Thursday, January 31, 2013

Baby Girl

I have already posted this on facebook, but I thought I would share it on the blog as well if you missed it. 

Yesterday we had an ultrasound and were happy to see lots of organs in their correct places, 5 fingers on each hand, a developing spine and brain, etc.  :)  No problems noted on the ultrasound.  Yay!!!!  The ultrasound tech also wrote the sex of the baby down on a card for us to open later that night with our family.  Baby girl or baby boy?  I would say 95% of the guesses were for a girl.

This was all my sister's idea.  We delivered her the unopened card and she made a cake for us to "reveal" the sex of the baby at dinner.  Pink filling= girl, blue filling=boy.

 Thank you to my sister for this precious hand-made cake!  What a thoughtful idea!

Dave and I cut the cake wedding style. (and, as a funny sidenote, the photographer at our wedding did not take a single pic of Dave and I together EXCEPT for cutting the cake.  ???  seriously.  So, I am going to have to start a cake cutting picture album!  ha!)
Anticipation!  We had no clue!  and PS, I want everyone to check out my boobs.  No, I have never had them before.  They are humongous on me, and it is the first thing everyone notices.  They literally appeared overnight at around 8 weeks.  I can't wait to lose them and get my old non-existent boobs back.  
Pink filling!  It is a girl!!!!

We are very excited.  We didn't care one way or another what we were having, so we had no expectations and just a lot of happiness and fun times ahead. 
Thank you to my family for continuing to make this a special time for me.  I knew I was happy, but your enthusiasm has exceeded any expectation I might have had...if I had any.  :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Running fast (ish)

Running fast. 

That is not describing me these days.  However, I did make it to track practice tonight and ran 6 x 400 with tons of rest...hitting somewhere between 1:49--2:00 depending on the interval.  My legs just won't seem to move these days.  I think it might be because some muscles have already gone dormant, topped with a layer of fat.  (did you know it was possible to have cellulite on your arms?  oh, apparently it is.  I just made the discovery on myself.)  The good news is, running so slowly means I feel just dandy and not a bit worn out like I used to feel after track. 

Now, I am not running any prescribed pace or HR or anything at track.  I am just doing whatever my body tells me I can do for that moment.  No plan, just having fun. 
Above picture:  new grandma and pregnant lady hitting the track.  Ha ha! These are some good times ;) 

Let's just mention MAF...briefly...because it was recently brought up, and to be honest, I get questions on it all of the time.  (No, I am not running any MAF right now.  I am just RPE)  MAF does NOT equal LSD.  MAF is not slow running.  This is all complete misinformation.  If you hear people say this, stop listening immediately because they don't know what they are talking about. 

I could do a WHOLE blog just on this topic.  I swear I won't.  I can't even touch the tip of the iceberg in a post.  But just a few thoughts...

My recommendations to becoming a better runner and getting the most out of your workouts is the following:  get off of blogs, articles, slowtwitch, and podcasts and read the people that really know what they are talking about.  Read Jack Daniel's Running Formula and underline, highlight, and study the principals of running systems and speed until you truly understand it.  Read Lydiard and get an idea of how he trained champions.  Read Maffetone and really understand what he is saying about deepening your aerobic base IN ADDITION to later adding speedwork and anaerobic training.  Read all of the coaches and scientists and really try to understand the PURPOSE of each of your runs.  It is to work on your threshold?  Is it to run easy for fun?  Is it to increase your aerobic system and speed?  Is it to improve your V02max? 

Slow and easy and MAF....none of these are synonymous.  They all mean different things...sometimes they are the same, but that is not by design. If you are running slow and easy and MAF, then you ARE NOT AEROBICALLY FIT.  So, when I hear someone say that MAF makes you a slow tells me they have not ready any of Maffetone's work or truly understand the principles.  (not to mention MAF is designed to be used for a period of time, followed by interval work/speed work, etc...)  MAF is not a speed.  And yes, to reach your potential, you do need interval and speed work in addition. 

Let me repeat that, because someone will overlook it and then chew me a new one in the comments.  Yes, to maximize your running ability if you choose to use MAF at any point in your training, you do need to add a period of interval and speed work for anaerobic development. 

