Sunday, May 18, 2008

Amenaza Triple

Amenaza Triple- the name of our female relay team for Memphis In May. And, Amenaza Triple rocked! We won the women's relay and had a lot of fun together. I got this team together out of a need to get some bike practice in for the weekend. I did not want to race the whole race (no burn out, please), but I wanted to participate somehow.

Here we are! Damie, Katherine, and Wendy. Katherine and Wendy were my ringers for the relay. Katherine, ex-Harvard swimmer and coach + mommy extraordinaire did the swim leg. Wendy, ex- D1 runner and 3:02 marathoner..ofcourse did the run. I was nervous as I was the weak link that had to hold up my end of the bargain! It was lots of fun, though. Katherine shows up completely nonchalant- hole in her wesuit- dreading the run from the swim to the transition area. So hilarious. Wendy was worried about running on her dead-post Boston marathon legs + 10k last weekend. I don't know how the girl does it.

So, Katherine comes out of the relay swim wave was awesome! I was so proud just cheering her on. I did have some work to do as the one female team in front of me had 2 minutes on me. Plus, I knew Laura G. was bound to be behind me. I had three goals for the race. 1. Puke or come close to it. 2. Beat my time from last year. and 3. Pay more attention to my position on the bike seat.

I accomplished goal 1 as I puked in my mouth about mile 6 (although I think it was from eating that cliff bar 30 minutes from the start...too close for solid food). Hello!!! When will I learn and actually follow a nutrition plan??? 2. Had the same time from last year. Dern it! 1:05:25 this year- last year was 1:05:27. Shoot...that goal really wasn't met. and 3. Bike position much better. Yea!

Well, I managed to get in front and give Wendy the lead heading out on the hot run. Thank goodness it was her and not me!!! Anyways, relays are fun. There is some pressure to do well because you don't want to let your teammates down, but I was able to have a good swim this morning and continue training, so at least I was not wiped out from the weekend by doing the whole thing.

Here are some fun MIM pics.
Alyson, Laura, and Damie- three Memphis friends

Brian, Alyson, Laura, Damie- Brian always has the ladies around! We love Bri.

Damie and Sam. Sam, again, had a fantastic MIM with a 2:13:15. So, she dropped 2 minutes from her time this year where most of us added a couple!

Damie and Sarah (with an 18:43 swim...holy crap...can you teach me that?)- go Thunder!

This weekend I took away a nugget of truth that triathlons for me are about fun. If it is not fun, there is no point for me- I am not a professional, I am average. It is a good way for me to challenge myself, get in shape, and improve as an athlete and individual. I enjoy the friendships I have in the tri-world, and I feel sad when the competitiveness of the age grouper interferes with those friendships. I hope to keep the rest of this season fun, get in shape (hurry up, please!), and finish Florida!!!!

Oh, and please send Mira a hug or two. I will let her tell her MIM story on her own, but that girl needs a spell of good luck. I think I need to find a four leaf clover for her!


Jan said...

where'd the name come from?

Damie said...

My Spanish friend Alejo. We saw Spain play in the World Cup together, and I wanted a name based off of that experience because it was so unified and team oriented. An awesome experience!

Mel said...

Damie..AWESOME job on the relay win :) I have done some relays(the run for me) it really is nerve recking as there is more pressure on you to perform well for your partners..but it is so much fun to celebrate together :)

Thank you for your awesome email..I went back to respond to it and it was GONE :( but thank you and things are better at the moment :)