Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Carrying On

Between Isla's ear infection, my bronchitis, the heater going out in the house, some sort of weird rib injury from my coughing, and the weather acting like it is winter around here, well,  I haven't done much of anything to note!  I basically took a week or more off, and gladly so.  I had ZERO, and I mean that with 00000 on the end, desire to train, run, move, etc.  Fortunately I am on the upswing and feeling better every day.  But I do not want to be sick again this winter.  When mama is sick, the show must go on with her.  

I have had a slight desire to disconnect from the internet and reading everyone talk about training/exercise all of the time.  My facebook feed is overwhelmingly filled with everyone's training log and newest workout craze.  While I am super proud of all of my friends and glad that I surround myself with people that value health, I realized I needed to step away for a minute.  And honestly, I haven't looked back!  Amazing what you don't miss when it is gone.  I am not gone from facebook for good.  I am just not looking at it on a daily basis.  I think I will just pick 1 x week to get on there and catch up with friends without having to read daily dribble about training.    
Parenthood is still rolling along here.  Isla is hilarious, smart, and strong willed.  As a parent, my battles still revolve mostly around our sleeping and feeding patterns, as Isla is a frequent night waker and night nurser.  Dave and I are still trying to work on being the best night time parents we can be to Isla.  We had a huge laugh last night because Isla wanted to feed at 1am, and she had just eaten at 12am.  Surely she wasn't hungry! ???  I said no, and I rocked her, gave her the pacifier, loved on her, gave her to Dave, etc.  She was having NONE of it.  She cried, threw the pacifier, tossed and turned, and put on huge displays of dramatics for 20 minutes.  And they were really funny!  She is pretty hilarious, and I think I already see acting in her future.  And that was the extent of my attempt to try to "win" the battle.  Then I gave into her gave her what she needed, which was the boob, and she ate and went back to bed for 4 hours.  Who am I to say after rocking, offering the pacifier, and snuggling that she is not hungry if she says she is? 

Many (but not all, and not the ones I think are compassionate and smart) book "experts" suggest that she should now be sleeping through the night and should not be nursing several times a night.  My pediatrician, whom I don't love right now, made a big deal at our last check-up that she is not sleeping all night long in a crib by herself without waking up.  He said by next visit, "we will get serious about addressing this,"  as if I have some sort of juvenile delinquent that I need to correct now.  Seriously?  And then I felt ashamed telling him she slept in the bed with me frequently, as if it mattered one iota what he thought about that?    
So these are the sorts of issues we face as parents where we have to listen to our own guts and trust ourselves in the face of all of the advice we receive. And part of parenting, I believe, is knowing when to wage battles, and forcing my kid to not eat at night just doesn't even make sense to me right now.  She is 6-months-old, not 6 years-old.  It is about looking at the long term picture.  And it is also about not comparing your kid to others and just walking your own path.  Now isn't that what life's lesson is for ALL OF US, parents or not? 
 One of my favorite games is playing "turtle" with Isla.  She loves it!  My turtle usually falls asleep on me when I take her to the grocery store like in this picture.  Ha ha! 

Ahhh.  Off to do some work, spend a few minutes on my bike, and pray for the end of winter.  Happy week, Ya'll!  xo

Monday, January 20, 2014

Over It

Awwww man.  Isla is in daycare, which means I have now embarked on a long battle of fighting the germs for years to come.  Dave and I used to think parents needed to "suck it up."   Seriously, who gets sick from some remote germ that your kid may or may not come into contact with at daycare?  What an excuse!!!!

Wa wa wah......   It is so true!  Our family was the sickest we have ever been for a week!  In the almost 20 years I have known Dave, he has only been sick twice!  So if he gets sick, we know it is for real! 

And then I am somehow supposed to take care of a sick baby when I am sick.  Who thought of that special torture?  Just when you need sleep the most, you get the least.  TORTURE!

My favorite part, besides missing tons of work and all of my workouts for a week, was contracting some sort of issue where yellow was coming out of my eye in buckets.  My eye literally was glued shut with pus and I couldn't open it for 12 hours.  I had to shampoo it open.  Now who gets that?  I have never had that happen.  Total daycare crud if you ask me!

