Monday, August 21, 2017

A New Master's Group?

And this morning I swam again.  

When I moved to New Orleans, I was sad to find that people just did there own thing.  So many triathletes just kind of swim to get by.  Of course they are willing to crush themselves on the bike week after week, but 2-3000 yards twice a week and they wonder why they are walking the marathon at the end of an ironman.  (you know, because it is an entire day of one sport triathlon, not just a big bike race).  I met up with a few people when I first moved here, but it was one of those situations where everyone was doing their own workout and some people didn't even want to circle swim or share lanes.  I felt like I was in the way, or worst, unwanted.  Barf.  I just don't want to start my morning like that.  Give me a good class, with good people, a good coach, and a good cup of coffee at the end, please.  

I have been saying for over a year now that I am very lonely swimming.  And while I like to train solo when I have very purposeful training, I believe wholeheartedly that master's swim is where it is at if you want to really get back into swimming or become a better swimmer.  For those of us that started later in life, going to the pool 1-2 x week for a couple of thousand yards is just not enough.  Some people can skate by on that (not me), but for the majority of us, we need more yards, more frequency, and harder swims.  For me, I don't think it is coincidental that when I was my fittest as a swimmer, I was also my best at triathlon.  The fitness carries through the whole day.  

So today I went to try another Master's group.  (there are only 2 in the city I can find, and one doesn't have very good participation and the coach plays on his phone).  I didn't want to like it.  For one, it is more than twice as expensive as what I paid in Memphis.  PLUS- nothing else comes with it.  No gym.  No open pool every day.  Just 3 x week 1 hour master's.  Worth it?  I don't know and work on a tight budget.  

I get there and the first person I meet is nice.  Of course he is.  And then I get in the pool and it is cold.  (I LOVE cold pools and can't stand a warm pool for training).  And then I jumped in a lane with people that were nice.  The workout was so-so.  It was definitely NOT like swimming with Gil Stoval, some of the best coaching I have had in any sport.  But, the class moved.  There were no fins. No paddles.  Lots of strokes.  No complaining.  What is lacked in structure it made up for with friendliness and camaraderie and pure swimming.  

Before this morning, I have been swimming about 2 x month for 1500 yards at a time.  It is all I can do before I get out because I am not sure why I am training when I have nothing I am training for.  It was actually a relief this morning to walk in somewhere and just say, "hey, put me in the slow lane in the back.  I am out of shape.  I am a nobody.  I'll just follow your lead."  There was not pressure and my brained turned off.  I don't even know how many yards I swam today.  I lost count.  It wasn't as many yards as I used to swim, but more than I have been doing.  It was good.  

So, here is the clincher.  I have finished swimming and debating doing this class in my head while I gather my things.  It is great, but more money than I have to spend.  I would have to cut something and I don't know what.  I don't do anything else!  And this girl in the next lane introduces herself and she is so nice.  One thing leads to another in a conversation and I am at her house 15 minutes later picking up 3 eclipse glasses (I didn't have any, and she had extra).  So, here I am with a cold pool, nice people, and a new friend.  It is almost as if I have to do this class.  It is like sign, after sign, after sign.  What do you think?  

Saturday, August 19, 2017


The blog is up and running again.  And while summer started off a bit unfriendly (miscarriage, no racing, work stress) it has redeemed itself with a lot of good times with friends and family.  So, I am back and ready to start putting it all down again.

 Matching glasses with my girl :)
 Isla and our cousin Anna- Isla wanted the both of them to wear tiaras to a party that night. 
 We had our 1st annual cousin camp at Aunt Kathy's this year.  I could not get Isla to leave, and I couldn't really blame her.  Who does want to take nap breaks where you pile in bed with a cat?

Isla spent the summer at farm camp, gymnastics camp, sun buddies camp, and playing with friends.  It is good to be a kid, and we obviously love having friends over to the house. :)  All kids welcome!

Dave and I wrapped our summer up with a wonderful vacation which was our first ever without Isla.  I balked and refused to do this initially because I have no interest in separating my time from my daughter.  Mostly I feel like parenting is something you don't just turn off when you feel like it.  I also want to create trips the whole family can enjoy.  But it was for a good friend of mine and her 40th birthday, and it was adults only.  You know what?  I had an absolute blast and Dave and I really did need to actually sleep in and truly relax.  I feel like a new person, honestly.