Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yet Another House Guest

This post can go so many different ways. First things first...

I have an amazing husband. He deserves, and will get, his own post- not just a sentence or two in this one. Again, he is awesome and I love him.

To the point.

On our group ride today, we discovered a kitten that had been abandoned on the side of the road. Everyone thought it was so sad, but what could they do. I felt the same way. On with the ride. Well, 12 hours later and the kitten is sleeping right next to me.

Three things happened that encourage me to go back and find the kitten, 8 hours after we passed him on the ride.

1. I think about rescuing animals all of the time. I think about it almost daily- the way I think about food. It is just something my mind always comes back to. I think there is a life-calling somewhere in all of the thoughts.

2. Last night I had a dream that a strange cat kept coming into my house . I couldn't figure out why it wanted to be in the house, but it wouldn't go away. I often have visual dreams that make sense at a later time. This is one of them. A premonition perhaps?

3. I told myself that if I was still thinking about the kitten in the afternoon, I could go back and find him. I called Dave around 3:30 crying. I didn't know what to do. I find animals ALL OF THE TIME. I can't stop every time. I know I can't take every animal in. I can't tell you how many times I have called Dave crying about an animal. This time, though, Dave told me if I want to go get the kitten I could. I am not sure why it was different this time, but it was.

So, who wants to adopt a cutie patootie? It is not in our best interest to keep another cat here. Or the kitten's... picture 18 pounds of mean Presley doing everything possible to kill the kitten. (Believe it or not, Roo just wants to play with it:)

When you think about rescuing, saving, or loving animals, it can seem overwhelming. There are just too many. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or sad, I try to come back to the story about the man walking along the beach and throwing starfish back in the ocean before they die. Another man asks him why he is even bothering...there are just too many starfish to save them all. The man can't make a difference in the number that die. The man throws another one back and replies that he just made a difference to that one.

Animals are kind of the same way. You can't save every animal. You might not make a dramatic impact. But, you can make a difference to one.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Damie, you are SO nice! You would go NUTS here in my neighborhood. There are strays all OVER the place and a few of them live in our little pond/patio in the back. I don't feed them, but our neighbor does. I hope you find the cat a nice home. Jen H.

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

You are so kind and sensitive to have gone back to rescue the kitten. I hope you find him a good home.

Jan said...

Damie, you're the best! My parents have probably had around 20 kitties because Ed and I kept rescuing them as kids. I'm trying to find a home for Neil right now so I'll also look for a home for our sweet little one.

Jan said...

for Your sweet little one...wrote that wrong!

moremittenz said...

i'm a softie too, lucky i don't come home with kittens and puppies stuffed in my pockets every day :D

if i didn't already have THREE cats here, i'd take him in a second.


Marit C-L said...

Oh - THANK YOU for doing this... you're not the only one. I try to help out as much as I can also.... it makes me really happy to know/read that there are OTHER kind hearted people out there... thanks for making the world a better place...

Alili said...

Oh, what a charmer. I am so glad that you picked him up.