But, I think we are back!  Yippeee!!!!  At least for now.  I am getting ready to eat veggies and fruits like CRAZY because we have more winter to go and I just cannot afford to be sick anymore!  (And I HATE seeing Isla sick.) 
Yes, and that IS sun that you see.  Amen!

One thing I am constantly learning as a mom is that I really have to be more flexible in understanding that there will be tons of unplanned breaks and missed workouts to come. There is no point in getting frustrated if my training logs are far from perfect. These days are clearly going to just happen whether I want them to or not!
So I feel like I am starting over, again.  1 step forward and 2 steps back with training.  I am still not completely well- more like 80%.  But I am going to try to do a little bit tomorrow and we will see how it goes.  

Thursday, January 16, 2014


I get a lot of questions from people asking about the benefits of a triathlon team...and how do you find them/get on them?  If you like meeting new people, finding training and race buddies, having daily motivation, and getting to know new product, then a team may be for you!

Local teams can be a great first step to getting your feet wet with triathlon.  In Memphis, I am on Los Locos Triathlon Team.  We have a great history locally in the sport, and our roster has been filled with Kona Qualifiers (and bowl holders!), Xterra AG World Champions,  Big Belt Buckle holders from Leadville (bike and run), and on and on.  I was asked to be a part of this team back in 2008, and I feel like it has been a great fit for me as I have learned so much from racers with a lot of experience.  Our roster is small and getting on the team is through invite/voting only.  If you are interested in the team, hit me up!  There are other local multisport teams in Memphis:  Thunder Racing, Terrapin Racing, and Journeyman Racing, and I would be happy to point you in the right direction!
 Los Locos Memphis
What is the benefit of a local team?  Training partners, drinking buddies, local bike shop and run shop support, and a list of local sponsors that are also friends.

Next, I am on Wattie Ink, which I would consider more of a national type club team as it has members from most states.  The roster is much bigger, and it is also filled with many excellent athletes with  long course focus.  At the head of the team is Sean Watkins and his fiance Heather Jackson.  They are fantastic people and athletes that bring a family vibe to our team.
What is the benefit to being on a larger and/or national type team such as Wattie Ink?  Besides the AMAZING KITS I get to wear, I have met so many wonderful friends, and I am virtually guaranteed to never race alone.  The team also has fantastic, quality sponsors that I am proud to represent, and I receive some really great gear and tools from these great companies.  So, if you are interested in joining a bigger national type team like this, you could currently check out Moxie Multisport.  I believe they are still taking applications.
Wattie Ink
Many teams already have their rosters set, but for 2015 you could also check out teams like Zoot, Power Bar Elite, Betty Designs, Trisports, Rev 3, and Coeur Sports to see if any of these might be good fits for you.  Remember when you apply that you are being an ambassador to their sponsors/program.  It is not about what a team/sponsors can give you, it is what you can do for them!

Finally, another place to join a team is to join one with your coach.  I am good friends with many of the athletes that are coached by Hillary Biscay, and I consider #Team HPB my team as well.  This team provides me with support and friendship.  While there is no sponsorship with this "team,"  I am happy to wear a Smash kit or Team HPB gear anytime to support my coach!  It is a chance to team up with similar athletes under the same coach.  Think this may be something you would like?  Check out coaches that have a team atmosphere with their roster such as JHC, Simmons Endurance Coaching, or CVE.This is a fun way to wear team kits with your peers and really share that team feeling through coaching.
 Team HPB
Do you need to be on a team?  Absolutely not!  Many people have a great time hitting the roads and races solo!  There are plenty of triathletes at races that are not wearing team kits.  You will not be out of place if you choose to do your own thing.  But, if you would like to join a team and need some ideas, I would be happy to help!

Happy training!  And may many more friends walk into our lives for 2014!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

6 Months

There are no big changes here in 6 month land, just a few subtle differences from the last month or so. 
Another half-marathon happened- this time on trails.  I wasn't fast, but I had another gear.  Progress.