Now, I don't care if anyone uses MAF in their training.  It makes no difference to me.  It is a tool.  I think it is a great one.  Some people don't like HR monitors.  Some people run wonderfully on RPE.  You don't have to use MAF.  But, I do like to see athletes learn and share good knowledge with others, and I hate to see misinformation out there. 

When I start running after pregnancy, I will definitely be doing MAF for a while.  I have the discipline to do it...but then again, I know it pays off.  And I know I will also have a decreased chance of injuring myself plus an increased ability to add overall mileage safely.  Plus, I know when I spend some time using MAF, I will be faster.  It is a secret I like to keep to myself.  ;)

So that is my $.02...for what it is worth.  But like I said....get off of amateur athlete blogs and such and go read some really good books!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Little Updates

Yikes!  No real updates because nothing new!
  • Working is keeping me unreal busy.  I am trying to work a ton to buffer the months off I will have coming up.  It is a little scary, though, and it seems like we will never have enough money to make it through that time. (I don't get any PTO or maternity leave).  So, the challenge for me right now is to work a good amount without over doing it.  I try to replace my fears with gratitude, and thank the universe for giving my family the ability to take care of ourselves. 
  • On a great work note, I did help someone walk yesterday for the first time in years.  She has Parkinsons, and no one had the patience to take their time with her.  After she took her first, amazing steps, she thanked me and cried for taking the time to really help her.  And that is why I love my job.  
  • When I ran yesterday, I had the funniest experience that really made me giggle.  I was running downhill and didn't really realize it.  I felt like I was flying!  Then, I got to the flat road at the bottom and it was like getting hit by a truck.  I could hardly move!!!!  It was soooo funny, and I really understood physics at that moment and how weight affects running!
  • Alton is doing fine, I think.  I went to see him this week but wasn't able to get him out of the kennel :(  Otherwise, I am not getting much information on him, but I think everything is stable and hopefully will be okay.  I will get some pics and updates asap.  
And that is it for now!  I hate just posting little lists, but I feel so boring these days!

18 weeks.... xo

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Plodding On

This week everything seemed to get a little bit back on track.  I started going to Master's swim class last week, and I stuck with it this week.  Success!  My arms are like little, muscle-less, noodles that try to quit around 1,000 yards, but I just keep telling myself to stay in there and try to build up some endurance again.  It is so odd how 4,000 yards was no big deal, but now.... whoo!  But, okay.  I am getting up early and getting to swim, and that my friends is progress! 3 x swim this week.
Running has been just so- so for me this week.  I was able to get in 2 short "runs" in. 

I have decided that if I am going to be inconsistent and slow, I might as well join in with friends for some social time.  So, this week I added the Breakaway Thurs night beer run to my schedule.  I only do the 3.5 mile loop, and I am almost the very, very last runner to finish.

Dave did it with me this week (bless him) and he did not leave my side, even though we were last and the rest of the group was completely out of sight.  At one point I told him to go on, and he said he didn't want to leave me because it was dangerous.  I thought...huh?  There are plenty of people around, I am fine!  Then I looked around and realized I was last!  Ha ha!!!  Shark bait!!!

The funniest part of it all to me was when I looked at the runners around me and thought they were all just plodding along and going SO SLOW.  I mean, everyone looked like they were shuffling!  Then, I realized I was right there with them!  I might feel like I am moving, but I am not.  It was hilarious and humbling at the same time.  I am definitely learning to just have fun with it and just be out there. 

Run #3 for the week got cancelled as I am now stuck in bed with a really, really bad cold.  And no medicine.  This stinks.  
And this is completely random, but I always thought bags like Vera Bradley were...well, I am not going to say ugly...but just not my thing.  Do I look like a cute little purse-carrying girl?  I think not.  But, I keep getting them as gifts, and now I have justified them as functional.  I had some store credit to Vera Bradley yesterday and thought I would go ahead and spend it.  I came home with a blue/green bag, thinking I didn't have anything like that and I would use it.  Hmmmm.  Then I came home and found another blue/green quilt bag already in my closet.  Looks like I need to do some closet cleaning sometime soon.  How in the heck did I end up with 3 quilt bags?  Am I getting older?  And why am I so unorganized?  This picture is now forcing me to answer a lot of questions. 
Last night I got to hang out with my local soccer crew- some of the best girls in the world for our friend Marissa's bachelorette party.  I feel like I have several sets of friends, and these are my most consistent, most likely to party, never taking life too seriously-yet taking their friendships very seriously girlfriend group.  All of my soccer friends from every phase of life are like this- the best!  And this picture kind of explains it. 

