Sunday, April 29, 2012

Now That's Funny

When I crashed, I initially thought...."oh no.  Please don't let anyone have this on video."  I imagined my crash appearing on Slowtwitch, and I wondered what I would say to defend myself.

A day later, I saw this picture of Heather Wurtele.  I had heard that about 7 people had crashed in the same spot, and I felt a little better to see that even a seasoned professional could go down too.
Heather's crash looked eerily like mine felt.  I poured through the pictures, hoping there was not one of me as well.  (BTW, congrats, Heather, on a great finish and podium place.  Nice race!) I couldn't find a picture of me.  Saved!!!!

And then it happened.  Shawn posted one of me on our Wattie Ink page.  Touche, touche.  Love it.  There I was, spread eagle on the ground in T2.
We had a lot of fun with this picture for a day or two on Wattie Ink, at my expense, but well worth it. 
Denise couldn't contain herself, though, and she posted a re-enactment of my crash on facebook.  Now, that is funny stuff.  I was laughing all day long at this picture, and it is my new favorite picture.  Don't you worry, Denise, 3 weeks from now I will get you back at IMTX- I have some ideas :))))).  
Kari (does anyone remember her?  She used to blog....) also added to the fun and made a side by side comparison of my real crash versus the barbie re-enactment.  I love my friends. 
So, the spread eagle crash re-enactment is the new "planking."  I thought my crash was long forgotten, but Mustafa kindly posted this picture on Wattie Ink today with the caption "getting my Damie on."     
Spread eagle- my new pose.  It looks a little bit like a mating call.

I frickin' love my teammates and friends.  I haven't laughed so hard in one week for as long as I can remember.  We have more crotch shots going around the Wattie Ink page than I think I need to see.  (Better than the picture of Matthew Ward- an unmentionable picture...I promise not to spill the beans on that one). 

I love to laugh at myself.  I will also love getting revenge on a few of you.  :))))))

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

NOLA 70.3 Race Report

This is a race with potential when they get things right.  I really liked what they had going on, and thank you so much to the volunteers. 

Run 1- 2.1x miles:  15:17 (~7:10 pace).
This was a time trial start.  I made the mistake (never to be made again) of starting in the back to "pace myself."  Next time I will start in the front and "race myself." 

I did execute the run as planned.  I planned to go out at 7:15 (no garmin) and when everyone else's garmin beeped I looked down, and bam, 7:15.  It felt like a tempo run and I thought it was a good way to start.  Super controlled.  I figured, hey, lose 1 minute to everyone running 6:30-6:45 and just get it back on the bike.  Well, everyone 6:00 or faster, so let that be a lesson to me that 7 minute miles aren't cool.  :)

Bike- 52 miles: 2:21-2:22 not sure b/c lost chip (~21.8mph)
The course is super flat with only 3? overpasses, but the big wind gave it some challenge and leveled the field a little.  It also gave me a ton of confidence for the winds at Texas.  
My bike was what I expected.  I felt great the whole time and had to hold myself back.  I wanted to chase!  "No, bad Damie.  You will not chase that guy."  I remember my final thought before I crashed was this:  wow, I rode that ride so perfectly.  I feel fresh, nutrition perfect, and my legs are so ready to run!!"
And then I can't tell you what happened.  I remember Dave cheering, a lady yelling at people coming around the curve, seeing the dismount line and girl in front of me, and then flipping over my bike as I started to swing over.  I have no clue what hit me.  I chalk it up to just crappy bike handling, but I have heard that there were more than a handful of bad crashes in the same spot where I crashed near some cracks.

I just remember hurting really badly, and then thinking that being embarrassed hurt more than my body so I got up and everyone tried to stop me.  I yelled that I was fine, didn't need help, saw the blood, and ran into transition.
Apparently my chip, garmin, and shoe came off when I crashed, and I didn't know I was missing everything.  I was so disoriented I racked my bike on the wrong rack before realizing my running shoes were not there.  I had to find my rack with my things and then just tell myself to take a deep breath.  A volunteer brought me my chip and all of my belongings and helped me get ready.  It was like Ironman!  He unhooked everything, put it on me, etc.  He was so nice.  Dave caught a picture of him helping me get ready. 

