Monday, June 23, 2008

A Better Race Report- and some important stuff too

I realize my first post about Race of Grace was below sub-par, if there is such a thing. I sometimes get embarrassed talking about results.

Today, though, I realized that it is part of the female culture to hide accomplishment- a part of the female culture I don't want to embrace. I want all of my friends to enjoy their victories in life- we don't always get a lot of them! I know I should do the same for myself, I just don't always do it. So, Lenore and Jen called me out (thanks tons, guys) for minimizing my weekend.

A Better Race Report
I won Overall Female for the first time ever on Saturday.

Swim: It was a TT start and I was number 22. I somehow came out of the water 1st, before the 3 other women in front of me and the ones behind me. I still don't know how that happened.

T1: What can I say. This is my best event.

Bike: Steady day. Rolling hills- many of the competitors complained about the hills post race. After doing 56 miles of rolling hills a couple of weekends ago, this didn't phase me. I passed a about 4-5 guys and got passed by 6-7 guys. Good ride- not stellar, but good- I have lots of room to improve. Still no girls around. It was weird.

T2: Not as smooth since all of my race gear was stuck in a bag (this was a point to point race), but I still had a quick time.

Run: A good 5k. Last mile slowed significantly, but I was good with my time and the way I felt. I was able to cheer on my teammates and other athletes when we passed. It was a much better run than I had 7 weeks ago at Gulf Shores. I just felt stronger. My running legs are starting to return- and since I love to run this makes me happy. It was really weird having people yell at me "you are the first female!" (With a TT start, it was possible I was not first, but they didn't know that). I could tell, though, that unless someone started way in the back and was hammering it, I was probably going to be first.

And that is it! I felt honored and lucky. I just had a good day- a day where I was able to put all three sports together. I will keep trying to enjoy the victories- big and small. Sorry for being such a weenie girl earlier.

The Other Stuff- which is really more important

My great friend, Christy, broke her pelvis in a bike accident this past week. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She will most likely not be doing Ironman Wisconsin now. We all know how hard it is to not be able to train- and to be forced to release some goals you really wanted to accomplish. She is a stellar athlete and amazing person.
Christy and Damie: This is Christy post IM Louisville 2007. She qualified for Hawaii on her first IM!!!! There are going to be so many more great races from her in the future.


Jan said...

first overall! that's incredible damie! i'm so happy for you. you seemed to have glossed over that tiny detail in your first entry.

Alili said...

Wow-first overall female! Great job! And my thoughts to your friend, what a difficult injury and recovery process.

Laura said...

Damie!! Awsome girl!!! Congrats on first overall female. Take it where you can get it right? I'm not surprised, you are a stellar athlete.

Poor Christy! I'm paranoid about getting hurt one month out so I can understand her dissapointment. Tell her your Memphis friends are thinking about her!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

SWEET! I can't believe you forgot to mention this when you wrote to me! I am SO happy for you. This should definitely make you feel better about any stupid little grades.

I'm still biking, running, and yes, even swimming, so come on over anytime!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!! That is awesome!!! I bet you felt great!! Don't be shy! Take your win!! You deserve it!