Ah, so week #17 is here.  Time is flying by.  The focus is on work, save, work, save, and get my butt moving on most days. 

Thanks for reading!

Friday, January 18, 2013

I DID it!!!!

I feel like I just won a race today! After spending the entire morning with other volunteers and trying to coordinate efforts to rescue "Alton," I was abandoned by myself with plans that fell through to get a trap set for him...and no dog. 

I was left with a feeling that I have had many times before:  rescuer stress.  It is hard to help animals in need.  How are we going to catch them if they are fearful?  Where will they go for a home?  Who will pay?  Where did everyone go?

Just as I was driving home, it was just MEANT TO BE that I rescue Alton.  He was crossing a major street to the Kentucky Fried Chicken.  I pulled into the parking lot and saw him eating out of the trash.  Although the sweet baby had run from every rescuer this morning, he came to me gently for food.  Maybe he remembered that I was pretty kind yesterday...

Getting him to the car was interesting.  I had several people stop to talk to me as I was WAY out of place in the hood.  One guy asked for my phone number.  I responded that he "was crazy," but in a nice way that said "no chance in hell, but you are funny."  Another asked if he could buy the dog a chicken dinner!  ;)  Don't tell Dave these stories.  I was not supposed to be there by myself.  But remember, everyone bailed on me, so it wasn't my fault!
I was able to get my leash on him, and after using the good old Hansel and Gretel trick, I lured Alton to my car with a trail of food.  I was so pumped!  VICTORY!!!
We arrived at the vet's office, and of course he has major wounds and sores.  He is skin and bones with no hair.  His eyes are full of yellow puss, and who knows what is going on with his ears. 
But, the little guy is safe now!
And, while he is scared and might not look so handsome now, there is a great dog under there just needing some love and care.  By the end of the day, he was eating out of my hand. 

Thank you for all of the prayers and well wishes.  Alton is safe at Northgate Animal Hospital and will be a part of Dogs2ndChance rescue group.  Alton will be in their good care, and I told him I will come and visit him while he is at the vet.  He could always use a little help with his healthcare, so if you want to pay for his shots or some other need he has, feel free to call Northgate at (901)358-9111 and just donate in Alton's name.  Or, you could donate straight to Dogs2ndChance.  

Or, better yet, follow his story and maybe you want to adopt him from Dogs2ndChance down the road?  

Ah, but anyways.  I am so glad I could help.  It feels so good when something like this is successful...the best feeling in the world to help.  And, Baby Roberts just had his/her first rescue experience! 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

New Rescue Prayer

I am up to my old tricks again.  For some reason, when I walk in this world, my eyes and soul find the hurt creatures.  I am looking for them, even when I am not looking for them.  

Today, this guy was about 300 yards away from a patient's home in a field in a bad neighborhood.  I thought I saw some ribs showing in the sunlight, and I got some food out of my car to take to him.
Ribs was an understatement.  He is the most neglected dog I have ever found.  I brought him some food and watched him eat.  I had no way of getting him to my car, as he was too scared to be near me.  I can't imagine he has had someone love him in a long time.
I feel so lucky that with a few emails, I have had several responses from rescuers to help me get this guy to safety.  (This is not always the case, as Memphis has so many abused and neglected animals, the rescues just can't help everyone.  Our local shelter euthanizes over 1,000 animals a month.) A neighbor told me he has been living in an abandoned house, and I just hope he is there tomorrow and pray that we can find him and help him. 