Run-  13.1 miles:  1:43
 Dave catching some pics around mile 6
 So I just started running.  My hand was bleeding everywhere and I could tell I probably needed stitches.  But, what was I going to do?  It was just a hand.  You don't need your hand to run.  I remember my hip and knee hurt when I crashed, but adrenaline had taken over.  
And basically this is how my hand stayed the whole race.  I would clean it off at aid stations, and then take two sponges which I would use to rinse it off every few minutes in between the stations.  And the thing hurt. 
Dave was amazing.  He was so concerned and kept asking if I needed anything from medical or if he could help me.  He was always ready with a good cheer for me. 
Somewhere along the course I just sort of gave up. And this is the dark part of the day. At first I thought it was because I was so far behind in my AG? Maybe it was because people were passing and I couldn't respond?  Everyone was cheering me on and I felt so grumpy.  Normally I am very positive in a race, so this is new to me.

 I have a few mental things I do to get through the long races:
1. Prayers of thanks. Thanks that I can complete the distance and work hard.
2. Cheering on others and giving them a little energy in hopes that it will refuel my own energy tank. 3. Prayers for my friends and family. I think about others and dedicate my day, good or bad to them. 4. When I am really struggling, I ask Mac and Chad to help me out a bit.
But on this day, I didn't do any of these things.  I was mentally checked out.  I just wanted to be done and get to the med tent.  I didn't use any of my mental resources.

It was so odd.  I know the race is within myself.  I never give up when I am way behind.  Who cares!!!  Give me a PR, then.  Or let me hand it to myself and feel good about really pushing it!  There are so many good things you can get out of a race even if you are not near the front.  But on this run, I wasn't seeing the bright side of anything.  
This is the most important picture of the day.  This is maybe between mile 11 and 12.  I could tell by Dave's cheers that he knew I was really struggling and not having fun.  I thought about him so much on the race course- all of our life stressors right now, especially how stressful things are for him right now.  I love him so much, and he is a wonderful husband and friend to me.  So, when I saw him, I made myself smile and give a little wave.  And seeing this picture, it was absolutely the right thing to do no matter how I felt.  Wouldn't you want to see your spouse looking like this, rather than looking grumpy and miserable?
And wouldn't you know it I had to sprint finish.  A girl I had passed earlier on came back and passed me with half a mile to go.  I was running so slow, that it wasn't any effort to keep up with her, so I knew I had to do it. 

And that is the thing.  I wasn't dying out there.  My HR didn't even elevate near what it would normally on this sort of run.  I just kind of quit mentally.  I mean, I didn't even try to get my pace back to where it was.  Once I started to slow a little, I just said, "okay, I am done.  Get me to the end."

After the race, I was pretty down on myself.  "Everyone is fast, and I suck.  I have made no progress.  I am not doing IMTX because I don't want to just go muddle through another race.  I am weak.  I am out of shape.  Etc." 

Two days later (and after the arrival of my, don't hormones make you feel a little un-like yourself?)  I feel very differently about the race.  I have eased up on myself.  Hell, that was hard to run with my hand like that in that pain!  Sure, the adrenaline helped for a while, but then it just sucked.  I was PMS, just crashed, bleeding, and tired.  While I hate that I gave up out there, I have to cut myself some slack!  It was my first race of the year.  I wasn't sharp, but I did the best I could.  

A few things- I am not out of shape.  I am in bike shape.  I am in run shape.  I have the training to support it.  But, I have lost the swim, and in effect, I have lost core and arm strength as well as 4-5 extra hours of training a week.  I am weaker.  I just am.  You can see it in my pictures and I could feel it in my run.  I lost 1 whole sport and it had an effect.  I am already cycling and running hard- I can't just pile on more.  I will have to try to address this some other way.

I also realized that I am just plain depressed.  That is what happened on the run.  I am injured, and that depresses me.  I haven't gotten out of bed to work out in the morning in over 4 weeks.   I used to get up at 4:45 daily.  That is a sign.  Injuries stink, especially when you don't have a clear way to address them.

So, I have 4 weeks to make it happen, work hard, and find a new path to success for IMTX.  And while I didn't wake up at 4:45 this morning, I did manage to go for a run before work, so that is a start.  :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Pre Race Fun

Race report tomorrow when I get some pictures uploaded.

New Orleans 70.3 ...or (2.1+52+13.1=67.2 duathlon) was great.  I very much enjoyed my friends, family, food, volunteers, music, and everything else great about the city.

