Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Rock N Roll Half- 4 Days Out

I am sitting down to write this post and I am just exhausted. We have a mad house here...Roo, Presley, new kitty, and sister's dog Zinny. 4 is tooo many here. The morning consists of: Zinny whining (arghhhhh) at 5:30 am, taking the dogs out to pee on a leash b/c is is raining at 5:30 am (arghhh), keeping Presley separated from the kitten, feeding the animals, and trying to restore normal morning order. So, I missed Master's swim this morning and will have to go on my own- this may be better anyways since I can hardly see straight this morning.

Thank goodness for Roo-Roo- wonder dog. He is so great with all of the chaos- even the kitten. This morning I just plopped on the couch and did not know where to start. He just came up and gave me snuggles and kisses. He always seems to know when mommy is stressed and needs a little extra love!

We have my in-laws coming in town this weekend (not my choice of weekends), but we can't get the house clean with all of the animal juggling with the rain, so....they will just have to appreciate our mad animal house for what it is. Plus, I am trying to get ready for this race- it is just a hectic week. I am no longer the master of my own home. I give up.

My very first half ironman is this weekend. I am really excited- and nervous too. I am sure I can finish the distance, but exactly HOW and IN WHAT CONDITION I finish is a whole other issue. I am heading to Macon, Georgia with Joy. She has done about a million of these things, and I think they are equivalent to a 5k to her now. The scary thing for me is that a 1/2 IM is my first race of the season. I have not done a single open water swim this year. Oh me.

This should be an interesting adventure to say the least. The good news is the drive always goes by fast when Joy and I travel together. We have the ability to talk for 6 hours straight and never feel like we have said all we needed to say. ;)


Jan said...

damie! you'll do great! where is the rock n' roll? can I do anything to help you get ready?

BreeWee said...

I am so excited for your first race of the season... time to clean out the cob webs!

I love that photo of you on the 3 wheeler old school bike! I dare you to ride that!

Have so much fun! AND I totally think the acupuncture and weird tips from my "Earthy" buddies is working!!

Cheers and BEST to you this weekend!