Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Tri Season Underway: Tradition Triathlon

I must say I have been excited to start triathlon season.  First race out was Tradition Triathlon, a sprint in Mississippi.  It was a team race as well, with almost all of the women on our team racing.  The great thing about my new team is the women are FAST.  I am way down the totem pole...small fish in a big pond.  It is inspiring, and I am thankful to be on such a good team.  I knew the race would be tough, and honesty I know that overall placings are just not going to be the norm for me anymore.  So, I am finding my way as an aging triathlete, just setting my own, new goals.  

My main goal was to back my run.  I did a 5k about a month ago, and I ran the fastest time I had in years with no specific run training over the winter.  That excited me.  Maybe my run is coming back a bit?  Spoiler alert, it really didn't.  

Swim 7th female:  It always seems fine, but when I get the garmin data, I am way off course every time compared to everyone else.  I can't figure it out as I think sighting is something I am good at.  Thank gosh for wetsuit strippers at this race because I have had a lot of trouble getting my wetsuit off.  Otherwise it was uneventful.  

Bike 1st female:  1st!!!  Yes!!!  My bike is coming back!  I credit most of this to eliminating my back pain from last year.  I didn't train many miles over the winter, so I think so much of my bike was just about consistency, lack of pain, and....position.  I have been listening to a lot of Matthew Bottrill podcasts lately and have decided to focus on staying as tucked in as possible.  Why not?  Why not work on aero drills?  I need to take speed where I can get it.  I am not low on my bike as I still baby my back a bit, but I spent the race really keeping my head and shoulders in a good position.  Maybe over time I will drop the front end a little more.

I came out of transition and immediately I had a teammate pass me.  This is a girl that has beaten me most of the time we race together, so I just decided to gather myself and race!  I passed her back, got on the course, and just went for it.  

And this is me coming into transition and looking at the guy yelling at me I could not turn here!  I thought it was the bike in area, but it wasn't.  I had to go around.  I lost some time not knowing the transition and course, so your bike out and ins!

Run 7th female:  It was not the run I wanted in some ways.  I started off trying to get in a gel.  I had wanted to take a gel on the bike, right before the run so I didn't have to worry about it running.  But, I wasn't able to get the gel opened on the bike.  So, I grabbed an extra gel in transition and started running.  But, what I think I would like to do next race is eliminate the gel on the run.  I need all of the focus on forward propulsion and just can't have any distractions.  

So, I run, fumble around taking in a gel, and start with an 8:30 something mile.  I am not even really focusing on pace, which maybe was a mistake because I think I am going for it.  But the next mile I get to 7:40, and it is more uphill. Same with the 3rd mile.  So, I just had a bad first mile- a 50 second difference is just yikes.  I mean, that is too much.  It was the gravel, the gel, my inability to start off quicker, etc, etc. 

I can see that most of my teammates are running incredibly well and they are in a different league.  I try to hold off of the women behind me.  I also realized with this race it is time for me to start further up in the swim TT start.  I am too far back in the swim start, and that prevents me from having people to run with and push with on the run.  

Finish:  6th Overall Female and 1st Masters... 2 seconds out of 5th and 6 seconds out of 4th.  

And you know, I felt pretty frustrated with my run at first.  I was grumpy.  If I could run with the rest of the women, I would be placing much higher.   If I could have just been about 8 seconds faster, I would have moved up a couple of places.  My swim and bike are there, but my run just sends me backwards. 

But then, I realized that I am doing great!  Everything is such a process and it isn't perfect.  After so much time off, I am just re-learning the sport, setting new goals, and learning to meet my body where it is and maybe develop some new tactics.  So, my frustration with my run was honestly replaced with gratitude.  It gives me more to work on, and I will continue to just be consistent.  There is always something to learn and something to work on.  It is what makes this sport great!  The years off, although didn't seem like a good thing at the time, maybe have been a big blessing because I am so happy to be back.  

My team did amazing, putting 8 women in the top 10.  It is so refreshing to be around women that love this sport as I do.  

On to the next race- Crawfishman Tri in a few weeks.  My goal will be simple- go faster on the same course than I did last year.  