I was not pleased with my race.  Mainly my run.  It is not that it was terrible.  I did not fall apart physically.  But, I did go to a dark place where I felt hopeless.  The place where you feel all of your training is in naught.  The place where everyone else is killing it, and you are the same 'ol you with the same 'ol result. 

But, I will share that all in the race report, which inevitably will be more positive as the days roll on.  I usually give myself 24 hours to stew or pout, and then I let it go.  And, as former clinical mental health counselor, I think it is completely healthy to own your negativity and then let it go.  You don't have to pretend to be happy/love something/be proud when you are not.  Emotions are not right or wrong, it is what we do with them that counts....

I did crash coming into T2 yesterday, which was beautifully embarrassing and painful.  Apparently several people did.  There were some cracks/cobblestone places near dismount that seems to wipe a few people out, or so I hear.  I never saw it coming, so I don't even know what happened.  Thanks for checking on me, guys.  :)

Everything is totally fine.  Mainly just bruised.  I sliced open a finger on something and could use a couple of stitches.  They didn't have them in the med tent, so I won't be able to get them at this point.  No biggie- I have Dr. Nurse Kathy to fix me up tonight. :)  I think the universe is conspiring against me- it clearly does not want me to be able to swim.  But seriously, weenie injuries.  I am totally cool. 
Heading down to Nola with Morgan Chaffin.  She placed 12th in the pro division.  She had such a solid day and her winter training has taken her to a whole other level. 
Denise, me, Mustafa, and Barbie hanging out at the expo.  Awesome, awesome group!  Loved hanging out with them!
I walked into the expo and heard "Damie!"  I love going to New Orleans and seeing old friends!  I haven't seen Kathy since Katrina.  So great to see her!
Friday night dinner at Borgne.  Yum yum! Mustafa and Denise:  It was COLD before the sun came up.  The relentless wind made the morning harsh.   Denise is also my race twin.  Dave said he kept getting the two of use confused on the course.  Love it!
Damie and Sam before the this girl.  She had a great race and I am so proud of her!
Time to go run!  Keith also had an awesome race- and was just as happy as could be the whole run.  Loved it!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Luck Can Strike!

You guys are absolutely cracking me up.  I have received more texts and emails telling me what a lucky chick I am....hilarious. I absolutely love it. 

Nola 70.3 swim cancelled. 

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love to swim.  I don't sign up for duathlons.  I love triathlons...every part of it.  I was completely prepared to do whatever I needed to do to get from point A of the swim to point B as fast as possible.

But, I am not going to complain about this one!  Shoulder crisis averted (more like avoided) for 4 more weeks.

Morgan Chaffin has been my travel buddy for this race.  We are having a blast.  I am having a fun time watching all of the pros in the hotel that are totally checking out the competition.  So serious!   Morgan had a Mirinda sighting this morning when we went running on the levee.  Of course I only did 10 minutes so I didn't get to see Mirinda.  Shoot!  Damie/AG= 10 min easy.  Morgan/pro= 20  min at 6:40 pace. 

But, while she might be beating me in all of the preparation, I do get to drink more wine with less guilt than her at dinner, so that makes me a winner too. 

Tomorrow the race will be something like a 2 mile run/50 mile bike/13.1 mile run.  I plan to take the first 2 miles out very conservatively.  I am absolutely more than willing to give up 1 min + on that first run rather than run too hard and lose power on the bike.  Then I just plan to race like normal and see what I have. 

So, my internet access is limited.  I will post some good pics soon and hopefully a good race report!  I am absolutely looking forward to my daiquiri and Hubig's pie after the race tomorrow.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Race Ready

New Orleans 70.3 is just a few days away. I am excited to get out of the training rut and put a little hurting on myself. I haven't raced since October of last year. I generally at least have a good half marathon or sprint tri in the early spring to get me going, but not this year.

The word on the shoulder is...."status quo." That would be two words. :)

I did have an MRI of my neck this week to rule out a disc problem. I was pretty confident I was not having neck issues, and the MRI confirmed this. So, we are back to our original diagnosis, which is brachial neuritis or Parsonage Turner syndrome. But, if I don't start seeing any changes in the next few weeks, I am going to ask for an MRI of my shoulder.

I will also take on a 3rd job to pay for all of these medical bills.

Oh yes, an unplanned root canal today? Just add that in there, please. Julia KNOWS I am dying a slow financial death in my mind.

