Thursday, March 27, 2008

30 and Hot

Last night I started to write my last post as a 29 year old, then I got tired and fell asleep. What a classic way to kick off my 30s! So, today I am the big 3-0. At 30, I am cuter and more fabulous than I was at 20, so I don't mind moving into a new decade! ;)

Dave is in Key West for the entire week...poor guy. All he has to do is drink pina coladas, go to the beach, drink some more, make a decision about where to eat, have another pina get the picture. My birthday could've been sad and lonely, but....

1. I got a kiss from Rooney this morning right when my alarm went off
2. Made it to swim. Got birthday rights in my lane (kind of). Joy didn't kick my butt too much. Laura is in trouble for skipping.
3. Got brownies from my back row, jelly beans from the boy in front of me, and a running shirt from my other fellow 30 year old at school this morning.
4. Came home to a HUGE floral arrangement on my front porch from my friend Dolly. She has never, ever forgotten to send me flowers on my birthday, and they are always top notch.
5. Had a card waiting on the table from my sister with 2 swim lessons with Lesley Brainard. Yes!!! Someone finally has listened to me about what I like/ and need!!!!
6. Looked up in the closet for a gift from Dave: some fabulous earrings and a running top! Yes, again, someone got me some training stuff...stuff I like!!!! And, the earrings are beautiful too!
7. Tonight I will go get a good drink. It doesn't matter if it is one other person with me or has been a great day!

Thank you to all of my other fabulous friends...even my young 20 something year old friends. To a new decade: may I actually finish school and Ironman Florida.


KeithC said...

Happy Birthday Damie! I hope you have a great day!

Laura said...

Happy Birthday Damie! Sorry about the pool this morning. I was about to get in my car and head there at 5:50 when I realized that by the time I got there and got warmed up swim class would be over SO I got some snuggle time instead. :) I know, no excuse, I suck.... I'll see you tonight for a drink though! :)

Damie said...

Laura, you are totally forgiven. I just like to give you a little crap from time to time about swim. Kisses! See you tonight!