Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A House Guest

The Roberts had a house guest this weekend, Latte Gilmour. Laura G. went to Panama City this weekend to do the Gulf Coast Half IM. With some last minute changes, Latte was left without someone to care for him.

Laura and I have exchanged stories time and time again about the difficulty we have had with our dogs and socialization. Both have had some bad encounters with other dogs and have acted aggressively, leading us to feel like failures as parents. If you have a dog, I know you understand. If you don't have a dog, but have kids, imagine if your kids did not get along with others. Yucky. So, when Laura asked if Latte could stay with us, well, I wasn't so sure. I really wanted to say yes, come on over, Latte. But, I realized that it probably wouldn't work and I would just have to dog sit Latte at Laura's house.

So, the two dogs meet, and....

Surprise! They are best friends! More than best friends, really, since Latte really likes to hump Rooney. Latte is welcome at our house any time. He was the best addition! We all had so much fun together, and Rooney really likes him. So, maybe Rooney is not crazy and aggressive- maybe, like us, there are just some dogs he does not like.

And some that he does.

Latte and Rooney- night night time!


Jan said...

Miles may need a place to stay. Think that would work!?! Glad they have fun being roomies!

Damie said...

So funny. I swear I thought of Rooney and Miles and I was thinking there is nooooooooooo way Rooney is going to let Latte come over. Maybe Roo was jealous of Miles?

Laura said...

Damie - I'm so glad it worked out! Thanks SOOOO much for letting Latte stay with you over the weekend. I'm glad they had fun together!

Anonymous said...

Tahnks for letting Latte stay with you. I know Laura was very grateful knowing tha Latte was well cared for while she was away. As one dog lover to another, thanks for keeping him safe and sound. Rooney and Latte look like best buds & everyone needs good friends!