Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Weekly Snippet

Again, too many things to say, but it is almost 8:45pm which means this mama is going to bed! 
I finally got back into some group riding this week for only the 2nd and 3rd time in the past 2 years!    I am having to be a slave to my HR monitor as I try to get fit again, and of course that means I have to watch everyone go bye-bye while I rebuild my aerobic engine.  But, it is great to at least start the day off chatting with some friends before I have to stick to my plan and watch everyone ride away.  
And even when I throw HR out of the window, like I did in my Los Locos team ride, I still get popped off of the back, especially on the hills.  Dear legs, please come back sooner than later. 

The most important news is that I have actually gotten sleep this past week for the first time in almost 11 months.  But, that is a whole post in itself.  I'll put that on my to-do list, behind submitting my health care spending account receipts and buying some pajamas for Isla that fit.  Give me about a month...that seems to be the going rate for finishing to-do lists around here. 
 After a hard day of shopping
Peek a Boo!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Quick Note

I am super behind on blogging...will catch up this week!  Until then, just a couple of pics-
Isla is getting so big!!!  Where did my baby go? 
Dave's pictures come to my phone, and I noticed this gem today: Chasing Classic Cars in the background and Isla chilling on the dog beds.  Looks like a daddy/daughter morning if I have ever seen one!

Monday, May 12, 2014

1st Tri Back

I didn't know where to start after so much time off.  As it turns out, a low-key sprint with family around was perfect. 
 The Turpins:  me, cousin Anna, Great Aunt Ann, Aunt Kathy, and Great Uncle Jerry. 
I traveled to Arkansas to race with Joy and see my incredible family.  I have to plan my races now based on travel with Isla, and having family help was perfect.  In fact, I couldn't have done it without Nami and Papaw watching Isla, so thank you!

I decided to go all out and practice with my equipment, even if I looked silly.  I really needed the practice after a long layoff.
The swim:  pretty much what I expected.  I felt fine- no problems.  Got passed by a strong swimmer chick, but otherwise it was an uneventful pool swim.
Where is the string?  Help!!!!!  
 And then the real fun started and all of my rustiness from two years off appeared.  I ran the wrong way out of the pool- of course no one stopped me.  I had to back track to the right door.  tick tock...   and then, I couldn't get out of my swim skin.  Now, this was 100% my fault- Blue Seventy makes and amazing swim skin and it it so easy to take off- you just flip the zipper and separate the sides.  But, I forgot that little nugget of information.  It had been so long since I have used it, I was randomly trying to unzip the thing and just stood there in transition trying to figure out why I couldn't unzip my suit.  Everyone was asking if they could help, and it was actually pretty funny.  I looked ridiculous!  

And that is reason #1 I am glad I wore the suit, even for a sprint.  I am so happy I had that happen for this race rather than a big one. 
Hmmm...nice helmet placement Damie.  (I did fix it once I got on the bike after looking like a goob for a bit).

The bike was my wildcard.  It is generally something I do well, but I usually have miles to give me confidence.  I just set a goal to try to push the whole time and teach my body to feel uncomfortable again.  I don't race sprints with a computer, so I had no clue mph.  I just went by feel...  how is my cadence?  can I go harder?  catch that person up there.  is this the right gear?  I am happy to say the bike leg was better than expected overall. 

I am glad that I did choose to use race wheels, as my favorite gears sounded awful and kept skipping.  The last time this happened, it was because my chain had stretched out.  So, one more thing to fix before the next race. 
Done!  Holding my sweetie. 
The run was exactly how I thought it would be.  I ran a 23 minute something for a 5k.  I didn't expect to go faster, as I have just not put in the work to deserve to be faster.  I am definitely the type of runner that needs either lots of miles or some good speedwork.  I can run a relaxed marathon no problem, but I can't wing a fast run.  I was happy to be out there, running pain free, and doing work. 

