Wednesday, March 5, 2008

RIP Go-Cart

Here lies Go-Cart Roberts. 1993-2008. Beloved friend and trusty side-kick. She doubled as a storage bin and bike carrier. May she rest in peace.

Behold, the death of the G0-Cart. Yesterday she bravely laid down her life to save mine. For all of those doubters who said my car was a POS and wasn't safe, well, she had the last laugh. Here is a tribute to my friend whom I put to rest yesterday.

I was hit from behind on Highway 72, a 4 lane, 65 mph highway through Corinth. I was turning right into a drive way from the highway as I do every day. Blinker on. Brake early. Slow and easy. At the last minute as I turned, I saw the car...not braking...right on me. And boom. If you have never been hit by a car going 55-65 mph, let me tell you, the impact is just like it seems in the movies. I think it was possible that I might have saved my own life by seeing her at the last second. I don't remember exactly, but maybe I turned the wheel a little more or tried to step on the gas to get out of the way. I think some insticts kicked in.

So, I spun out, hit a couple of things and then I was stopped. I didn't know if I was hurt. Well, I knew I hit my head twice- front and back, that I could feel. But, I didn't know how bad it was...if anything was broken..bleeding...hanging off of me. I just sat there trying to take in inventory of myself. Panic started coming. Where is my phone? I have to call Dave. I need to call Hannah. Funny I never once thought to call 911 the whole time. My phone was no where to be found. Everything was thrown about the car.

Next thing I knew people had stopped and were trying to get me out. I asked if I was bleeding and they said no. So, I said "I am fine, then." I got out of the car, and lo and behold it was hanging over a ditch. The Go-Cart sacrificed her wheels and let both axles break so that a sideways wheel could keep me from flipping over the embankment.

To wrap the story up. I am in Memphis. I am okay. Dave came last night to get me. I have two hits to the head, so I might be a little dumber in the future. It could be from getting older too, so we will never know. I am tired and hurting right now, but all limbs are intact and life is okay.

Now, before you say---so DON'T say---"well, at least you are alive;" my Go-Cart is dead. My friends know that I am a broke-broke physical therapy student. I needed this car to last me at the very least 16 more months. Now, I am carless and will have to go through all of the insurance BS to try to get something for the car, which will never be as much as it is worth to me in driving condition. And, the lady says she has insurance but did not have her card with her. I hope this is night another nightmare to just add on to the trauma of being in an accident and losing my beloved Go-Cart.

So, ice cream is accepted for those that feel that they need to do something to soften the blow of my loss. Please keep the Go-Cart in your thoughts and prayers as she makes her way to car lot heaven.


Laura said...

Damie - I'm so glad you are OK and I'm SO sorry about your GO-cart. :( Let me know if you need anything!

Damie said...

Thanks so much for calling today. I appreciate you checking up on me.

Jenny said...

Oh---I'm so sorry this happened to you and Go-Cart! I was visiting your blog to tell you we enjoyed having you guys here this weekend when I read about it. I hope you're doing better.

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Oh my. I know I don't even know you, but being in PT school bring out the concern in me. You are so lucky. Really. I hope you continue to feel well and the after affects don't set it hard. And I am so sympathetic to your car needs. I am praying my Honda Odyssey (yes, I'm a mini-van mom) lasts until September when I get a job! Email me anytime ( I'd love to know where you're going to PT school and how you like it. Yes, I am SO glad I will be done soon! It seems like it's been an eternity.

Mommy of THREE little MONKEYS said...

I know you said NOT to say it, but i am so glad you are ok. Well, as ok as can be expected from an incident like that. Please rest your body, it has been through more trauma than you think!