suit...wasn't it great!!!

Laura said...

I am laughing so hard right now! Awesome. Did Charlie ever send you that slowtwitch article on this? Check it out... http://www.slowtwitch.com/mainheadings/coachcorn/evacuation.html

Laura said...

Sorry the linky didn't post well...

I think it mostly applies to men...

moremittenz said...

great, now you give me another thing to worry about during a race! oh, to join the ranks of serious runners who pee themselves during a race...

Jan said...

was i one of your three friends? if not, now you know four who have experienced this situation. ha! try losing it on the alabama track in front of everyone with no water to throw on yourself! welcome to the club, damie. i'm proud!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Uh oh, justs wait until after you've given birth (if you decide to)! You were just having so much fun!