Thank goodness I am going to Nola this weekend for a daiquiri, I mean, to race.

So, the word on swimming is...I can swim 300 pretty okay- about 1:40 pace right now. That is a big improvement as 3 weeks ago no swimming, 2 weeks ago 50 yards only, last week 2 minute 100 yards, and now I can swim 300 straight. It might not be a big enough improvement to freestyle the whole swim at Nola, but I am glad to see things aren't getting any worse.

So, I am looking forward to getting out there and just seeing what I have. I hope it is enough, because IMTX is only 4.5 weeks away, so it is getting a little late in the schedule to find out that I am out of shape!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Los Locos Du Weekend

Go go go! That has been the weekend. From squeezing in some training, to volunteering, to margaritas, to catching up on never ends! I am so happy I love my friends that are routinely a part of my on-the-go weekend. I actually don't like to be busy, but when friends are involved, I don't seem to mind. :)

This weekend was our annual Los Locos Duathlon to start off the 2012 race year here in Memphis. Our team stays super busy getting the course ready and then helping to run the race. It was a lot of fun, and I always LOVE seeing beginners out there on the course. I mean, I get teary-eyed when I watch them work to reach that finish line. It is so awesome.
Contrary to what my teammates think, I do actually work some of the race and I don't just talk and socialize the whole time. Proof above: I worked in the transition area and helped record everyone in and out of transition.

I meant to wear my visor, and I completely forgot. I also forgot to re-do the part in my hair so it didn't show my nice scar across my head (one of those soccer injuries where I am sure I needed stitches and decided to not get them). I saw myself in the mirror later that day and was horrified. Oops! So every picture is not-so-cute. Laura is looking really cute and fit, though, so we will post this picture anyway. :)
Great team-great athletes- great people.

I used to teach special education at a school that used positive rewards for good behavior. We called it "caught being good." So, when a kid just did the right thing, showed love to their neighbor, etc...they were caught being good and rewarded. Cayenne is always "caught being good" with Breesy.
And then today, Roo was "caught being good" too. Isn't this just the cutest thing ever????

You won't make it long in our house if you can't handle small spaces, chaos, and snuggles. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

All Good :)

I was embarrassed that I even wrote the last post about my shoulder. I debated and debated whether to even tell anyone, and when I did, I felt so weak! I just kept thinking I should hold it all in- that I would look like a whiner if I complained about an injury. But, maybe I was finally ready to tell people because I needed a little support and cheer, and I got it! Thank you for all of the super awesome emails, comments, and general support.

It is weird, but now that I have faced the problem and got some friendly support, I feel very relieved and ready to keep pushing on. Stuff happens, and we move on. That is how it works.

Everyone is convinced that this will be fine and I will be swimming soon. And you guys are so convincing you have me convinced!

So, no worries! It is going to be great!

Tim and I were talking the other day and talking bike/run. When we got to the swim, we both kind of started laughing. It is really a funny situation! As if I really needed any help being slower at swimming! I mean, come on! Remember when I was 41/55 out of the water at AG Nats? Or IMWales when I came out of the water 15 minutes slower than everyone else? Seriously.

Okay, enough about the swim. It will be fine- I will make it great. Everything will turn around shortly. :)

And other random thoughts...
Can someone explain to me why Fernando Torres had to ruin his career and go to Chelsea? Does anyone else remember when you couldn't keep him from scoring? What happened to him?

I want you all to know that my very favorite named Torres. I don't take names lightly. I was the game in Germany...when he scored against Tunisia in the World Cup 2006. I watched him play brilliantly for Liverpool- and thus, my bike was named after him.

Then he transferred to Chelsea.

It is so unfair. I have to look at my bike and wonder what happened to Nando every time I ride. But seriously, what did happen to him?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Not Crying Wolf

I am starting the post off with a happy picture, because we all need a little smile. Oh, the things my poor husband tolerates. :)
I have delayed this post for 4 weeks because I was in denial and didn't want to cry wolf too soon. But, since I am up again in the middle of the night, again, I might as well take this sleepless opportunity to write about my injury. Now that I am admitting I have an injury. I feel like such a loser.

Yes, I said it. I am always smiling about how I am never injured anymore now that I don't play soccer. Eliminate the 200 pound guy for me to tackle and I seem to stay healthy.

