Sunday, July 28, 2013

New Mama Runs

After a 5ish month hiatus from running, I hit the roads this morning for the Road Race Series 5k.  I not only ran my first mile in months, I also took one more step in my transformation to mommy athlete.

My morning was a blur.  I had only 2 hours of sleep, which is the average for me the past 3 weeks so I am getting used to it.  Forget the days where I planned my morning nutrition, my morning was all about breastfeeding Isla so that she will have a good start to her day.  I was trying to find time to brush my hair/teeth, wash my face, put on deodorant (which I forgot), but it was a struggle.  I doubled up on my sports bras (I wear a large, now, where I used to wear an xs or s).  As I put on my "running clothes,"  I realized that nothing fit me anymore.  I looked horrible and was slightly very embarrassed.  Dave, super husband that he is, helped me find something to fit me (even offered from his own closet) and gently reminded me that I just had a baby.  As we drove to the race, I realized I had only shaved one leg.  Yes, things are very different with an infant in the house. 

After Dave and Isla dropped me off, I lined up in the very back of the race and fought back tears.  I thought, "maybe I am here too soon.  I just want to be at home with my baby.  Why am I walking a 5k again?  Who am I?"  On top of that, several friends and acquaintances did not recognize me as I made my way to the start- as my post-pregnancy body renders me unrecognizable, I guess.  As I stood in the back, I had to fight the urge to leave the race. 

As the race started, I tightened my core as best as I could and started off in a small jog, with all of the other walk/joggers near me.  I figured I would try to jog a little and then walk a little.  I saw a friend who is also a jogger/walker, and we congratulated ourselves on just being out there and trying to improve.  Another runner overheard us talking, and asked if I was "Damie" (the benefit to having an unusual name), and introduced herself as we had mutual friends.  She was also a brand new mom.  The "race" was starting to get a little better.
(I am the one in the men's shirt and red visor...trying to hide from the camera by running to the outside of it.  And yes, I did see the camera and tried to hide :)
Before I knew it, I had just run my first mile, not only 3.5 weeks post c-section, but also my only mile in the past 5 months.  I hadn't planned on jogging a whole mile, but I wasn't hurting and didn't want to stop once I started.  My first mile was in 10:41.  I was still okay, so I kept plodding along.  The next mile came in 10:22, and the final mile in 10:30 for an overall time of 32:58.  Since I had not planned on running even 1 mile, being able to finish 3 was an accomplishment.  It also felt much harder than any ironman I have ever done.

I finished my first 5k as a new mom.  Many, many moms have gone before me in this journey, and I honored that as I jogged beside so many women this morning.  There may be some women that are fast even after delivery, but as I ran this morning, I realized there are many, many more women like me.  I also realized that my body is pretty awesome.  It can nurture a baby.  It can run even when it hasn't run in many months.  It can recover quickly from surgery.  It is amazing.  

After the "race" I chatted with several friends (again, some of whom did not recognize me) as I waited for Dave and Isla.  It was wonderful to be reunited with my family when Dave picked me up, and as I sit here and listen to Isla make little noises as she sleeps, I think that there is no place that I would rather be.   

It is challenging to be a new mama runner.  It is not just the pure logistical challenges of leaving a breastfeeding baby when you only have 1 hour of free time before it is time to feed again, it is also the identity challenges that come with a changed body and heart.  I realize that I love running and I love my family.  It is okay that no one recognizes me, because I don't recognize myself.  I am now a mama runner, and I am different.  And it is awesome.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Keep On

We have made it 3 weeks!  It has not been easy- it is the hardest thing I have ever done in my whole life.  But like everything that takes a lot of work, it is completely worth it.  (praying helps!)
I have yet to really exercise post c-section.  My surgery has healed well and my body has recovered amazingly.  I am ready and want to be moving!  But, Dave works 12 hour days and I don't have a way to get back out there yet.  Hopefully one day Isla will actually nap and/or like the stroller and I can get started on my journey back to racing.  In the meantime, I am reminding myself daily that Isla is the priority, and everything else can wait. 
Some nights Dave gets home in time for me to walk for 30 minutes.  I have even inserted little 1-2 minute jogs when I am able to keep my core activated.  I did manage to get on the trainer one day for 20 minutes before Isla realized she was napping!  I have a long way to go to rebuild muscle and strength in my body, but it is all part of the challenge. 
In the meantime, I am training to be a mom.  I have a LONG way to go.  I spend most of the day having no clue what to do.  From breastfeeding to figuring out how to calm this girl down, it is all a challenge.  No matter how hard this time is, I am pretty sure I will look back and think of it as a special part of my life. 

Keep on keepin' on!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

2 Weeks and Growing

Whew! I never really understood why moms didn't have time to get some things done.  Well, just when you think you have 10 minutes, you really only have 30 seconds.  Life with a newborn is chaotic and wonderful!  Just when I have completely melted down, a new day comes and things  roll along.

Here are some pics from the past 2 weeks. 
I have lots of pictures of her sleeping, but don't be fooled.  This bundle of energy hardly ever naps (which means I don't sleep either!)  I think we are averaging 1 to 2 small naps a day.  I am trying to convince her that sleeping is cool and to try it more often.  ;)
But when she does sleep, man is she an angel. 
Now that I have a smart phone, I finally get to do some "selfies" with the two of us.  :)
I think this was our first real nap.  Hallelujah!!!

But most of the time we look like this...the two of us bundled up just starting or finishing feeding time.  I am a full time snack bar.  We had a really rough go at breast feeding, but I think (fingers crossed) we are on the up! 

Have a great week and make it count!
Love, Damie and Isla

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Isla Shea 7/3/13

Hi! I have a baby!!!  Which means I know you will forgive me for not answering any calls, texts, or messages this week.  I will get back to it!  I am in the new mom fog where time revolves around breast feeding and no sleep.

So, just a few quick pics to introduce Isla.  Her birth story took about 40+ hours, so I will just save that for another post.  It did not end up physically the way we had planned, hoped, and prayed for the past 9 months, but I have recovered well and Isla is beautiful.  So, onward we go. 
Happy Parents!!!!
The first day we woke up together in the hospital, and I caught a picture of it.  This is my very favorite picture of the two of us.  We were so happy to be together!
Dave is more than the amazing dad and husband I knew he would be.  I didn't know it was possible for him to exceed his already huge heart.
And Isla is sweet, beautiful, and amazing.  She is already my bestie, and we have lots of adventures planned for the future!

More posts to come- but now the baby sleeps, and so should I.