Thursday, February 22, 2018

February Recap

Another 5k and some progress.  I finally got back under 8 and had commendable pacing.  Although I was really far back in the field and racing to the line didn't really matter, I was glad to see I had a little fire to work really hard the last .1.  I absolutely have not had that lately.  Getting the racing mentality back is something I have struggled with the past 2 years.  I love to race, but consistently racing sick or out of shape and I had become very complacent with just finishing.  It was nice to make it hurt a bit at the end.  Finish strong!  My race pictures were horrid.  Loss of muscle, increased body fat, and almost 40 skin doesn't make for good running pictures!  But, I will take some bad pictures if it comes with faster times.

 And the sprint to the finish with a girl in a tutu.  Dave gave me such a hard time over this.  

If we are Facebook friends, then you know Isla ran her first race ever the same day and got a medal for finishing a half mile.  You know she is not competitive, very shy, and doesn't like to sweat.  We had so much fun running this together, and she only walked about 4 steps before I was able to encourage her to press on.  It was truly one of the best mornings of my life.   And most importantly, she was proud and had fun.  

This is what it is all about folks!  Have the courage to start.  Enjoy the process and every step you get to take.  Be proud of finishing.  

I was happy to see progress in my race and motivated to try to continue to add miles to my running and really hit the gym.  But instead, the flu hit me.  I have now been out 2 solid weeks without any running or training.  I tried to do a run today, but my body is just not ready.  1 step forward and 2 back seem to be a running theme these days, but I am DETERMINED to make 2018 a great year for me athletically.

Next 5k is in 2 weeks.  I am hesitant to race as I think I will need 4-6 weeks to just get back to where I was.  I will think on this more.  I want to keep racing, but I don't want to dig any holes.  

The flu timed itself so very well that I missed 50% of mardi gras, including Fat Tuesday.  Thanks flu! 
Of course what I did get to do was exceptionally fun.  I am definitely in my element this time of year.  

Krewe of Muses with the family

Krewe of Nyx with the girls

Downtown Mardi gras with Memphis friends