4 weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night with the most excruciating pain I have ever felt... in my shoulder of all places. It was terrible. What did I do? It was fine when I went to bed? I hadn't felt a thing in any of the swimming I did all week? How could I have torn something in my sleep?

It was just awful. Over the next few days, my shoulder started to sublux frequently (which is like a partial dislocation to my non-medical people). And you know what? A subluxing shoulder hurts. Bad. I couldn't sleep (and still can't, obviously)

My guess was..rotator cuff. There was absolutely something wrong with it, but I just didn't have a mechanism for injury. Swimming would be the obvious answer, but I never felt any pain swimming.

And this is a long story cut way short, but after finally going to see two doctors, the conclusion is a brachial plexus injury/inflammation....originally thought to be a c5/6 cervical issue. But, I was not having any cervical symptoms. So.....with some further exploration....

A probable case of Parsonage Turner Syndrome. And the creepy thing is, I was sick the night this happened with fever, infection, and feeling like total crud.

Whoopee. I should be good to go in 1-2 years according to the literature.

The physical therapist in me is having a really hard time with this. Give me muscles and bones. Give me something with which to work, please. Don't give me some sort of nerve injury that I can't treat.

4 weeks later and I can't externally rotate my own arm against gravity. Actually, I can't even go full range gravity eliminated. My infraspinatus has checked out for a while. So, I am having trouble with the little things. I can't fully lift my water bottle on the bike to my mouth, I can't catch a door, and I can't


Because I don't have the muscle function to get my arm out of the water for the recovery phase.

So, that 1.2 mile swim I have in 2 weeks and that 2.4 mile swim in 6 weeks is looking pretty daunting right now. That is putting it lightly. Who am I kidding... this sucks.

I have not given up. The doctors have told me that they feel strongly that everything will come back with time- they just can't tell me how long. There is no exercise I can do to promote this. When my muscle is able to be strengthened, I can strengthen it. Until then, I just have to be positive and hopeful.

On a happy note though, I do have all of my range of motion and some muscle strength in other muscles. :)

I am going to see someone for ART, because in my mind, I want to make sure there is absolutely nothing compressing the nerve at the c5/6 level anywhere in my cervical or scapular area. I am not sold on Parsonage Turner Syndrome as a diagnosis, although today I was told that is part of my denial. But, whether or not I agree on the exact diagnosis, I finally have come to terms with the fact that it is a nervous system injury.

I am starting to go back to the pool and at least kick. I have gone from not being able to swim 1 single stroke to now swimming 50-100 yards x 2-3 with compensation (which I know is not cool, but I have to try something!). But, it is improvement. Last week nothing. This week swimming some lengths.

Today when I walked into the pool area, I almost threw up. It was just that moment where the realization that you are injured completely hits you. What am I going to do? Breaststroke the whole race? Well, yes. That is one plan. The other plan is just to stay really positive that I can get enough muscle function back to complete most of the swim freestyle. I wish it were more in my control, but it is not.

The true beneficiaries of my injury are the dogs. They are more than thrilled to have me hang with them on the couch at 2am in the morning. My running and cycling is also benefiting from the loss of the swim.

I do not want to start in that mass of 2000 people not being able to swim. I already panic enough in the water to not need any other swimming obstacles. Please, please just let this heal and give me a chance to swim!!!!

Okay, and to top if off, Dave ALWAYS has to one up me. ALWAYS. A week after my left shoulder went south, he went snowboarding and completely separated his left shoulder with a grade 5...the type that generally requires surgery (we find out Wed). Ahhhh $$$$$$$$$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would be so frustrated with all of this if it wasn't so comical. They say that married couples start to morph into each other, and that is completely the case with the two of us.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Weekend Happiness

Another weekend of "thank-yous" to the boys for giving me another big ride at Ride Into Spring...another 100 miles... even faster sub 5 hours than last weeks sub 5 hours. Everything was smooth and actually felt better than last week, with the exception of the nutrition bottle sabotage by Tom O'Kelly. I am not sure why he stays so mad at me! :)

(and I made it home safe...thanks for not checking on me, boys. Geez! I swear I get no female preferential treatment out there.)

I know a ride is good when I come home and have a text or email from David Lacek. I eagerly waited....and boom. There it was. Good ride confirmed. And everyone had to suffer with Mark this week, not just me. I think I secretly like the suffering he inflicts.

