Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rant of the Week- Sorry (Kind of)

I promised myself I had to wait at least one week before ranting on this topic. If I was still thinking about it a week later, I had the green light to rant.

Rant: Someone came up to me after a hard group ride and told me if I wanted to get faster, I needed to work on my nutrition (not nutrition on my bike, overall nutrition). The person did not even do the whole group ride. I am pretty sure this person doesn't even do half of the training I do. So, was I a little defensive much? He started to pick apart my whole diet and tell me he couldn't believe that I was eating taco pie for dinner. That I was so unhealthy....imagine him looking me up and down. And, imagine him having a few extra pounds on his frame too.


I didn't invite you into my personal food life, Mr. I Don't Have a Degree in Nutrition and don't have the best body on earth but am going to tell you how to eat. And, I am eating taco pie for dinner because Dave cooked it and I really appreciate it. I don't give one rat's @ss that it has refined flour in the bread because it is a nice, hot meal and much better than the microwave one I would cook myself at 9:00 at night.

Have you ever seen the Saturday Night Live skit with Chris Farley, David Spade, and Adam Sandler- the gap girls. They are eating fries and Chris Farley is stuffing his face. David Spade says "Umm, Cindy, I thought you were on a diet" and Chris Farley growls "Lay off." That is how I feel.

Food: I have been fortunate enough to play soccer my entire life. Small was not good- small people got knocked off of the ball. My best playing weight was 10-15 pounds heavier than I am now. That was my very best year. My very worst year was at the same weight I am now. Soccer players are covered by baggy shorts and tops. The way your body looks just isn't an issue. I really don't want to make it one now that I am 30. I want to eat healthier to fuel my body, but I realize that I have had 30 years...hold on, 30 years....let me say that one more time...30 years of habits that will need to be chipped away. And, I will never be perfect at it because deep down inside I am a soccer player that used to eat Lucky Charms for breakfast before a game because, well, they were lucky. I eat apples now (not for breakfast, just in general). I hate apples. That is a huge step for me. I have not eaten a pop tart in months. Yea me! See, I am getting better, I just haven't totally made it over the hump.

okay, enough of a rant. I think any female reading this can identify.

And, to Mr. I Know Everything About Nutrition...thanks for the input, but next time I will ask if I want it. And, I have plenty of other resources. Oh, and don't judge people by their bodies.


Joy said...

Damie, that makes me so fired up, I want to find this guy and give him a piece of advice... :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Damie,

We ahd Greasy Pizza after the ride so I guess we are bad also, Pop-tarts are my FAVE and I often wake up in the middle of the night to have some-- I could say something mean about this guy but I won't, let's just say he si not one who should be giving advice.


Damie said...

And, I have to add to be fair, that I do exaggerate in my rant, somewhat- interpretation is always individual. Since it is an rant, afterall. I am sure this person, an overall very nice person, did not mean to hurt my feelings. BUT, he must've caught me on the wrong day, or week. Plus, food talk is always a loaded topic when someone is "advising".
Glad to see you on, Leslie. Now you have to start a blog!!!!!

Jan said...

uh, we're not all perfect ALL THE TIME!!!

Anonymous said...

OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.....send me his email or phone #, Damie!!! I mean...who does that stuff? LIKE you give a SH*T what some MAN says? Yeah, easy for him to say!!!! You do JUST fine, thankyouverymuch! Jen H. ;)

christyboh said...

Ok, I have to comment too...I just have to...I love healthy food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the most part. I also LOVE ice-cream, chocolate, and anything else I can get my hands on (especially more carbs) at night and in the middile of the day, and oh yeah, sometimes right after that healthy breakfast :) You know, I get down on myself a lot because I will eat good for about a day and then fall back into a horrible junkfood habit, but you know what, we work hard, and sometimes it is just good to know that you aren't the only one!

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

I LOVE THIS POST!!! Weight and eating right is my biggest struggle. I am always beating myself up because I "think" I should be thinner, and if I were thinner I'd run/bike/swim (OK, not swim) faster. Curves are sexy!