Friday, April 25, 2008

Heading to Mississippi

I don't have much to post about since I am super boring.  I just ate half of a pizza and I have no regrets.  The big Friday night issue is finding a cute dress to wear to my friend from college Aerin 'Sahquan' Gombos' wedding tomorrow evening in Biloxi.  I don't have any cute clothes.  Nothing.  I have nothing to wear.  It is too late to scramble around town to borrow from friends.  What do I do?  The only clothes in my closet are 5-10 years old and from the juniors department.  I don't think I can get away with that look anymore since I am 30.  At least my sister is coming over tonight to wax my eyebrows so I don't look like I have caterpillars on my face.  My friends are coming from all over to go to this wedding- 5 from Chicago, 1 from New York, 1 from Miami, 1 from DC.  They are all fashionistas.  I am clearly not.  Lovely.  At least I don't think they expect anything more from me.  They know me too well.  

The most humorous part about the wedding is I can't even talk to my friends about what I do with my life.  They would just look at me dumbly if I said:
  • No I don't go out because I wake up at 4:50am- to train
  • Why get my hair done at a salon?  It will just get ruined in the pool with all of the chlorine
  • No, I have not bought a new car.  I would rather save for a bike.
  • What do my friends in Memphis do?  Train
  • Why didn't I get in town earlier to hang out?  I had a tempo run scheduled.  
  • I just ran a marathon in April because I felt like it.  It was fun.  I know that doesn't make sense.
  • I am doing Ironman Florida in November.  I won't even bother telling you the distances of the events.  
  • And the list goes on-
So I usually don't mention any of this.  Yes, I say I am doing a few races this season.  Oh, and I still run some.  

What a different world?  But isn't it great to have friends with a whole other life?  I will post some good pics as soon as I get back.  I do plan on partying my A$$ off this weekend-something I don't get to do very often anymore! :)

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