Another week come and gone...I just woke up from a nap and a romance novel. (It was called Slightly Scandalous, and I think I would prefer the Super Scandalous version... slightly is just not even worth it. Oh well, another 300 pages of trash in my brain. love it). Dave is watching
LSU and the "Battle of the
Unbeatens" at 17-17 right now. These games make him bipolar, so I can't watch the whole thing with him. I am sure everyone with an SEC team husband understands.
Joy was in town this week and that was wonderful. We have decided we should all move to Little Rock in 2-3 years (she has family there, I have family there, Jeremy can do a fellowship there, we can ride and do outdoorsy things all of the time, etc...). I told Dave our plan and he said he is not leaving me along with Joy to plan anymore. Alas Joy has returned to her "new home" in
Los Gordos. Haven't heard of Los
Gordos? Geography was never my strong point (nor is history) and I actually told someone that Joy lived in Los
Gordos, so that is my new big joke on my dumb self. (She actually lives in Alamogordo and shops in
Las Cruces...).

Saw Joy and Jeremy off last night with a few drinks and sushi. Bye bye! See you around Thanksgiving!
Today I rode Trinity and enjoyed the gorgeous weather. Before Nationals, I rode Trinity to get in a little suffering before the race and to work hard. I don't seem to have the same mentality out there now, and it is not easy to maintain big effort riding with no race on the horizon. But, I hate to not ride when we are blessed with the sun. I got
gapped today on the big effort (thanks JT- that effort was sweet)- and ouch if a guy behind me wasn't pissed- and he made sure I knew it (although he and the other guys behind me offered no assistance in catching the group...and then they just totally dropped off the ride). So I got aero, caught a handful of guys ahead of me in the next few miles and we got a small group to the store to rejoin the big group. So, I am batting like 75% now as my keeping up rate, whereas I was at 90%, but I am still loving it.
Tomorrow is the RRS 10 miler. Two weeks ago I ran pretty quickly, but tomorrow I am just going to get in some miles. In the past two weeks I never made it over 4 miles in training, so no need to try to race or drop my time tomorrow. I did, however, take 30 seconds per mile off of my 3 x 1 mile repeats with Caroline and Rachel this week, so that was positive.
And that is it in my boring world of training. It seems as thought LSU is going to lose, so Dave is probably going to be all grumpy for the rest of the night. I could use another Saints win tomorrow to put the household energy in good order.