Training is still touch-and-go.  I have to really work hard to stay positive and SAY positive things to myself.  My mental bumper sticker wants to say things like, "this is too hard, you will never get fit again, you don't have time, you won't be fast, you can't make this happen."  So I have to daily, and I mean DAILY remind myself that I CAN! 

At 6 months we are still breastfeeding.  What a commitment!  But it is well worth it.  Above is a picture of me post half-marathon just snuggling in bed and being a mom.  We call this "magic booby time" in our house where I literally do NOTHING but be Isla's mom.  Am I allowed to say boob on my blog?  Yes I am.  I hope I am not scaring anyone, but this is the reality of motherhood.  Forget the days of just training for hours and hours on the bike.  Our days revolve around her eating needs.  Women don't talk about breastfeeding that often, and I think new moms are sometimes unprepared for the time commitment.  It is not a burden.  It is tough, but not everyone gets to do this.  I am grateful I have had the chance.   

We are also still using the cloth diapers that everyone said we wouldn't use.  Some things are so simple it boggles my mind that people find them "too hard."
At 6 months, Isla is still a sweetheart and a firecracker all rolled up into one big kissable dumpling.  We are still sleeping only 2-3 hours at a time at night and eating 3-5x a night.  Naps are 20-30 minutes.  That makes for one tired mommy, but I KNOW this won't last forever.  (well, I don't really know.  I am scared I will never sleep again.  But positivity is the key!) 
Sometimes we get home from work and daycare and I take a look at our crazy, dirty, chaotic house and I wonder how am I going to take care of everything.  HOW????  And I realize I can't, so we just tackle one project at a time if Isla will let me.  The ergo is my go-to carrier this month for getting some extra things done in the evening.  I highly recommend getting a good carrier if you have a baby that needs to be held/involved in your activities.  It is really calming for them and easier on you. 
Whew!  So 6 precious months have gone by.  Thanks for reading our updates!

Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 On!

I rang in the new year by going to bed at 8:30.  Whoop whoop!  I will take sleep when I can get it.  (As a matter of fact, I am wondering if I should just cancel this post and go to bed since Isla is sleeping.)

But nope!  I love blogging and keeping up with my friends.  I must persevere!

What is on tap for 2014?

1.  I am going to continue to race for Wattie Ink.  I have a huge appreciation for Sean Watkins and Heather Jackson for continuing to support me while pregnant/post baby, and the team has become like family to me.  I have daily interaction with a bunch of good friends on the team, and they have become an awesome support group for me.  So, 2014- Wattie Ink.  #OG #GFY

2.  I am working with Hillary Biscay and TeamHPB for 2014.  Well, I have actually been with her since Isla was born.  It has been in the works for quite a while, and we were waiting for the right time to start.  This deserves its own blog post, but suffice to say it was just the change I needed.  Hillary has been with me every step of this new mom/triathlete journey.  It is not always easy and there are more missed workouts than I care to report, but we are pushing on the best we can.

3.  Race schedule (tentative) is up!  Yes, there is an ironman in there.  The truth is that I just love the distance.  I could care less about the local sprints and the 70.3s.  Yes, it will be very hard to train with a baby.  Yes, I will not be riding/running/swimming the way I used to when all I had to do was go to work, train, and flirt with Dave.  But, that is no reason for me to not choose the races I want to race.  It will always be harder from here on out.  Dave and I plan on having more kiddos, so there is no "good year" as we see it.  I also know what it is like to have your sport taken from you suddenly with injury, as soccer was taken from me so abruptly.  So while I think it is fine to put things off for a few years, I also know that sometimes things don't come back around.  I am just going to keep on living and racing while life lets me.

4. I have some mom and work goals as well, of course!  I am also adding some spirituality and social goals in there as well this year because those areas have shriveled a bit and need to be nurtured. 

My little sweet potato is 6 months old today!  I am loving every day with her and still eagerly awaiting sleep!  
