Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Crosswinds Race Report

I have had so many ideas for blogging today, including why being a nag can work in your favor, and how the athlete I am today is a direct result of every moment spent playing soccer. Fortunately for you, I will just blog about my first bike race...but don't worry, the other posts will shortly follow :)
Crosswinds Classic

I think I have a lot of misplaced fear. I will walk up to big guys in the hood and their pit bulls and lecture them on taking better care of their dogs while snuggling up to the puppies. I don't even think my HR elevates. Yet I sign up for a simple bike race and I feel completely stressed and intimidated.

I wanted to withdraw from the race almost right after I signed up. Lack of fitness, haven't ridden the road bike in years, didn't want to embarrass myself, etc. No one would let me pull out (thank you friends!), and I drove up to the race solo.

Once I warmed up on Big Blue (the good old friend that he is), I was fine. Although I was panicking with complete discomfort the day before, the moment I started warming up before the race I was fine.
I had so may sweet friends help me calm down and encourage me, including Tim (above) and Curt. Both guys made it to the start line and just reminded me to ride like I did with the guys. Curt also gave me some great advice as I rolled out....he said, "Damie, turn off your head."

Off I rolled with the small Cat 4 field as a solo rider. It was a very small field of inexperienced riders, so I fit right in. Charlie and others had told me to try to do as little work as possible, as they felt the teams would try to isolate me and force me and my enthusiasm to pull too much. I did exactly what they said- I worked a little when it was fair, and when the other teams weren't doing their share, I didn't either. I honestly felt great the whole time.

I would recap the whole race, but most of you have done a road race and probably already know that 1. the ride is way too slow at some points, 2. tactics, especially with teams play a huge role, and 3. when you finish the race, you can always think of something you would have done differently.

I finished 2nd in the Cat4 race...happy with winning the sprint at the end with the group, but very frustrated I hadn't been competing for 1st place (as the girl had rolled off of the front on accident and the rest of us idiots sat back there and argued over who would do some work). I am sure that this race was slower and less tactical than most races as it was a small field and only contained cat4. It will be interesting to try to ride with the big dogs at a race and see how differently the experienced girls ride. I have a lot to learn.

The great news is....I am fit. Not ironman fit, yet, but in a good place coming out of the winter. This was only my 2nd ride or so on the road in 2 months, and it felt like I have been out there all winter. I was ready for every surge, pace line, sprint, etc.

Overall, I had an absolute blast. The girls in the group were all friendly and a lot of fun. Once we started riding, the intimidation was gone and it turned into a great ride. It was such a positive first experience that I will definitely do one again. Thank you to the girls at the race for including me in a great day, and thank you to my friends that forced/encouraged me to get the start line: Dave, Lucho, Tim, Curt, Alyson, Charlie, Joy.

Sunday we had a mini-party for Dave's birthday. We are exactly one month apart, so I get to date an older man for the next few weeks. :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Just Have Fun!

That is what Mardi Gras is all about...just having fun. All ages- all walks of life. Here are the second set of pictures, from Fat Tuesday. There are a lot...browse and enjoy. Hopefully this gives everyone a taste of this great city during Mardi Gras.

And...the road race went well. 2nd in Cat 4. My fitness is good....my bike "strategery" not so good. Race report to come next post.

My Mardi Gras outfit

My mother-in-law to the right of me as we walk down Chartres. I LOVE this picture!

Bees getting ready to head to the French Quarter

The husbands were the Birds as part of our "Birds and the Bees" outfits.

The 5 Queen Bees:)
Our Birds and Bees group had a dance to the song that we performed for people. Seriously.

Our balcony view from the Budlight party

Dancing with some of the Zulu Krewe

I am not sure what she was, but it is cute.

Don't forget the "Jesus" people- an integral part of Mardi Gras. I think Jesus likes Mardi Gras because everyone is so happy.

Damie and Dave on the balcony

Now this guy was drunk...

Birds and Bees walking down the street

That would be hard to do all day...

And she had the audacity to act shocked when I asked to take her picture. Really?

That is real hair, people. And this life guard needs a shave. Ewww!!!!!
Creative cemetery costume.

My favorite banner of the day. Good catholic joke.

Mardi Gras can be as simple as wearing a mask.

Or as elaborate as the gay men at the costume contest.

There are always lots of walking parades at Mardi Gras.

A simple, but fun "sheep" costume.

This is one way to get around the French Quarter in your wheelchair- have someone pedal you around!

More parading...

Lots of color...just wear whatever is fun!


Cute cyclist

Super cute older woman- see....you can be any age and just dress up for fun!

Now that could poke your eye out.

We had a dance off with this group of baton twirlers. I am proud to say the Birds and the Bees won.

Now sure what this was...


You can even bring your kid in a costume. It is just a fun day for everyone.

The Skeleton Krewe

A group of Elvii

My first boob of the day

Ms. Marty Bee-Tebowing

Mother-In-Law enjoying the day

There were many, many plays on the Concordia fiasco. This is one of the better ones...

