Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016- Done and Done!

2016 has come and gone.  Here are some highlights...

-Life is in my favor.  All of the people I love are healthy and happy.  Every year is a good year when I  know I am very fortunate.  

- I ran the Boston Marathon, which was something I have wanted to do for more than a decade.  It was all it was cracked up to be.  

-  I ran 50 miles.  What?  

- I moved back to New Orleans
It just now hit me, but I live literally maybe 100 yards from the Mississippi River.  Something about that just seems so wild to me.  
- And...bought a house!  

- I managed to make some kick ass costumes for Halloween this year, including a paper mache cupcake consume for me daughter.  (Okay, this has nothing to do with the post, but I just wanted everyone to see my costumes because I forgot to post them last post :)   

- Despite job changes and loss of work with moving, I still managed to earn as much income as I did last year.  

-  I got a new bike.  
Do you spy a bike? :)

- I got to spent more minutes and hours and days with my favorite girl in the world.  Pinch me!  Is love this amazing for real?
 I love this muffin!

The lowlights....

- Health issues and no triathlon.  And here we are, months and months later and we still haven't figured out what is going on despite blood work and heart check ups and everything else.  

- Just a terrible race year.  I raced 4 times this whole year?  This has by far been the worst year for me training and racing wise, which is weird to say since I did Boston this year and ran a 50 miler.  Yet, for some reason there was something so unsatisfying about this year.  The reason I do this is for the journey...the training, the miles, the hard work.  I had none of that this year.  

- Last wah wah was on this, but I am the most out of shape I have been maybe in my whole adult life.     Nothing like getting closer to 40 and feeling like life has hit you on the back of the head like a frying pan. 

-No 2016 baby.  It wasn't for lack of trying.  It was hard to put my eggs in the baby basket and walk away empty handed.  I don't stress too much about conceiving, as I very much think there is always a bigger plan that I don't see.  But, I am certainly not getting any younger.  

- My bike was stolen.  Lots of :( :( :( and $$$ 

- Moved away from my training groups, including my amazing master's swim team, my OWL running group, and my Los Locos cycling friends.  While I know I will make some friends here, I must say I had a pretty sweet training set up in Memphis that probably cannot be replaced here just due to geography.  It is going to take a lot to impress me here in Nola, and so far I have not been wowed.  And you know, I miss my friends.  

- New jobs = new stress.  I still haven't found my perfect fit here, and I look forward to the day when it all comes together.  

- I paid a lot of stupid tax and made a few decisions that were bad money decisions.  Dave told me today that was the price of being human.  Human or not, I hate to throw money down the toilet.  Live and learn!  

And on to  2017...

- After 5 wonderful years, I did not reapply for Team Wattie Ink 2017.  This was such a tough decision for me, but I know that sometimes it is good to take a break and clear some space to create energy.  This leaves me teamless, which his really odd.  I have been on amazing teams- honestly the best available to me- since I started the sport of triathlon.  To be solo....well, what do I wear?  Lol!!!  

- I am going to blog more.  Not because I think I should, and not because it serves another purpose like promoting sponsors, but simply because it is the social media outlet I like best.  

- I am going to make my new house bad-ass.  Fun, artsy, and bad-ass.  I will finally have a library, and I will not let Dave talk me out of turning the loft into something else!  It will be our reading sanctuary.  And I finally, finally get a bike/training room.  YAY YAY YAY!  Life changing stuff here!  

- Last time I put a resolution on my blog I kept it.  I said I would volunteer 24 times at the Humane Society, and I did.  So, this year, I want to work at some sort of soup kitchen over a major holiday.  Hold me to it people!  I have wanted to do it for years.  

2016 Done and Done! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season.  

From me to you- may you find the positive in your 2016 and move forward to an even brighter future in 2017.