Explaining to my family how I did in the race, since they bailed after the swim for IHOP as they assumed it would take me 3 hours.  High expectations for me, I see...  :)

It was super satisfying to see Isla after the race.  Racing is so different now- the training, the logistics, and the preparation.  I feel like I am pretty much winging everything now, and I have no room to be type A with this stuff.  I had zero warm up and 4 hours of sleep (2 x 2).  That is my new reality and it is totally fine.  The good thing is that I am just happy to be there, show up, and race.  It is all a real treat for me, and then I get to return to my little pumpkin.  
Isla clapped for the finishers, although she is not looking too impressed here. 

Joy ended up 1stOA, and I was 2ndOA.  Joy is one of my very best friends, and I look up to her as a person, an athlete, and a mother.   I really just think she is one of the very best triathletes I know, and mostly I just love racing with her.  We always have such a good time together.  When we finished, we both had a 1:08 +seconds.  (I clearly had more seconds than Joy.)

Mommy power!
As one friend pointed out, there is a bald midget on my back.  :)
This is what everyone thinks it is like as a triathlon mom:  easy times- happy kid- no big deal. 
This is what it is REALLY like as a triathlon mom!  WAAAA!!!!
And one more- WAAAAA!  Isla was so tired after waking up at 4am and NOT napping (her own choice!).  Joy and I are totally unfazed.  :)
I spent the rest of my weekend with my Turpin family.  It was so wonderful to share my daughter with them.  She was IN LOVE with her cousin Anna. 

And that is it!  I am back.  I had such a fantastic time racing- it was a wonderful Mother's Day gift.  It gave me confidence to go ahead and sign up for some more races now that I know I completely die out there on the course and no one cares if my mommy muffin top pokes out.  


Thursday, May 8, 2014


YIKES!!!!! It is here!  The first race back!

First of all, I shouldn't be blogging, I should be in bed.  When Isla sleeps, so should I.  She is still a "2 hour max" sleeper, and I should not be on the computer when I could be catching some zzzzs.  I didn't know it was possible to go 10 months without even a half of a night of sleep, but it is.  I have stopped asking for advice, reading books, and searching the internet for how to get her to sleep longer.  It seems I will sleep again when she is about 2.5 years old- she is just that child.  You have one or you don't.  Yay me.  

Besides that, she is rocking along.  We still do a lot of baby wearing, breast feeding, chasing doggies, and talking.  The very best part of my day is picking her up from daycare and having her near me again.  :)
Today we played with "Beee...sy" after work.  All of the animals are starting to let her pet them, now that she does not put the strangle hold on them. 
Sweet girl! 
Oh yea...a race.  This Saturday!  It is just a sprint, but I still waited until a day or two ago to sign up.  Why the hesitation?  Well, I am not in shape, I don't have clothes that fit, who will watch my child while I race?, I am not in shape, etc....  I just never could find consistency in the past 10 months.  Hillary graciously let me step back for a while and forgo the coaching/training partnership to just be for a while.  Our whole house was constantly sick, Dave started a new job, I thought I was going to lose mine, yada yada.  Training just wasn't happening.  So, I pushed back all of my racing and goals.  I just can't force some things on a family whose schedule has no room to budge and is chronically sleep deprived. 

But, I want to be back out there.  I finally got back on my bike outdoors and have gotten 3 rides in.  That should be enough, right?  :/  Oh geez.  It is going to be insane, but I am sure I will love every minute of it and will be thrilled to be out there, so I am getting out there and just knocking the rust off.  It will have been 2 years since I last raced.  That just sounds crazy!
But man, a HUGE thanks to my sponsors, especially Wattie.  He knows I don't really have a post-baby kit to wear this weekend and he is trying to get something to me.  It might not make it in time, but hugs to him for trying.  That is why I love the people that support me. 

(Dave also loves Herbalife 24 it seems, as evidenced by an open box and missing product, found later in his soccer bag.  That is what I get for telling him Ronaldo uses it...)

Okay- the race wheels are holding air and the helmet is packed.  I am off to bed.  Wish me luck and the ability to maybe awaken some old, extra gears deep down inside.