So, wish me luck and prayers that I can get this guy to safety tomorrow. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunset Running

It is almost 4 am, and I have been on the couch with the dogs for a few hours.  I have decided they have masterfully manipulated me over time.  For years, Rooney and Cayenne just slept through storms.  A while back, there was a really bad storm that had them both a little worked up, so I spent the night comforting them.  Cayenne started "acting scared" of storms after that.  Now, when a little storm comes our way, she cries at the bedroom door and paces the house until someone (me) comes and calms her.  Rooney decided he might as well join in on this too. 

So, if they are so scared of storms, why do their tails wag when I get out of bed for them? Why do they immediately jump on the couch and wait for me, snuggle up (and by that I mean sleep on top of me), and snore away?  I am telling you, I have been duped.  But now it is a routine, and there is no foreseeable way out of it.

Funny... Dave is sound asleep in the bed.  This must be a foreshadowing of things to come....

On Friday evening I did a short and easy jog plod.  I was watching the sunset and just moving along in the best way I could.  At some point it occurred to me that our years in life fit together like pieces of a puzzle if we look back and reflect on them.

I was running with zero knee pain.  It just hit me in the middle of the run that I was pain free in 2011 and 2012.  I started to see the pieces of the puzzle fit together before me.  2006-2008 I transitioned to triathlon to try to rehab for soccer.  I never did rehab for soccer, and I ran with pain daily, but I came to love triathlon.  2009 I could not take the pain anymore, and after 5 years of struggling with my knee injury and a gazillion consults with the doctors, I finally had knee surgery.  2010 was my year of rehabbing my knee and the beginning of running as I know it know.  It all fit.  The years all had a purpose. 

Which brought me back to 2011-2012.  The first years of pain-free running I had felt in many, many seasons of athletics. 

And 2013 on a beautiful sunset evening?  More pain-free running. 

I saw how the years overlapped, developed, and evolved.  Little and big set backs are really keys to opening other doors.

It hit me that I have only had 2 years of healthy running.  What if I get to have 5!  What kinds of things could I do and accomplish?  What about 10...or 20 years of running?  How many more wonderful years of racing do I have ahead of me?  I will never know until they happen, but there is a chance for more!

I was so grateful for the beautiful evening run, jog, plod.  I am thankful for health and movement.  And I am especially glad that when one door closes, many others seem to open. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Weighty Issues

Weight has become a constant topic during pregnancy, whether I like it or not.  It is usually because someone thinks I am not showing at all or I am gaining too much weight.  I actually hear the latter more often. 

Like most women, I sometimes feel the pressure to weigh less.  To have less fat.  To look more like an elite athlete.  To judge my success on how fit I look when I race.  I feel this pressure, but I am usually stronger.  (but not always...I fail too). I attribute my ability to not always play the "weight game" on my years as a soccer player.  Wear a baggy uniform your whole life and get tackled by women 20-30 pounds heavier than you, and you won't really care much about losing weight either.  It was NEVER made a priority by my coaches or peers.  Thank goodness for that.  

Plus, I just try to stay out of the media and into health, spiritual, intuitive knowledge which allows me to let go of the pressure. I KNOW better than to fall into the "weight" trap.  I don't own a scale.  I don't weigh myself constantly.  But, if I am not careful, the trap will be waiting around the corner for me, and I sometimes stumble. After all, we are bombarded with messages about weight constantly, and we race with our butts hanging out of bathing suits.

My friends know that when women constantly worry about weight, it bugs me.  When I worry about weight, I bug myself!!!!  I just don't think talking about it frequently is worth what brain cells I have left.  And honestly, who complains about their weight?  Skinny people, right?  And that bugs me too because I think it is insulting to people that really do struggle with weight.  Moving on....

So on to that first trimester of pregnancy..

If you do a little reading, most books and articles suggest that you don't need to gain a single pound your first trimester.  The baby doesn't weigh a thing and nothing has really developed that involves mass.  So, within the first trimester, I was already faced with this "idea" that I shouldn't gain any weight.  Plus, I had many friends that LOST weight their first trimester, skinny bisatches that they are. 

Also, as an athlete, I thought I would just keep my normal body for many months until a little baby started poking out.  Don't ask me where I got this notion.  Maybe it is because many of my friends did not show until 6 months?  Because you see cute little pregnant women racing and you can hardly tell? Maybe it is because my mom only gained 14 pounds with me, and I thought I would be a small gainer.