Overall, I think I am riding faster because I have important things to do when I get home, like an afternoon of margaritas with my friends! Caroline, Rachel and I decided to have some girl time without a 5am run/bike involved. So, 100 mile + brick +margaritas, and I was one very happy girl.
Of course we let Curt join in. :) Dave was too busy listening to NPR and planting flowers. I kid you not. I am not sure what to say about this, but I am glad I have a husband takes care of the house while I frolic :)
These two girls are the absolute best. They are smoking fast. FAST! Our plans have been made- July 1st we are back on our weekly speedwork together. (well, you know, start together at least:)
Damie, Caroline, Rachel B, Jennie Vee, and Angie Z running at Shelby Farms.
Today was a happy Easter morning run with a great group of girls. This was Jennie's last longer run before Boston, and she is primed to kick some serious butt. I used this awesome group to get me through another long run with some faster miles at the end. I always think I am too tired to do the work, but it is just a choice. Work done!

So, do I do this sport to be competitive and improve my times, or do I do it for the great people? I would say the awesome friends I have trump all.
And to our parents, Dave and I DID go to church this Easter Morning. Proof. I did not attempt to fix the sweaty run just went back in a pony tail. :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Writing bloggers block...
Reaching that point where there is nothing to write about except to say that I am doing the same things I did last week...train, work, eat a lot of cheesecake and feel chubby. :) oh, and I am back on the romance novel kick, which leaves little time for anything else. Once I pick up a book, I will turn my back on everything else it seems.

I did a lot of training from March 8 till April 1, and the past few days have been wonderful recovery days. Recovery feels so good when you know you have earned it. I am definitely really itching to race, though. Enough of this training stuff!

My nephew was baptized last week, and I thought I did a pretty good job of showing up in a dress and high heels after a 20 mile run. Then my sister called me out and said my hair looked like crap, and I had to admit that I did not have time to wash it. I guess you can't make sweaty hair look good in church.
And my sister just turned 31. Man time is flying by!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Last year the challenge for me was to build my miles and increase my endurance. Plus, and most importantly, love running again. "Love to run again" was seriously a goal- a written goal that Tim and I took very seriously.

So, it was wonderful to have all of these easy runs. I was building mileage and taking care of my body. It took a long time, but it happened. And now, well, I can run. Running long and easy is no longer a big challenge.

This year my running schedule looks a wee bit different. Tim knows if left to my own devices I will just run easy for the rest of my life, unless chasing a soccer ball. I love to run easy! You know how some people only run fast...NOT ME! I can joggggggg!!!!! So, now I still have my easy days, but, I also have tempo miles. He figured out I told on myself that I don't like tempo runs, so guess what I see on my schedule all of the time?

Sport is always about having to face myself!

So today= long run + tempo + heat....formula for a little suffering. However, I am really starting to understand that so much of my pain is self-chosen. I am realizing that I don't like tempo work, but it is not hurting me. I can complete so much more that I do, I just have to choose to do it.

Today I had to choose to do the last set of tempo miles in a long run, even though I was feeling the effects of the whole weekend of training plus the heat. I stopped and thought, "I will just jog it in. 16 miles is good, and I did the earlier tempo, so at least I got some of it complete." But then this podcast came to mind:

Bruce Fordyce

Bruce talks about a world class runner that would sign up for the Comrades Ultramarathon- easily had the potential to finish- and would drop out every time. I am very much paraphrasing, so check out the podcast, but he says that the runner did not invest enough in his training- did not sacrifice for the race, and when the race hurt, it was easy to stop. It is easy to say you don't need the suffering in your life when the going gets hard. But if you have sacrificed to be in the race....nothing can stop you from finishing.

And I thought to myself. It is no sacrifice to jog the last 2 miles. I can do that. And when it is hot and miserable at IMTX, I will have not have the mental strength that finishing this run correctly will give to me. Instead, I will look inside myself and see a person that did not want to hurt in training, and will probably not want to hurt in racing.

So, I did the last bit of tempo. And the interesting thing is....
1. I felt no worse picking up the pace
2. It was not like I was barely making the pace, I was right there.
3. It was mental!

So, I hope to continue to challenge myself to make the mental breakthroughs and to rightly distinguish between a true need to physically stop vs a want to stop secondary to discomfort. Because, let's face it...IMTX is going to be a hot, humid sufferfest. I would like to blame friends for making me sign up, but I think my little fingers are the ones that typed out the registration form!