A good alligator group costume

One of my favorites of the day- the front reads "the gutter girls" and the back reads "show us your balls." Outstanding!!!! I would have loved to see my granny in something like that.

I LOVED this guys costume. And in my hand is a red bull and vodka DAIQUIRI. I kid you not. It was soooooo gooooood!!!!!

Getting down on Bourbon...with random people. It was fun!

Dave and I have been going to Mardi Gras together since we were 18. I would always stay at his house during our college Mardi Gras adventures, even before we dated. We have lots of good memories. :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Cycling Pickle

This weekend I am going to enter my first cycling road race. Please let me going ahead an list all of my excuses ahead of time. I feel in over my head.

1. I am not prepared. And I mean that. I haven't gone on a single Peddler/Trinity/fast ride in a year. Whoa buddy. I am not ready for zone 7. All the cycling chicks have been gearing up for their spring speed. I have been trying to get consistent at actually getting on my bike.

2. I haven't ridden my road bike in over a year. This is a problem. I just realized my tires are rotted, the pedals won't keep my cleats secure, and well....the bike doesn't fit me. Oh yes. I forgot. That is why I stopped riding it in the first place!!! I would give anything to be getting out there on my Slice.

3. Shoot, come to think of it, I haven't ridden on the road except 1 time in the past 2 months! Ahhhh!!!!!!

4. I am still tired/hungover from Mardi Gras.

I signed up for this as a kind of whimsical-spur of a moment thing. I have always thought I would NOT like road racing. I haven't liked the attitude (or perceived attitude) of local road racers. It seems so full of ego, with every moment a competition with another person. It is not the type of energy I like to bring into my life.

But on the web, our little crew of blogger triathletes make road racing sound fun. Just look at Ann-Marie....she makes it seem like a blast. Maybe I just need to give it a try and stop being so judgmental!

I saw this little 26 mile race and thought it looked low-key. Hey! Why not just go do it and see if you enjoy the scene? Come in last...get dropped....suffer...whatever. No expectations. I haven't been training for this. I don't ride road bikes. I can't remember the last time I hit zone 4 or 5 on the bike.

I thought it would be easy to just go and do this. After all, I can ride a bike. But, now that I realized I am uncomfortable on my bike and have had no practice, I am not so sure this was such a cute little idea.

Of course every roadie in Memphis is now doing the race, and I feel a little intimidated. It is not that I can't ride a bike. I have very nice bike splits in my triathlons. I can hang with some big rides. I am in pretty good shape considering my lack of specific work. I put in a lot of bike miles last year.

But, I am still intimidated. I am showing up on my big aluminum bike that does not fit...with rusty parts and really heavy stock wheels and tires. Oh, and I have 3 big rings...granny gears!!! Ha ha!!! Plus, I just haven't done the specific work to road race. I am uncomfortable on my bike. I am just not ready for this. (and yes, my TT bike feels and fits WAYYYYY differently than my road bike. There is a reason I bought it! it is like night and day. Everyone loves their road bike. Not me....there's my sign.)

What if people aren't friendly? What if the atmosphere is just not fun for beginners/out of shape triathletes/riders that want to chillax?

It might end up like my first mountain bike race. I chose it as my first race post surgery, and I had only ridden the bike 2 times. I was pretty much the last person to finish, and I had every grandpa in their basketball shorts passing me and telling me "good job. Hang in there sweetie!" I wonder if Saturday is going to be more of the same.

But, I am going to do it anyways. I wish I would have prepared. I wish I would have even just ridden my road bike 1 time before today. Too late! I am getting my butt out there and trying this stuff out. If I am going to come in last, I am going to make a workout out of it. No matter what happens on the road, I still have a brick run to do afterwards where I can redeem myself. And, if you are racing, don't expect me to help a single bit. My a$$ isn't pulling you around when I can probably hardly pull myself around.

Back to reality...back to training...back to racing. As opposed to this past week/weekend, which was far removed from reality.
Sunday- Bacchus

Heading to Bacchus. Behold the sweater- not appropriate for Mardi Gras. Who covers up? There is actually a fun, see-though meshy costume under there, but the one week of winter in New Orleans visited over Mardi Gras.

Kind of an inside family joke...drinking out of a Kevin cup.

Good times with the cops. I remember explaining to one of them that while I was certainly drunk in public, I was not being belligerent so it didn't count.

Monday- Orpheus

Dave, John, and Brett...all Spring Hill kiddos. Brett was the King of Oak this year (seriously. That cracked me up to learn that). And, he sports the Cajun Reeboks well.

Getting hooked up with a great crawfish boil.

Yum!!!!!! Just a normal occurrence in the Big Easy.

Finishing it off at the Creole Creamery. I got King Cake Dough and Dave got Black and Gold Crunch. You just can't find places like this in Memphis. So much for ironman training. :)

Part 2 of the Mardi Gras pictures and adventures to come next post. Until then, wish me luck and say a couple of serenity prayers for me:))))))