Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hello From Corinth

My new ID picture

Well, I made it! I have a lot to talk about, and I don't really know where to start. Well, I will start with the simple, surface things here.

1. It is costing me $40 to work out at the gym here. Never mind that normal rates are $20 a month. They charge me more for being a 5 week student slave.

2. The pool stays at 87 degrees. No, not 77, 87 degrees. Yes. I had a talk with the aquatics director this morning about it. Along with the 87 degree temp, the water is so murky you can't see the walls or bottom. So, I missed several flip turns. Oh, and no master's swim. Anywhere. I felt so depressed swimming by myself in the 87 degree brown water. I only got in 2000 meters. It was all I could stand. And in my head I kept singing the Foo Fighters "Long Road to Ruin". Well, let me tell you, it is a short road. I need to get them to tweak the lyrics.
- Happy side note: the director told me I have a great stroke and I shouldn't change it. He said he would swim with me some mornings to help break up my boredom. He would also turn on the fans for me to "cool it down some."

3. I am getting a lot of sleep because I have nothing else to do at night. I feel really uncomfortable being in someone else's home, so I just got upstairs to my dungeon.

4. I don't know where to run or ride, and nor does anyone else. So, here it is 5:00 on Tues. Normally I would be heading to track. Instead, I guess I will head to a treadmill.

5. BUT, I do like my clinical a lot. My instructors are genuinely nice and I am really liking the hospital.

6. But, basically I miss my family and life in Memphis. And, I just have to face up to the fact that I may lose some fitness over the next five weeks. So goes life.

Okay, deeper issues:
On the first day, I went to have my ID picture taken. When I saw the girl/old lady looking back at me, I didn't even recognize her. I look old...not so pretty...bad hair...big nose...wrinkly eyes. I was wondering, where is that girl that used to be tan, cute, young, took great ID pics? She has been replaced by her evil, older, not so good looking twin.

When I look at that ID picture, though, I think...that is not me. It really isn't. The Damie I know from pictures these days is the Damie in race pictures. My hair is in a pony tail, but I think it looks good. It just seems to fit me. My face looks younger because I am happy when I am racing. I don't notice the wrinkles at all (maybe because the sunglasses cover them up, but that too looks very athletic!). I am running around in a bathing suit with no embarrassment, and I even see some muscles in some pictures if the angle is just right!

I think sports really bring out the best in us. I don't feel so old or ugly when I am in a game or at a race. I am not judged on how cute I am out there, I am rewarded for hard work and a positive attitude. I wish I could put a race picture on my ID to show everyone the real me. :)

I am sorry I can't keep in better touch. The internet is in the family's bedroom, so I can't really use it easily. I love you all and will try to keep dropping some lines here and there.


Anonymous said...

hello hun. i bet you are getting the same crappy weather that rooney, presley, and i are getting. and i don't know who is taking your pictures but my wife is cute fun and still very attractive. i will talk to you tonite. it has been a very boring day of cleaning and watching the dogs wrestle. love you and miss you.

KeithC said...

You can use www.mapmyrun.com or www.mapmyride.com to find places to run and ride. Five weeks will be here before you know it!

Laura said...

Damie - I don't know what you're talking about, but I train and race with some HOT, YOUNG, STRONG, ATHLETIC women and you are one of them! Oh and you didn't miss much at track last night - it was MISERABLE!

Chukie B. said...

Hey Damster...Thanks for getting me back to doing my own blog. Something very cleansing about it. Kinda like drawing but without all the cleanup :) About those wrinkles. Ive never noticed them and even if you DO have them, who cares. Im proud of mine. Ive started naming them actually. My newest one, I call El Guapo :) 5 weeks isnt that long really. You can always practice your singing on your long runs. Leslie and I were planning on doing the track last night but decided to to the Garage of Pain instead. We had 7 total and had a good workout. Anyhoo.......have fun in CO-Rinth and tell everybody I said "HEY ".

Chuk B