Dave told me that it is impossible to be fit all of the time, year after year. I would ask him, "do you think the really good athletes get super out of shape like me?" Like a good husband, he always answers 'yes' to these questions.
And while not training has been detrimental to me, it has been a huge benefit to everyone else. I am suddenly available for margarita night more often than not.
I finally went to see an allergist...my 6th doctor visit in 2 months. The good new is, after being stuck in the arm 80 times, I now know that I am allergic to very few things (some trees and some weeds). And, like I already predicted, the problem is not allergies.
He also told me to stop taking all allergy medicine they have prescribed me, which was good, because I wasn't taking it anyways. So, this was great news, and I have the appointment with the big doc in a few weeks to review all systems- we will look at everything- blood work, viruses, adrenal/hormonal, etc...I feel like I am finally working with a team that wants to help me get better in the safest and healthiest way.
But, I do have a raging infection. Whether or not there is something else going on, this is obvious and treatable on the CT scan. And, I am happy to say that after starting one more try at meds.....
I ran today for the FIRST time in months like my normal self. I mean, it was the difference between night and day. I couldn't believe it. It just felt sooo much closer to normal and easy. My body was not destroyed and controlled by sickness. 1 mile wasn't a struggle. I was so happy!!!!!!!!!! I was able to work, clean the house, cook, exercise. It was great!
It has been the first day in 3 months I have not felt like I had the flu. I don't know if it will last, so I am not going to push anything, but I am hopeful and happy. Moving, working, and living is a part of who we are. When I lose that, I am not myself.
So now, onwards and upwards!!!!!
So what is next? Completely get in the clear. Do some gentle exercise when I can and build back up! and then....hit the end half of the season like a prize fighter! :)))))