Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hanging On

Literally and Figuratively

Hanging on at track
Last night was the Tues track practice. 12x200. Sounds easy. Much better than the 12x400 from 2 weeks ago. Well, they used to be better when I had more speed and strength! The dilemma...go with the 1st group (faster intervals+ less recovery) or hang with the second group. I have no business being with the first group right now. I am just not there physically. But, I remembered something that Ben Knoerschild (fabulous runner) told me a long time ago. He was not a fast runner, but he just decided one practice after many cross country practices to try to run with the first group- and the rest was history. So, at the last second I jump on with the 1st group and go! And, it is hard. My legs have no speed, no strength.

I just hang on the back. The very back...but I hang on.

At the 6th interval, Coach Paul asked me how I was doing, and I replied "getting in shape hurts. I am on the back, but I am still barely making the interval...should I drop to the second group?" He said no, stay with the first until my times drop off. My breathing was so hard- I was pulling my sports bra off of my chest after every interval because I couldn't get enough expansion in my chest. Like I said before, getting in shape really does hurt. Well, I made all 12. On the very, very back, mind you, and not fast. But, mentally I think the back of the 1st group was better for me than the front of the 2nd group.

Hanging on at swim
I show up to swim this morning (my legs still somewhere on the track) and Coach Rob puts me in Andrew's lane. Ummm, no thanks, I said. He is way too fast, and he is. Can I get in another lane? No, get in with Andrew. Great. And, Andrew is probably 5 minutes faster than me per mile- on his easy day...I really have no business being with him.

But I try to hang on, again.

I draft and I push myself. I hang on for some of the pull sets, all of the the fin sets....and only 1 of the swim sets. I lost my arms somewhere after that 400 pull when I tried to keep up, and it was downhill after that. (My arms and legs are somewhere together- hopefully resting right now). Yes, I have no business at all being in that lane. But, I did try to challenge myself and hang on.

Thank goodness I had an hour and a half ride right after that swim with 25 hill repeats. My morning just would not have been complete without it! I did make the best of it by enjoying the most gorgeous morning at Shelby Forest. For those of you that do not know Shelby Forest, it is a hidden gem...full of hills, trails, and wildlife. And, just when I was disappointed that I didn't see a single animal, a wild turkey ran in front of me! Yippeee!!!!

The only thing I am not holding on to today is where I was yesterday, and last year, and 5 years ago. It does not matter what my fitness was in the past; it only matters where it is now and where I want to be. So, I am going to keep moving forward to stop moving backward!


CBD said...

Those are some high standards... You don't have to be fast until November! Are you going to be at peak all year? :)

Damie said...

well, if this is my peak, then I am in trouble!!! :) No peaking here...just getting back into shape :) You are right- THE race is in Nov! Hope your training is going well, CBDIII! We have to catch up at coffee club!

Eileen Swanson said...

Awesome work. Keep it up and you will definitely see huge improvements! great job!

By the way, thank you for the nice comment ;-)