Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Bike Time

On Sunday, I rode 40 miles for the first time since 8/11/18!  I couldn't believe it when I saw that, but it is true.  40 miles is not a lot, so even though I knew I haven't really ridden in 2.5 years, it still surprised me a little bit when I calculated it.  This is the other side of mom life.  Sometimes moms put things aside for their growing families, only to realize it wasn't just set to the side...it was shoved to the back of a drawer and you didn't even know where it went.

I have a couple thoughts about this.  First, cycling is so important to overall strength, speed, and endurance in the sport of triathlon.  You need to be on your bike, and a lot.  You need to ride a lot of miles.  You need to sometimes try to ride with the fast guys.  It just really does matter that much.  So, if you want to be a good triathlete, you need to ride.

But also, you need some riding buddies. You need your people to do those long aerobic rides where you just talk.  Your people to go with you and rotate on the windy days.  Your people to wake up early and make it worth it when there is a coffee shop at the end.  

So, these are my challenges I am taking on.  Miles and friends. 


Wednesday, February 10, 2021


This is mostly non-training related.  Here in New Orleans, it is a big Mardi Gras week.  Normally, the tourists are not quite here in town, our favorite parades have happened or are going to happen, and life starts getting crazy.  We are all still working, yet we somehow find time every night to find a spot on St. Charles to watch a parade we have seen dozens of times.  And every year it is just as wonderful as the last.

This year it is different, of course.  If you follow New Orleans news at all, you will see that the city is doing the #kreweofhousefloats since we are not able to have parades.  ***Fun fact- this idea originated in MY neighborhood, Algiers Point (2nd oldest neighborhood in the city) and it was started by a friend and neighbor of mine.  Our house float is done, and every day we get to watch people drive by and stop, smile, and take pictures.  If you are in town, you should drive by too.  Our Float is called RECYCLE DAT, and it is made out of all recycled and reused materials and trash collected from the neighborhood.  It was definitely a feel good project, and it took us a couple of weeks to complete it. 

And just in case if you are wondering if this is my Mardi Gras wig this year...nope.  I am letting my gray hair (and there is a lot of it) grow out.  My boss yesterday told me no way, and my daughter is upset that everyone will think I am her grandma.  I think I am going to be pretty darn gray when this is all over.  The process of deciding to just let your body be where it is in the aging process, including having gray hair, is is a post all on its own.  See ya next time!