Well, well.  Here is the reality for me!  And since talking to friends about this, I have found that many of them had very similar stories. 
  • Bloating and constipation early on.  Feeling a little chubby?  Yep, happened to me by 5-6 weeks.  Could not go to the bathroom.  Started looking swollen all over. 
  • Vegetable aversion? For real? As in I will puke if I even smell them? What am I supposed to eat?  Oh, bread?  That is all I can eat?  And starchy things sit well?  And I must eat a ton of it because I am constantly hungry, yet nauseous, and if I don't eat I will get even sicker?  (and to this day, I cannot eat kale, one of my FAVE veggies...because I smelled it during those first few weeks)
  • Huge boobs!  I swear I gained 2 pounds per boob easily.  And, I thought it would look sexy to finally have a pair, but honestly it just looks gross. 
  • Oh yes, and can't exercise.  Don't forget that!
So, all of a sudden I:  had to eat frequently, eat only carby food, sleep half of my day away, no exercise and lots of nausea, while not being able to go to the bathroom, with massive bloating, and huge boobs. 

That does NOT sound like the cute little pregnant athlete I thought I was supposed to be!!!!  I look like a marshmellow!

Oh, and then I start going to the doctor and guess who is gaining weight in their first trimester?   BAD PREGNANY LADY!!!  PUT THE FORK DOWN- is what all of the articles and forums say. 

So, much like the guilt I felt when I couldn't exercise, I felt GUILTY when I wasn't eating healthy, but didn't know how to force it.  I felt GUILTY that I was gaining weight.  

To top it off, PEOPLE- STRANGERS-MEN!- ANYONE WITH A MOUTH (So it seemed)- told me I was "too big" for my first trimester.  That I was "showing too fast."  I remember the day one of my patients (150 pounds overweight, mind you) told me that I was too big to be 4 months and that I better start watching me weight.  I went to my car and *almost* cried, but then I got pissed and wondered why people pick on each other for weight?  I exercise and eat healthier x 100 that any of the people that were making comments.  I toughened up, turned on my selective hearing, and am happy as a little pregnant girl can be!

I also spoke with my doctor who was HAPPY I was gaining weight first trimester.  He was THRILLED he didn't have to deal with an athlete that had "mommyrexia" that only focused on staying thin during pregnancy.  He knows my athletic history from all of the way back in high school, and he thought it was just fine that I was gaining weight. 

Because the truth of it is, and read this x 1000000 if you are pregnant or getting pregnant.  The principles are simple.  They aren't easy, but they are simple.
  • Eat as well as you can.  Lots of veggies and healthy fresh foods.  And if you can't, you can't.  Do your best, and get back to it when you can.
  • Exercise regularly when you can.  When you can't, rest and be peaceful!
For me, it was a SOLID 3 months before I could really exercise again and eat more veggies.  Have I gained weight?  You BET I have.  I will give you a number next week when I go to the doctor.  I will write them all down- I am not ashamed!  It is much more than any of my friends. 

And here is another truth.

If you are an athlete and exercised/trained a lot before pregnancy, you probably WILL gain more than you thought- not only because you may have started out super lean, but also because your exercise will be so dramatically reduced, your body is forced to respond. 

Now, there is the other side to this coin.  Some women cannot eat.  Some women puke the whole first trimester.  Some women are just fine exercising.  They may be the women that lose weight during the first trimester.  Both sides are okay as long as everyone is healthy.  You just cannot predict how your body is going to respond.

Here are my reading/listening recommendations for some fun, smiles, and truths about pregnant athletes:

5 things every runner should know before getting knocked-up
I laughed at this one, especially how she thought she would look as a pregnant runner, and how she really looked.  She nailed it!

Jen and Liz Podcast
I haven't listened yet, but I am going to go out on a limb and say that this is probably awesome.  It is not a far stretch to think it will be :)

Gaining weight in runners
This was one of the first posts I read that helped me get in tune with the connection between weight gain and athletes. 

So, again, I hope this will just be one of those archived-type posts that helps someone in the future if they face similar symptoms and circumstances as I have during that first trimester. 

