Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hello Everyone

Not much blogging going on by me this week. I am wrapping up this semester at school, so we have had a lot of tests and projects. But, I think I am finally adapting to the stress so everything is going a-okay.

Workouts have been going well post half IM. I was lucky to not be sore, but I was certainly tired as demonstrated by my 12 hour night of sleep + nap this past weekend. I even went to track yesterday. At first I thought, oh no...I am just going to have to take it easy. I am not recovered. Coach Paul encouraged me to just go with it and I would probably feel fine after the first lap (we were doing kind of like a 1.5 mile time trial- not intervals since a lot of people are racing this weekend). Sure enough, I got into the groove and I was fine. I had a slow time when compared with past results, but I feel that some speed and maybe even a small bit of stamina are starting to creep back into my legs- it was not near as hard as it was 4 weeks ago when I returned to the track and my times are starting to get back down. Yippeee!!!!!

Then it was off to the Redbirds game (minor league baseball) with everyone that runs track. It was fun to run hard and then kick back to some baseball and hang out with everyone on a beautiful night. What a reward!

This morning was a hard swim with the main set as 40x 50s- each with their own dern interval and instructions to "kill myself." Sweet. I made the intervals, which in itself is a huge success. I don't seem to ever get any faster in the pool, so making intervals is a good accomplishment for me.

Oh, and here are the baby versions of the pictures that cost $42. I couldn't get them off of the net any bigger than this. Oh well. I guess I really need to take that $42 and buy a new saddle for my bike -puleasssseeee send some suggestions and recommendations. Dave promised to take lots of IM pictures for me this time around (although I am not sure if I trust him- he usually gets about 1 real picture of me and 3 of my back, a tree, or someone else).


Anonymous said...

Hey Damie! Don't give up on the swimming. It just comes with time. I guess like me and running. BTW, you were smokin at track! How could you say it wasn't fast! I was dying! Great job!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

40x50's? Crap, I just told Jen I wanted her to give me my swim w/o so I don't have to follow the ones at masters. Maybe she'll give me the "beginner" version.

Good luck finishing up your semester!