I haven't had a good Smithy picture post in a while...

I am often asked why I play soccer. I am asking you why you don't? You are foolish! Not only is it the best sport in the world (hence the World Cup), it has the finest looking men on the planet. And yes, I think Dave is extremely hot on the soccer field. (for the record, Dave said I am my hottest in my cycling shorts- who knew?)
But soccer and triathlon don't always go together.

For example, Smithy- hot on the soccer field. Dork on a bike. I so wish I hadn't seen this picture.
And apparently soccer and triathlon don't go well together for me either.

Last Tuesday I went into a tackle that looked like this. Pretend I am Smithy, and the guy in blue is a keeper getting ready to take my legs out. And it really did look something like this. Easy to imagine that I am injured. Again. From soccer. (every single injury I have ever had has been soccer related- I don't think I have ever had a true triathlon/running injury).
And as Kevy said, it is hard to have sympathy for me when I have soccer injuries because I know to stay off of the field. Ughhh.... I know. I was pretty sure my left leg was fractured. It in fact is probably not fractured according to x-rays but my femur is extremely bruised- and I am hurting. This has been my most painful injury to date.
I have taken 5 days off completely- haven't even gone into work, and I am still in pain. I have thrown everything at this injury: pineapple smoothies, arnica, acupuncture, nsaids, the good meds, epsom salt baths, B-12 shots (limited research on osteoclast production?), heat, ice, Lucia (she rocks), and complete couch rest. I have read 5 romance novels and I have also started Christopher Moore's Lamb (Awesome!). What I haven't done is train- and this was my first week back to structured training. Instead, I am winning the contest in the house for the chunkiest monkey (Roo was holding the title, but I now own it).
Great, so now I am not only in pain, I am out of shape. Shoot!!!
So Lucia asked me today if I am going to finally give up soccer. And I thought, why lie? If I say yes, I will just have to eat my words a year from now when I am back on her table asking for help from a soccer injury. But for the immediate future, yes.
So, what have I learned about myself through all of this? That it is really hard to get a lesson through my thick skull. :)
Happy Friday everyone- best of luck to Jarred, Tom, Billy, Jeff, and
Mary in Ironman Florida this weekend!