And PS- not only did I wake up an go to Masters' swim yesterday for the first time in 7 months, I also went to track practice for the first time 6 months.  HOLLA!!!!  That blistering 8 min mile pace was enough to put me DFL and I didn't care!!! I was so pumped to be out there!!!!


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Good Week :)

Ah yes.  15 weeks and feeling soooo much better.  After so many months of hardly any exercise, today was an easy 7 mile trail jog with 3 girls and 4 dogs.  ;)  My legs were incredibly happy to be moving, and I am satisfied.
 Of course Roo was so happy and thankful.  There is nothing like running the trails with your dog.
I spent the past 4 days in Austin, Texas, visiting my great aunt and uncle and spending time with my aunt, uncle, and cousin.  It was a spur of the moment trip.  A seat opened up for the ride down, and I invited myself:)  I keep trying to take opportunities to spend time with those I love before the opportunities no longer exist.

Unfortunately I didn't remember to get a SINGLE picture with my family.  Unbelievable since I am always the master at remembering to take pictures. 
I did get to meet up with some friends while in Austin.  Sweet Maggi Finley and her 3 girls made time to meet me for coffee so we could catch up.  She is doing as fabulous as always. 
I also met up with some long time college friends, Kekoa and Amy, and their toddler Kailani.  Amy is also pregnant with their second child, so instead of drinking beers and hitting the town like we would have done in the past, the three of us sat at the house and ate salads while talking babies.  Boy we are getting older.
Texas boots?  Maybe?  No.  The price tags averaged $400, with some boots priced at $1400.  But, they were pretty to look at!
And, nothing like my 15 year old cousin showing me how to put Mentos in Coke to round out my education for the week.

Okay, back on topic for next week.  Happy weekend!!!!!  :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

1st Trimester- Training?

I have deliberated with myself (which never seems very effective) whether or not to blog during pregnancy.  I finally caved in- not because I think the majority of anyone who reads this cares about this particular subject- but for the random reader that would benefit from stumbling upon this page during their pregnancy.

The first trimester can be pretty isolating if you have not told anyone you are pregnant.  And, if you are like me, if can also be pretty isolating if your pregnancy doesn't even slightly seem to resemble the journeys of your friends or other bloggers.

So, I am going to touch on a couple of subjects that really stood out to me for the first part of the pregnancy as an athlete- the first post being training and the second weight.  I hope they are helpful to anyone that might need them, and they are written specifically for that woman that does have some trouble with the 1st trimester.  Fortunately I have not really suffered from horror-mones (yet) that make me snappy and freak out, but you never know when they are going to kick in, so beware and go easy on the advice if you choose to comment--- and don't make me disable comments in a fit of pregnancy rage.  I am already getting more unsolicited advice than you can imagine.  (or you can, if you have been pregnant.  I have a feeling this happens to everyone.)  :)

Training in the 1st trimester.

What training?

Early on, I thought I would just stay incredibly fit through pregnancy.  Why not? I have a big athletic background, I train a lot, and I love it.  Why would this be different?  

Then, I have all of these friends that were running FAST during pregnancy.  They were riding LONG!  They were winning races!  No one could even tell they were pregnant.  They were training like champs and upping their aerobic capacity and really taking advantage of all of those good pregnancy benefits.  Plus, pregnancy didn't slow any of my friends down!  Even if they were puking, they were puking through morning sickness then running 10 miles.  Rock on!

Of course that would be me too.  I would race and train and just kick butt with life until I got too big (at week 38) to move.  Right?  I was motivated!  I have goals for 2013...2014.  No time to stop now!

And the reality for me looked quite different.

2 months off with that dern walking pneumonia, and I was in piss-poor shape.  That is the longest time I have been inactive since my 2005 soccer injury, and even then I was allowed to swim and lift.  By the time I got pregnant, I was chomping at the bit to train.  Not only that, but I was determined not to let any more time go by without working towards fitness.

Week 1-4:  Still sitting out.  

By week 5: Start with some easy and short efforts.  I could hardly breath.  Ask Kari about our 10 minute per mile run...for 3 miles.  My poor friend had to do all of the talking, with the exception of my little snarks and lectures while I huffed and puffed.  But, I was determined to get back to routine...a little running every day if I could.  It will only get better I said!  Pretty soon I will be reaping all of these training through pregnancy benefits!

By week 6-7: I felt like crap 24 hours a day.  Nausea, constipation, and fatigue.  ALL. DAY. LONG.  It was all I could do wake up in the morning in time to get to work.  Forget a morning workout.  And....forget and evening workout.  I was bloated, sick, and tired. My joints also hurt...BADLY.  I didn't realize it at the time, but it was progesterone surging.  I felt injured when I attempted to run.

Week 8-10:  More of the same.  My focus had become making it through my workday.  Not only was I now not getting back in shape, I was getting even more out of shape.  Sometimes I could jog 20-30 minutes at an 11 minute pace if I was lucky.  Most days I could only barely make it through work before ending up on the couch for the rest of the night.  I attempted to swim and ride the trainer, but the positions made me nauseous, so they were no longer and option for me.  It was run if I could, or do nothing that day.  90% of the time it was do nothing.

Week 11-12:  Guilt.  Shame.  Embarrassment.  I was no longer an athlete.  All of my friends did AWESOME.  Why was I such a failure?  My muscle was gone.  I was running an 11 minute pace for 2 miles.  WTF!  I hated my bike.  (NEVER happens).  I was a LOSER.  People were still racing at this time in their pregnancy, and I couldn't even be a recreational weekend warrior.  LOSER.  Actually, a very lonely LOSER, since no one even knew what was going on.

Week 13-14:  Oh....hmmmm.  Not sick 24 hours a day now?  Bike trainer doesn't make me sick?  Swimming doesn't make me sick?  I can exercise again?  Still fatigued, but not dying through the day?  Halleluja!  Starting to feel better on most days. 

I knew my friends and other athletes had been fast, barely pregnant triathletes.  What in the world went wrong with me?  How could I have gone 3 months with no exercise!

Early on, I watched a webinar with Gordo and Monica on her training through pregnancy tips.  I am linking it here in case it is helpful to you.  But for me, I just wanted to ball up and cry when I listened to it.  She was averaging 3 hours a day of training and a log book that boasted "no zeros" during her pregnancy.  I had more zeros than not, and I found that I just could not train like I had hoped.  It was demoralizing.  I am a huge believer in "no zeros," so to not be able to fulfill this ideal was a huge hit to the athlete ego. 

The best thing I did was get OFF of the internet.  I got off of the blogs.  I love my friends, but I had to make my own way.  I stopped reading articles from professional/elite/AG women that maintained a good amount of speed and racing during pregnancy.  It didn't resemble my experience, so I found it to be more stressful than helpful.

What was helpful, and what do I recommend if you are struggling to train/exercise in 1st trimester?

-Practice the art of letting go.  Think positively.  Love yourself.
-Know that not everyone flies through this time.  There are others of us that struggle to stay fit.  
-Give permission to do your best to be healthy throughout pregnancy, which looks different from the goal of training throughout pregnancy.
-Give yourself permission to walk.  Extend your workout time by walking every few minutes of your run.
-If you are struggling with speed, take your dogs with you and just enjoy quality time outdoors with no garmin and no pace. 
-Use your time of fatigue and sickness to spend more time at home with your husband, snuggled up and talking.  I know Dave was appreciative to have me home more after all of these years of dedicated training.
-Keep priorities in order.  Spiritual health. Physical health.  Family.  Maintaining job/employment.  Suddenly worrying about being super fit-athlete-pregnant mom doesn't seem like such an important goal when you put it in perspective.
-Remember that everyone is very different.  Some people don't get sick at all.  There are also varying degrees of sickness.  Just do the best with what you have.
-And if you can't get up in the morning to train because you are requiring 12 hours of sleep to just function at work, be okay with it.  You are not lazy.  This is a small part in our lives, so sleep in while you can!

I have absolutely no solution for nausea.  You are on your own for that one!  ;)

Hope this helps.  I wish I had known more athletes that struggled to exercise during first trimester, so if you need some support or tips, feel free to facebook me.

Next post- Weight gain in the 1st trimester...not what I expected as an athlete....

Cheers!  xo